Chapter 21:Hero Costume

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3rd Person POV

All Might stride inside the classroom in his Silver Age costume with his herioc aura and smile.....beaming with pride. The students in excitement continues to gush about him but (Y/N) didn't show any slight interest as she look at the board with an aloof expression.

'I almost forgot about my salmon yesterday....good thing Mrs.Bakugo put in their fridge.....but it will be a waste if I leave it in my locker ...hmm.....maybe I could ask Lunch Rush if I could put it in the cafeteria fridge....would that mean that I have to pay since I was using a school equipment but then again my tuition fee will make up for it.....,'(Y/N) began to she spaced out completely aware that someone was staring at her ,but she decided not to look at who it is since she was still thinking about the salmon that she can eat tonight.

'An all you can eat salmon buffet~,'she almost drooled but smoothly wiped it using her right hand making sure no one notices.

Unfortunately for her ,this action was seen by a certain heterochromia eyed male who pulled out a small black notebook and jolted down some notes of what he had currently observed.

"Combat Training!,"those words caught (Y/N)'s attention as she listened carefully to the no.1 hero regarding the said activity.

"Combat!,"Bakugo bellowed out of excitement while Midoriya was the complete opposite of him as he was meekly repeating the hero's words in fear .


"And to go with that, are these!,"the walls suddenly slide forward and revealed many brief cases that was neatly aligned next to each other with a green neon colored numbers printed on top of the case.

"Costumes made base on your quirk registrations and requests that you have sent before the school started,take this costumes and after you are all done changing gather around in Ground Beta!,"All Might instructed as some students happily answered with a series of "Yes,sir" or an "Okay".

Not moving in her seat (Y/N) decided to wait until everyone got there cases before getting hers.Standing up from her seat she gently took out her brief case from the bottom half of the panels and strode inside one of the stalls in the comfort room.Grazing her fingers in the hatch,she unlock the case and looks at her hero costume with a soft look in her eyes as it reminded her of her hero.

(Lifeline:I hope you don't mind wearing the costume that was in the picture above cuz I actually sketched please bear with me...if it sucks I'm sorry(。ŏ﹏ŏ) )

Trailing her hands on the fabric she tapped the titanium metal on the breast plate and hummed in satisfaction.Swiftly she removed her clothes and wore her costume that made her felt secured as the dyneema fabric hugged her body perfectly.(Y/N) had specifically chose this fabric since she knew that it was touted as the world's strongest, lightest fiber that is 15 times stronger than steel and is capable of floating in the water.This particular fabric can also be used as a moor oil rig and a bullet proof material.

Tugging her black cloak which was made out of polyester she continued to inspect her clothes and test out her sabaton or what was commonly known as knight boots, that is a fire resistant,slip-resistant and most all has a cold insulation in it making it more valuable.Silently she reach down her hands on her skirt pockets that was neatly folded next to her briefcase ,and pulled out a three cubic boxes that the (L/N) company made and prick her finger with a small swiss knife that she always carried ,which drawn out a gracious amount of blood , marking the cubic boxes her property since it has an owner recognition system programmed in it.....After a few seconds a small silver light began to sip out of the boxes and the boxes started to change into a longsword and a bow with arrows attached to it.

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