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It's been a few days, Regina was weaker than ever and entering her final moments. Her and Emma have been cuddled in bed all day as they knew it was coming, Rex sat with the baby beside them. Regina opened her eyes a little and looked up at the blondes face in front of her.

"Hey, how are you feeling" Emma asked in a soft voice, brushing brunette strands out her face.

"I'm scared... I don't... I don't want to die" Regina whispered back, heavily breathing as her voice showed her fear.

"I know but you will be in a lot less pain" Emma replied, trying to hide the fact she was tearing up once again.

"But I don't want leave you or Rex, I love you" Regina whispered in a more cracked voice, letting an almost dried tear leave her eye.

"I love you too" Emma said with a smile and watery eyes, stroking the woman's hair.

"And I love you" Rex added from the end of the bed, wanting to lie and hug her but having the baby clinging to him.

"Just know it's ok, you can go. I know you are fighting so hard so I want you to know it's ok... It's ok" Emma softly said, unable to hold any of her tears in anymore.

Regina sniffled a little and let another tear drop fall. The only sounds in the room were Amelia's baby noises and Regina's heavy breathing. She used the only bit of strength she had left and lifted her head to look at Emma's.

"Rex, come so I can see you" Regina mumbled weakly, unable to turn her head at all. Rex walked around and stood behind Emma, easily seen by Regina. "You stood by me... No matter what. Thank you for being my best friend... I love you" Regina said, what she knew to be, her last words to her brother.

"I love you so much. I will make sure I tell Amelia all about you, it will feel as if she grew up with you. I will miss you every day and I'll love you even more" Rex said with a cracked voice, trying not to cry in front of people just yet.

"Good luck with her, she's a Mills girl" Regina whispered with her best attempt at a laugh, teary at her brothers words. She then moved her eyes to lock with her wife's, causing her to cry a little more. "You, I don't even want to try... To try saying goodbye. Thank you for all the amazing memories, the love you gave and... The fact you stayed this long. I never thought I'd find you and love you this much so thank you"

"I love you more than anything in this world, I just want to hold and kiss you and love you until our very end" Emma replied with tears down her face, unable to control it.

"Then kiss me and let my final words be these... I love you more than anything in the world, my beautiful and strong wife" Regina said for the final time, feeling her breaths growing heavier and heavier.

Emma lean in with her tear stained face and kissed Regina softly. She felt her wife kissing her back and her chest inflating and deflating with each breath until she didn't.

"She was... The love of my life"

"I knew I’d never be able to remember what Nina wore that day. But I also knew I’d never forget the way she looked"

"I wanted it to be you... I wanted it to be you so badly"

"I wish I knew how to quit you"

"I can't see anything I don't like about you"

"I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... Happy" 

"To me, you are perfect"

"You complete me"

"I love you... but I should let you go"

"Death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it for a while"

"It's not fair, Robin... Our story was so short"

"No, I like you very much. Just as you are"

"I think I'd miss you even if we never met"

"I wanna grow old with you. I wanna die lying in your arms"

"I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all"

"They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops"

"They were the great love story, that's girls heart beat for Derek Sheppard"

"I think you'll find that love actually is... All around us"

It was the day of Regina's funeral, Emma was in her bed as she had been since the death. She was curled in a ball, tears stains down her face and covers over her shoulders. Rex knocked the door before walking in, wearing a black suit and holding a baby monitor.

"Em, come on. We have to leave in a minute so I can drop Amelia at my friend's before we go" Rex said with a soft sigh, walking more into the room.

"I'm not going" Emma simply replied, not moving to even look at the man.

"It's Regina's funeral, you can't not go" Rex gently said, knowing the blonde would regret it in the future.

"No, I'm not going. I can't sit there and watch people who walked out of her life crying and telling stories of her. I won't so it" Emma demanded in an annoyed voice, remembering it only ever being the three of them.


"No! It's Regina's funeral, I can't go to her funeral, she can't be dead" Emma cut in with a snap, her eyes filling with pain filled tears.

"She is though, we have to accept that and move on. I can't make you come but it will give you closure" Rex said in a gentle tone, sitting on the bed beside the blonde.

"I don't want it, I'm not coming. Just go to the funeral without me" Emma sternly said, not daring to look at the man as she knew it would make her cry.

"Ok, if you are sure. Just don't do anything stupid, ok?" Rex warned, knowing how much the blonde has relapsed since the death. Emma just stayed quiet, knowing she was done making promises she couldn't keep. Rex kissed his sister in law's head and stood from the bed, walking to the door. He gave one last check at her, worried for the woman. "I love you, Swan"

"Love you too, Mills" Emma mumbled back, having gotten really close with the man the last few months.

"I'll see you later" Rex said with a worried wave, closing the door on his way out.

Once Emma had heard the man leave the house, she finally sat up in the bed. She was wearing the black suit she would have worn to the funeral. Emma wiped her tears as she reached for the draw beside her bed. She took out a bag of syringes containing lots of heroine. Emma layed them on the bed, took her blazer off and rolled her shirt sleeve up. One by one, she injected 4 syringes holding enough to cause a major overdose. Emma left them beside her as she slipped back into her blazer jacket, feeling the dizziness already. Emma led down in the middle of the bed, just looking at the ceiling.

"I'm coming home, Regina" Emma said to the sky, a large smile on her face.

Her eyes soon fell shut, leaving her led still apart from her chest moving up and down. After each breath taken, they came shorter; eventually they stop coming. As Emma's body layed dead on the bed, her soul finally travelled up and met with her soulmates once again.

The end...

I warned you it would be a sad story.

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