To Be A Family

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MJ had been in labour for around 27 hours and her pains had been growing stronger and stronger by the hour. 5 more hours passed before MJ was rolled into delivery.

"Peter, please, I can't do this, please." MJ begged, the pains being too strong, even for MJ to handle.

"Yes, yes you can. Okay, just..." Peter was trying to think of a way to keep MJ's mind focused. "Just focus on my voice okay? Hey, look at me. You can do this."

Quickly the wheeled MJ into delivery, the midwife asking for Peter to stand beside MJ, holding her hand. "One more push okay? MJ, I'm going to need you to push. 10, 9, 8, 7 6..."

The midwife continued to count down before the baby was finally out. A cry came from the child allowing MJ to finally relax.

The baby was cleaned off before being handed to MJ. "She's beautiful." The midwife told her.

"Just like her mom." Peter smiled before looking towards MJ who smiled.

"Congradulations." The midwife smiled before going to fill in the forms about the birth.

Around an hour later, MJ, Peter and Amelia were all taken into the post delivery ward.

MJ had really, always known what she was going to name her daughter if she ever had one. She would name her after her own grandmother. MJ's gradma had been the one to truely bring her up and, even though she hadn't been her biological mother, she was the closest thing she had for a role model growing up.

The majority of the team had come to visit MJ and Ameila to see how they were. Natasha had already dubbed herself Auntie Nat, but MJ loved it. May and Happy came round at about 4 that evening but soon had to leave. Betty and Ned would be coming in the morning to see MJ. They had been here when she was in labour but then, essentially, they doctors kicked them out since visiting hours were over.

Whilst Amelia lay in the cot beside MJ's bed, she was sat up, talking to Peter.

"How do you feel?" Peter asked her.

"Sore. Tired. Glad." MJ said.

Peter smiled. However, he felt something was up since MJ's facial expression change, but before he could ask, she spoke.

"I don't think I ever thanked you, for helping me."

"MJ, I already told you-"

"Loser, I'm saying thankyou. I - I don't even know how this year would have gone without you." MJ told him, truthfully.

Peter smiled. "You're welcome. But like I said, you don't have to thank me." He added quickly before she could shut him up.

Two days later, MJ was dischared from the hospital, meaning she was able to go home. Peter helped her into her apartment and helped her get settled before he got a call from the lab saying that he was needed urgently. MJ told him to go and eventually he went, knowing, if he didn't, he'd be getting a call from Nat saying that the building was on fire. Or something along those lines.

4 or so months passed after that and MJ, Peter and Ameila basically spent every weekend together, still having said nothing about their feelings for one another. Sam had pestered Peter about it, but it didn't feel right. Yes, they'd kissed, but neither had said a word about it. And the timing, it would be unfair on MJ and Amelia.

When it was appraoching Ameila's first birthday, May, now trying to start a tradition, begged MJ to allow for Ameila's birthday to be held at her house, MJ eventually said yes, thanking May for doing so.

6 months later, May asked MJ if she could have Amelia sleepover night since, for one, she wanted Ameila to sleep over, and second, she couldn't think of a moment when MJ had actually not had Amelia for a night, since she was born. She'd left her with a nanny whilst she was at work throughout the day, but that was it.

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