Response, Death, What I Really Am

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"So Thalia how has Percy been handling being by such a beautiful women for so long?" She asked with a sly smiled as I put Hannah in her chair that strapped her down to make sure she didn't fall out of it.

"Just fine, still amazed he hasn't turned into a drooling mess after seeing this body naked all the time." Thalia said as my mom grinned as they both started talking about more adult stuff about each other and their relationships.

I just smiled as I munched on a cookie and its perfectness as my mom and Thalia talked a little as Hannah kept her attention on me.

"So Sally mind to tell me were such a beautiful child came from?" Thalia asked my mom eyeing Hannah.

"She isn't mine if you are wondering." She said as Thalia raised an eyebrow.

"Then whose child is she?" Thalia asked as an eerie silence filled the room as I started to panic.

"S-She is Percy's." My mom said as Thalia slowly turned towards me as I gulped knowing now was not a time to smile.



The silence in the room was like a cold blanket of death being laid upon me as I met Thalia's eyes. Their normal calm electric blue now showed multiple emotions that made them vibrant and alive. It was like looking into the eye of a storm that was about to slap me right in the face. But my eyes didn't leave hers as we looked at one another, my mother had her eyes closed as if waiting for Thalia to speak.

But in the silence of the room the only one making noise was Hannah as she giggled at the cookie that was currently being destroyed by her toddler hands. But as I looked at Thalia I saw emotions that I have seen very few of over the years. But as she looked at me her face slowly morphed into one of zero expression to one of anger and remorse.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Thalia asked me in a quiet voice as she hung her head down low. Her hand gripping her pants in tight balls as I saw her hand shaking at the same time.

"I didn't know until today, I had no idea she was even alive." I said quietly as she stayed in her current state as Sally stayed the same as I looked at the top of Thalia's head.

"I know that from your expression, but judging from her age you were in Olympus still when she was conceived. Who is her mother, please do not tell me who I think it is." Thalia said to me as she looked up at me slowly as tears brimmed her eyes.

"Hazel is her mother." I said as quiet as possible as the tears in her eye started to flow over onto her cheeks. The thought that I was with Hazel when I could be with her was foolish, I was stupid for not noticing the signs when I was in the hunt with her and she found out.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you got her pregnant?" She asked in a voice wrecked with sorrow as more tears flowed down her cheeks as I trembled under her gaze of disappointment. It was like Tartarus all over again. Thalia was disappointed in me for having a child in that short period of time. Just the thought of her leaving me because of my hideous lies I never told her I broke down almost.

"Because I thought Hannah was dead Thalia, I thought since she was it would be better if I didn't tell you. I was scarred you would be furious at me if you found out I was having another child and it wasn't yours." I said looking into her eyes as she began to wipe some tears away.

"You tell me everything about your life but this one moment because you were scarred. Percy you're such an idiot, I hope you have fun with your new daughter." She said getting up and leaving the room as I was about to run after her but I felt an arm grab mine as I looked down to see my mother shaking her head.

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