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Regina was sat in Emma's lounge, watching TV as she awaited the blonde to wake up. She then heard her phone get a message, causing her attention to go there. She looked to see Rex had messaged her.

Rex: Gina, what the hell? You can't just walk about of your doctor's appointments!

Regina: Rex, I'm not in the mood right now. Don't start

Rex: this is your life we are talking about. You can't walk out of an appointment because you're distracted. If Emma does something stupid, you can't run after her when you are suppose to get some important news.

Regina: it's not like that, I will talk to you when I'm home. I'm really not in the mood!

Regina's phone then began to ring, showing Rex's name at the top. Regina rolled her eyes and threw it to the end of the sofa, refusing to speak to him. She was already having a bad day and everything was making it worse and worse. First Emma, now Rex. Speaking of Emma, she soon came walking into the lounge. The blonde was rubbing her eyes and yawning due to just waking up. She looked at Regina with a sigh before walking to the kitchen and pouring a glass of water, this caught the brunettes attention.

"How are you feeling" Regina asked with a stern voice, keeping her eyes on the TV.

"Head hurts like a bitch, though I fear you have something worse in store" Emma sighed her response, lifting her glass to her lips.

"What made you so mad that you not only stormed out but had ago at me like it was my fault" Regina asked in annoyance, finally turning to see the woman.

"That woman, she pissed me off and put words in my mouth" Emma sighed, leaning against the counter side as she looked at her girlfriend.

"That doesn't mean you storm out"

"Regina, you don't get it. You have no idea of my pain or what my life was"

"Then tell me! God, you tell me how I don't know but you don't explain to me what happened" Regina cut in, standing from the sofa in annoyance.

"My mother was the cruelest person I'd ever met. She hit me, hid me in closets, put words into my mouth, belittled me and so much more. I don't like the idea of you knowing what my life was like because it was awful and I never want to think about that woman. She caught me kiss a girl when I was 15 and... What she did should not be legal in any place in the world" Emma explained, starting off angry but she was now on the brink of crying.

"What did she do" Regina asked, slight shock over her body at what she was witnessing.

"I need a drink" Emma sighed, tipping her water down the sink. She grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a cupboard and filled the glass, soon turning back to the brunette. Emma drunk three large gulps before sighing to catch her breath, preparing to speak. "That's good"

"What happened, baby" Regina softly said, stepping closer in fear of what she is to hear.

"My mother, she umm... She sent me to conversation therapy where they attached electrodes to me, they thought they could electrocute the gay out of me. They'd hook me to a lie detector, line up a bunch of gorgeous woman and pervy old men then make me pick who was the most attractive. Even a straight girl would have said the women. When I said one of the men, they saw I lied and shocked me. When I picked a woman, they shocked me. When it was obviously not working... My mother had a priest perform an exorcism on me to get rid of my gay demon" Emma explained, tears burning her eyes as she desperately held them back.

Regina was stood in shock, knowing to expect bad but not expecting that. Emma was looking at the ground as she leaned against the counter, trying to contain herself in the best way she could. Regina walked over, her eyes watering at what she heard. She instantly hugged the blonde, causing her to hug back. They held each other close as Emma sobbed on her girlfriends shoulder, remembering back to the worse moment of her life. Emma's grip on Regina's top was tight, so tight, to show she didn't want to loose her.

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