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Regina was sat at home, tired from her long day at work. She was back on the same medication as before but it had not yet kicked in fully, she was slowly growing weaker though. Regina led down on the sofa, placed a pillow over her face to block the sun and closed her eyes. It was silent in the house, not another soul there to make a noise. As she slowly began to drift off to sleep, her phone began ringing very loudly. The angry brunette ripped the pillow from her face, not impressed she was disturbed. As saw an unknown number and knew she had to answer.

"Regina Mills speaking" she answered with a stern tone, hinting she wasn't in a good mood.

"Hi, Miss Mills, this is Anne from the hospital" a woman said in a sweet voice, hearing the anger from the woman.

"What can I do for you" Regina asked, assuming it was for more of her scans.

"We have an Emma Swan here and you are listed as her emergency contact. She was in a fight, ma'am" Anne replied, reading off her sheet before looking towards the blondes room.

"For fuck sake! Right, I'll be there in 10" Regina sighed, knowing the blonde was clearly being stupid. She sat up in annoyance, threw the pillow beside her and stood up. Regina slipped back into her shoes and stood from the sofa, walking towards the door. She grabbed her keys on the way out and stormed to her car. "I'm going to kill that Swan"

Regina drove quickly to the hospital, feeling herself growing tired already. Once she made it, she rushed into the hospital and to the front desk. A man was stood there, looking at the woman as she approached.

"How can I help" he asked with a smirk, clearly hitting on her.

"I'm looking for Emma Swan's room" Regina replied, not even paying enough attention to notice the smirk.

"Floor 2, room 3" the man replied, still holding a face to hint he was flirting.

"Thanks" Regina said with a slight smile, walking away to the stairs.

The guy frowned a little that she didn't even notice. Regina rushed up the stairs and to the room, seeing it was one large one with multiple beds around. She scanned it until she finally saw Emma sat on a bed with a doctor stitching her hand. She walked over and caught the blondes attention.

"Shit, who called my fiancé" Emma asked the doctor, looking at her with shock.

"The nurse, you are unable to drive home so we need someone to" the doctor replied, not looking up from the stitches on the blondes hand.

"She's going to kill me" Emma sighed, seeing as her fiance got closer to her.

"Swan, what the fuck" Regina snapped, looking at the blonde with anger in her eyes.

"It wasn't my fault" Emma awkwardly said, knowing she is going to be in trouble.

"You realize I'm dying and I'm weak, I don't want to be coming to the hospital after a long day at work because you are stupid enough to get into a fight" Regina angrily said, burning holes into the woman's eyes.

"I know, I'm sorry" Emma softly sighed, looking at the huge cut on her hand with stitches in.

Regina sat on the bed and hugged the woman, kissing her neck softly. She let out a small sigh of relief, keeping the woman close to her. Emma used her free hand and held the brunette in her warm embrace.

"I'm just glad you're ok, you're fucking stupid... But at least you're ok" Regina softly said, keeping her hand on the back of the blondes head. Emma turned to look at the woman, kissing her softly on the lips. They both couldn't help the smiles on their faces. Regina then stood up and fell back into her angry mode. "So, how was it not your fault"

"I was walking to the shop and this guy I have always had trouble with walked towards me. He was obviously drunk and falling side to side. When he saw me, he looked angry and started shouting at me. I argued back of course. He then smashed his bottle against the wall and started waving the broke end at me, cutting my hand. Once he cut me, I was angry and started fighting him" Emma replied, looking across at the big cut under her thumb.

"Where else did he cut" Regina asked, seeing only the hand and one of the blondes cheek.

"These two and my shoulder"

"Is the back of your head ok? You weren't hit there"

"No, why" Emma replied with a confused look, glancing up at the brunette. Regina slapped the back of her fiancés head with an angry glare. "Shit, should have seen that coming"

"You are an idiot, you can't go around fighting people. You are the deputy sheriff, have some responsibility" Regina angrily said, glaring at the woman before her. The doctor couldn't help but giggle a little, catching Regina's attention. "What the fuck are you laughing at"

"Sorry, ma'am" the doctor quietly said, keeping her eyes locked on the blondes cut.

"Listen here, sweetie" Regina said in a patronising voice, making it obvious she was going to snap at the doctor. "I'm in a very, very, bad mood right now and I'm very tired. If you don't keep your mouth shut and your giggles silent, I will give you a reason to perform stitches on yourself" Regina angrily warned, burning holes into the doctors head.

"Regina" Emma quickly said, looking shocked her fiance just done that.

"What? She laughed and I'm very angry" Regina growled, still glaring at the doctor to make her work faster.

"I'm done with your hand" the doctor quickly said, wrapping it as fast as she could.

"Can you give us a second please" Emma asked softly, reaching out to hold her fiance's hand.

"Of course" the doctor replied, giving a small but scared smile as she left.

"Gina, come here" Emma softly demanded, gesturing for her to sit down. As Regina sat in a huff, she moved as close to the blonde as she could. Emma used her good hand and placed it on Regina's cheek, kissing her softly on the lips. It slowly deepened into something more as the pair tried to move a little closer. Emma pulled away but kissed the woman a final time on the lips. "There, nice and calm. Now rest your head on my shoulder and take a nap while I get my face stitched up"

"I don't want a nap" Regina stubbornly said, knowing she is tired but didn't want to sleep. Emma moved and led on the bed, patting the space beside her. Regina led down and cuddled into her, instantly closing her eyes. "You are lucky I'm too worried about you to be angry right now"

"I know, just go to sleep and relax" Emma softly said, brushing the top of the woman's head gently. Soon enough, a small but cute snoring sound came from Regina. Emma smiled and kissed her softly, looking towards the doctor. She walked over to the couple, a little confused at the brunette asleep. "You can do my face now. Don't worry, she's asleep so she won't say anything"

"I'm sorry if I offended you or her" the doctor nervously said, moving her seat beside the blonde.

"No, it's ok. She has cancer and the medication she is on makes her angry and weak, she just needs some rest" Emma replied with a small giggle, looking at the brunette with a smile.

The doctor started to stitched the blondes face. Emma was facing Regina the whole time and stroking her head to keep her calm and asleep. She placed a soft kiss upon her fiance's head and smiled at her, knowing even when she was angry, she still loved her to bits.

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