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It's Saturday night and Regina was sat on her sofa, eating from a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. She had the covers over her body and was watching romance films, trying not to cry about Emma again. She was currently watching the Note Book. 

"Don't get your hopes up, Allie. They always leave in the end" Regina said to the TV, seeing the happy couple running around together with smiled.

She just frowned and ate more of her ice cream; double chocolate chip. Rex walked into the lounge to see where his sister was. When he found her like she was, he didn't look happy.

"Regina, come on. You have just been cleared of the cancer you've faught for 5 years and you spend your Saturday night eating ice cream and watching this shit" Rex asked with a shocked look, knowing the brunette was just moping around.

"Who am I going to go out with? I kicked everyone away and the one person I want to be out with is currently sleeping with the girl I was told not to worry about. I know this may be crazy but I don't really feel like going out after that" Regina said, adding the sarcasm on the end to show she wasn't in the mood.

"Enough with this! You kicked Emma away so she slept with someone to get over it, everyone does that. You two know you are in love, it's obvious you are getting back together in the end so just hurry that process up" Rex huffed, knowing the pair together is inevitable.

"I don't know, I really don't" Regina replied with a sad face, looking at the couple on TV and envying them.

"Just try" Rex requested, waiting for the brunette to finally realise it all.

Regina just stayed quiet. Rex sighed softly as he gave up, knowing to leave her in this kind of mood. Regina went back to her ice cream and movie. As it came to an end, she was crying at the beautiful ending they got and the shit one she had. She placed the half eaten tub beside her and searched for another film, drying her tears as she did. Emma then walked into the lounge with an annoyed look. Regina watched in confusion, unsure what was happening. Emma sat down beside the brunette and huffed, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Umm... You know you don't live here right" Regina asked with a confused look, trying to figure out what was going on.

"You weren't just my girlfriend, you were my best friend and the person I complained to about anything. So, I'm complaining to my best friend and you are going to listen" Emma sternly said with an annoyed look, knowing she needs everything off her chest.

"Ok, sure" Regina replied, still confused on what she agreed to.

"Palmer's so annoying and needy, like we aren't a real couple so why is she acting like this" Emma huffed, not even looking at the brunette as she took her ice cream spoon into her mouth.

"You aren't a real couple" Regina questioned, feeling a tiny bit less mad at the blonde.

"Sshh, I'm still talking" Emma cut in, a mouthful of the brunette ice cream in her mouth. Regina frowned a little but chuckled at the same time, taking the spoon to get some herself. "She is acting like we are a real couple when I even said to her it's just sex, I want to get over Regina... Well I don't want to get over her, I have to" Emma continued, still looking at the ceiling as she rested more onto the brunettes shoulders.

"Why do you feel you have to get over her" Regina asked, refering to herself but knowing that's what the blonde wanted.

"Because she broke my heart and it hurts, she kept kicking me away and pushing me further and further out her life. I get what happened to her with her nan but I would have thought she'd want to keep me at least" Emma said with the saddest look on her face, showing the heartbreak all over.

"I did want to keep you" Regina said, looking at her with a small frown at what was said.

"Then why did you kick me away? Even when I asked you to marry me, you could have just said no but instead you threw me out of my house" Emma said with an annoyed tone, finally looking up at the brunette.

"That's what I do, I can't help it. I thought I was going to die and the only thing that scared me was having you crying beside my death bed. I couldn't handle that thought always being in my mind, I couldn't stand there and say yes with that imagine in my mind" Regina said with a glare, matching the same annoyed tone.

"Whatever, thanks for the chat" Emma sighed, standing from the sofa with an eye roll.

"Oi, no. You are still the person I complain to so it's my turn, sit down" Regina huffed as she grabbed the blondes wrist, pulling her back down. Emma sat down, reluctantly, with a sigh and took the ice cream spoon. "Emma's a cunt"

"Fuck you" Emma snapped to cut her off, looking offended at the woman.

"What, you can complaint about me but I can't complain about you" Regina asked with annoyed, sitting up to be in line with the blonde.

"I didn't call you a cunt" Emma replied angrily, glaring into the woman's eyes with so much rage. That's when it finally hit Regina. She just looked at the woman she was in love with, showing the vulnerability through her upset face. "What's that look for" Emma asked, slightly defensive in order to not get drawn in.

"I don't want this, all this fighting. I have been clear of cancer for 3 weeks and I have spent them crying, moping and thinking about you because I love you. All I wanted was to be with you until I was old and died. Now I'm able to live that long, you aren't here. I'm done with this fighting and this shouting, it's not worth it" Regina sighed softly, looking into the calming green eyes in front.

"I know, I don't like fighting either" Emma replied with a similar sigh, resting  against the sofa in exhaustion. Regina felt back to her position, taking a scoop of ice cream into her mouth before handing the blonde the tub. "Thanks"

"I love you" Regina whispered, looking at the woman now resting on her shoulder.

"I love you too" Emma whispered back, turning her gaze up at the brunette.

"I'm going to ask you this one last time and whatever your answer is, is what I shall go off. If you say no, I'll stop but if you say yes then I will fight" Regina said, moving a few strands behind the blondes ear. Nor the green or brown eyed dared to move, just looking at each other longingly. "Will you go ou-"

"Yes" Emma cut in, not even meaning to say those words.

"With me" Regina finished her questioned, making sure the blonde was sure.



Emma could see the disbelief in Regina's face, smiling a little to help. She moved in and placed a small kiss upon the brunettes lips. As she pulled away, she left her hands to rest on her face.

"Yes" Emma said with a slight smile, brushing her thumbs across the woman's cheek.

Regina's smile few three times the size, feeling the relief over her. She moved in and kissed the blonde, devouring the lips she missed kissing everyday. Emma gripped the brunettes body and smiled in the kiss at how much better Regina was at kissing than Palmer. As they pulled away a little, Regina chuckled a little and smiled.

"This is so not going to be easy, is it" Regina asked, refering to the relationship, with a laugh to the woman.

"Oh god no... But this will be fun" Emma replied, smirking at the woman as she connected their lips again.

Regina pushed Emma down and moved on top, not breaking their lips apart. They weren't wasting much type, already starting to unbutton eat others jeans. Emma pulled away to quickly take the brunettes top off, returning to the kiss soon enough.

"Regina, I- oh for god sake" Rex said with a dramatic sigh, shocked to see the pair on the sofa like that. The pair pulled away and looked at him in shock. "I did not miss this" Rex sighed, turning to leave the room quickly.

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