Track 18. | Sledgehammer

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"I want to be your sledgehammer
Why don't you call my name
You'd better call the sledgehammer
Put your mind at rest
I'm going to be-the sledgehammer"

Song: Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel.

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"So after this we're going back to the strip club?" Niall says as we all sit in a booth waiting for Harry to come back from handing over the duffle bag to someone in the back.

"We could all go back to the RV and then sneak out to keep Mr cranky pants happy" I suggest taking a sip of my vodka cranberry with a smirk.

Niall's eyes light up and Stevie nods quickly in agreement.

"So lads what do ye say? Sneak out to a strip club?" Niall says turning to Louis Zayn Jesse and Liam with hopeful eyes.

They all look each other and shrug their shoulders "sure why the fuck not" Liam says drinking the last of his drink.

Niall cheers and claps his hands hugging Louis and Liam into his sides happily.

We all wipe the smiles off our faces as Harry walks back towards the booth looking moody as ever.

"C'mon it's done, we can go back now" harry says looking at us all trying to cover up our smiles.

We all stand up nodding at him and hurry out to the car before he can question us about what's going on.

Harry drives us back to the RV none of us speaking the whole drive as Niall would blab about our plan if he did speak.

"You joining the RV party H?" Liam smiles as we all head into the RV.

Harry glares at him like he's nuts "no, I'm sleeping" Harry says before walking to the bathroom.

We all scurry to the living room space me and Stevie linking arms with Niall as we run giggling.

"Okay, once we know smirky is out for the count we then leave" I say whispering to them all as they listen carefully to me.

"How about some pre drinks?" Stevie says holding up a bottle of vodka and tequila dancing over to us happily.

"Now we're talking!" Niall shouts grabbing the vodka off her and poring some into shot glasses left from last night on the coffee table.

"Chicago!" Niall cheers holding out his shot glass clinking it off everyone else's.

"Chicago!" We all cheer back before downing the shots.

We all scrunch up our faces and cheer as we swallow the shots together.

We all take shots for a few minutes before Harry walks out and jumps into his bunk closing the curtain quickly.

We all look at each other and stay seated talking and laughing for another twenty minutes before Niall creeps up to Harry's bunk and carefully pulls back his curtain.

"He's out! Let's go!" Niall says running out the RV door before we all run after him trying to be as quiet as possible while passing Harry's bunk.

Liam flags down two taxis for us and we step into them buzzed from the alcohol and ready to party.

"Fun taxi!" Niall shouts from the passenger seat to me Stevie and Louis behind him.

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