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Max has never been in a relationship, at least not a serious one. She has never been in love. Not until that day, about a year ago.

She came to school very early to get a start with her swimming before everyone else comes. She enjoys the solitude of a morning swim alone. But that day, when she arrived, she saw someone in the pool, doing some laps.

The graceful movement of the slender body in the water was breathtaking. She's been attracted to girls before, not that she would admit, but no one has ever left her breathless.

The figure did one last lap and reached the end of the pool near where Max was standing. It came up for air and finally Max saw a face. She's seen her before, but not like this. It was like she was seeing the girl from a different angle, and what she saw was sheer beauty.

"Do you come here often?" Max queried when the girl came out of the water.


"I usually come here almost every morning and this is the first time I've seen you."

"Oh. I come here every once in a while. Is there a problem?" The girl took her towel and wrapped it around her body.

"No. None. I was just wondering." Max carefully watched the girl in front of her, forgetting that she planned to jump in the water the minute she came. "I'm Max, by the way."

"I'm Nyssa. Forgive me, I hope I didn't ruin your morning routine. I'll be leaving."

"No, it's fine."

Max was mesmerized by the look she shared with Nyssa before the other girl left. And leaving her there standing and unmoving.


Max's heart was racing when she saw Nyssa running toward her and Sara. The breathtaking flip she did over the hedges made Max's heart do a flip as well.

She had been replaying that scene over and over in her mind like something out of a movie. Nyssa looked like a fierce female warrior off to save her damsel in distress. And Max all but hoped to be that one.

She always thought of Nyssa as untouchable and unreachable, but now she believes that it may be possible. So, it's probably a good thing that Nyssa almost shot Sara, and now that the two are even lab partners, she has a better chance in getting closer to Nyssa. But she doesn't know how to do it, without tipping off Sara, she's still not ready to come out yet, even to her best friend.

"Who are you thinking about?" Sara interrupted Max's thoughts.

"What makes you think that it's a who?" She raised her eyebrow at Sara.

"One, you were blushing. Two, you were smiling to yourself. And three, you were freaking blushing!" Sara teased with excitement.

"No, I wasn't! It's just the heat." Max countered.

"Oh, please! Who is it? Just tell me. You never tell me any of this, but you know every single detail of my love life. So, to make it even, spill."

Well, technically, Max doesn't have a love life. She doesn't consider any of the fooling around she did interesting to tell. The only spill-worthy secret she probably has is about Nyssa. And she pondered carefully if she's going to tell Sara about it now.

Then the bell rang, saving her. She said her goodbye and ran off to her next class. Thank goodness Sara wasn't in her next class. She could avoid telling her even just for another hour. And maybe Sara would forget about it.


It was time for their chemistry class again. Max was a bit jealous of Sara because she's partners with Nyssa and would be able to spend much time with her. But she thinks she will blow it, if she switched places with Sara. She would be overwhelmed and nervous and would end up being awkward around Nyssa. 'This is better...for now." Max decided, watching the two girls from afar at the corner of her eye.

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