I Am Old, Zain, Hannah Is What, Freinds

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A/N: I hate life. here Derp_1234 now pls don't hurt me I trying.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson





But as I looked around I walked inside the bedroom I noticed that on a messy bed were some sort of black clothes and two stygian iron rods about 2 and ½ feet long. As I did I noticed he came back from another room with a notepad of a sort. As he walked up to me he pointed at a bed that was on the other side of the room. I just looked at him confused as he just rolled his eyes and wrote something down on the note pad. After he was done he turned it around and read like this.

Hello my name is Zain I guess I am your younger brother but don't let that make you think I am friendly. Your bed is the one I just pointed at and don't touch any of my stuff, if you have anything that needs to be shipped her it needs to be put away the day it gets here. Also if you noticed I can't talk and I don't like to right a lot so try to keep the talking to a minimum okay.

Shower times for me are 7 am and 8 pm okay if you had those times before then learn to adjust to new ones. Finally if you don't mind you are going to be cooking okay, any other questions you have to ask please write them down and give them to me later.

Got it?

As I finished up I just looked up at him and nodded slowly as he nodded back his expression never changing from an emotionless mask. But I had a feeling that that mask of emotionlessness was his true face. I guess I had a few more question to ask him but for now I guess I need to find some stuff to put in my side of the room.


After a few hours I had what I needed as I currently filled out some files for Thalia, I have to fill out everything about the fight and wee I ended. Kind of assassination policy if I think about it but as I filled it out I glanced over at Zain to find him polishing his stygian iron rods. They kind of looked like nightsticks but they were a straight cylinder and looked painful to get hit with. But as I glanced he met my gaze as I slowly turned back to the paper and continued typing on my tablet that never left my magical pocket.

"So how old are you?" I asked after another 10 minutes of awkward silence, as I asked I turned to him my tablet still in hand as I just got to the part I arrived in camp. As I asked he looked at man held up his hands and counted to 14. I was surprised at how young he was even with my previous guess that was spot on.

"Why are you even in this army, don't you think you are a little young to be fighting in a war?" I asked him as he shook his head. I just sighed at he did as I went back to work seeing his expression had darkened when I asked that question. But after a while I finally finished but as I did I was tapped on the shoulder as I looked at Zain with his notebook. After a second he turned it towards me.

How old are you?

I just sighed at the question as I thought about it for a second as I narrowed down my age.

"Earth time a little over 1016 years old I think, but in Tartarus time a little over 50,016 years old since time runs differently in Tartarus. I think the ratio is a little at 50 days in the pit is equal 1 day on the surface. But I do my counting by earth years so a little over 1000 years old but if I do the math right since I did spend only 500 in the pit and 500 in the flying pit which has now time difference. But by earth time I think I am close to 25,516 years old." I calculated the number in my head as I looked down at the currently gaping son of Thanatos.

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