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A month passed, Emma was sat in another AA meeting as Regina had told her to go.

"Good morning, all. My name is Kendra and I'm going to be running this meeting" a tall ginger woman said in a soft voice, causing everyone to turn their noses up at her. "Let's start with you" she said, gesturing to a guy who aggressively bit his nails.

"Umm, hi. I'm Adam and I'm addicted to speed" he said in an unsteady voice, shaking a little from being sober.

"Good, well done. How about you, hun" Kendra asked as she gestured to Emma, smiling sweetly at her.

"Don't call me hun" Emma sighed as she rolled her eyes, hating the stupid nickname. She stood up as Adam sat down, showing in her face she didn't want to be there. "I'm Emma and I'm addicted to alcohol, heroin and sometimes cocaine"

"Interesting, would you like to go into that more" Kendra asked, seeing in the blondes eyes that she wasn't trying to be sober.

"I drink all day, I take heroin everyday and I do cocaine at the weekends" Emma sighed her response, sitting back down to show she was done.

"What's your story, Emma? How did you get to being on drugs" Kendra asked, trying to encourage more out of the woman.

"No matter what excuse I give, you are going to tell me I can't blame it on that so what's the point" Emma asked with a stern look, knowing she's been to enough to know this.

"The point is to let out how you feel, no one here will judge you" Kendra replied as she cut the blonde off, use to behavior and attitude like hers.

"My mum never even gave me the time of day, she locked me in a cupboard if people came over for god sake. She treated me like shit from the day I was bored and not a single fucking soul ever bothered to stop her" Emma snapped her response, growing angry at the thought of her mother.

"So you blame your mother for your drug addiction" Kendra asked with a soft tone, looking curiously at the blonde.

"No, I never said that. Stop putting words into my mouth! I'm not blaming, I'm telling you why I'm in pain" Emma huffed her response, her annoyance for the woman only growing.

"You think you're a victim of your mother" Kendra questioned, trying to understand how the blonde is thinking.

"Think? I think I'm a victim? Tell me, has your mother ever grabbed you by the throat and thrown you into a pitch black cupboard with nothing to do but wait for hours? Has your mother ever put cigarettes out on you because she lost her ashtray? Has she ever beat you until you drooled blood because you wanted to go to the homecoming dance? Has she ever looked at you like you are the most disgusting thing on earth? Until that has happened, you do not get to question if I think I'm a victim! That woman RUINED ME!" Emma asked with so much angry, shouting more as she got to the end.


"No, fuck this. I'm going home" Emma cut in, standing up from her seat and turning to leave.

"Emma, wait" Kendra called out, knowing her job is to keep them all there and help.

"Fuck you" Emma said as she continued walking, holding her middle fingers up as she walked out. As she walked down the hall, she saw Regina walking towards her. "What are you doing here"

"Doctors appointment, remember? We are meeting here after it. What are you doing here" Regina questioned knowing the blonde should be in the AA meeting.

"I'm not staying, it's bullshit" Emma huffed, starting to walk off down the hall.

"Em, come on. You need to go, they help you" Regina said with a soft sigh, holding the blondes shoulder to stop her walking away.

"No, I told you it's bullshit. I never wanted to go and I still don't, you made me go" Emma said in a snappy tone, pulling her arm from the brunettes grip.

"Because I'm trying to help you quit" Regina sighed, a little annoyed at the way the blonde spoke.

"Well I didn't ask for it" Emma snapped, storming off down the hall in anger. 

Regina watched with an annoyed face, confused why she acted like that. She just rolled her eyes and walked to her appointment, just thinking about what happened. As a couple, they've never had a fight before and neither knew how to feel about it. Regina knocked and walked into the doctors office after before granted access.

"Regina, hi" Dr Hart said with a smile, gesturing towards the seat.

"Hi" Regina simply said, awkwardly sitting down as she was still distracted by the thought of Emma.

"Are you ok" Dr Hart asked, seeing she was not with it today.

"What? Oh sorry, I had a fight with my girlfriend just now and she stormed off. I'm fine though, carry on" Regina replied as she tried to snap her full attention to the doctor.

"Right, well the treatment you are on is working as a pain relief but it is not curing you" Dr Hart said, reading off the clipboard with all the brunettes information on. Regina soon began to zone out and stop listening to what he was saying, just thinking about the fight. She couldn't understand why Emma got that mad at her, she knew it wasn't something she done. "Regina?"

"What" the brunette snapped out her thoughts, looking at him with a clueless face.

"You didn't listen to what I said, did you" Dr Hart asked although he already knew the answer.

"Sorry, I am really distracted today. I got to go, I can book to come tomorrow or just call my brother and tell him everything" Regina replied with a sigh, standing up to put her coat on.

"I'll speak to your brother and arrange to get you in asap, have a good day" Dr Hart said, standing up to walk her to the door.

"Thanks and I'm sorry for waisting you time" Regina said quickly, heading straight out the room and down the hall.

She headed straight out of building and to her car, driving towards Emma's apartment. The neighborhood was in the rougher area of town but it was still a nice place. Regina got to the door of the building and pushed the button for Emma's apartment, waiting impatiently.

"Hellolo" Emma answered with a big grin, making it obviously she was high.

"It's me, let me in" Regina sighed at the sound of her voice, hearing she was high.

"No, you are mad at me" Emma said with a sad face, her bottom lip poking out.

"I will be if you don't let me in" Regina said in a stern voice, knowing she is very annoyed at the blonde.

"Ok but don't tell Regina I'm high" Emma whispered into the speaker, genuinely thinking she was being sly about it.

"She already knows, let me in" Regina sighed in annoyance, knowing she should have expected this.

"Dammit, whoever told her is just stupid. I'm letting you in now, baby" Emma said with a sigh, pushing the button to let the brunette in. Regina pulled the door open and headed upstairs, quickly going to the blondes apartment. She knocked on the door and waited, so annoyed by the woman. As the door opened, Emma smiled happily to see Regina. "Baby"

"Save it" Regina cut in, giving the blonde an angry glare.

"What's wrong" Emma asked as she let her girlfriend in, closing the door behind.

"What's wrong? You, Swan. You stormed out your AA meeting, had ago at me and then came back here and got high as fuck" Regina huffed in anger, showing through her eyes that she was angry.

"You're cute when your mad" Emma giggled, bitting her lip as she looked at her girlfriend.

"This is pointless with you high. Swan, you are going to eat and drink lots of water and sleep for an hour to sober you up" Regina said with a sigh, walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Emma sighed as she walked over to the brunette, reluctantly taking the water. Emma slowly drank it as Regina made her a sandwich.

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