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"God, Emmy, what is wrong with you" Andrea asked in annoyance, shoving her 17 year old daughter into the wall.

"Stop calling me Emmy, my name is EM-MA" The blonde shouted, leaning against the door in frustration.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that. You're just a child, a pathetic one at that" Andrea snapped, looking at her daughter in frustration.

"I'm not pathetic!"

"Don't shout at me, girl!"

"Why not? You have ruined my life and you don't even care" Emma huffed, pushing off the wall to stand in her mother's face.

"Why would I care about your life? You're grown up now" Andrea laughed, looking at the young girl like she's crazy.

"I'm your daughter! You should fucking care about my life, you bitch" Emma snapped in disbelief, her heart feeling so much pain from the woman's words.

"What did you just call me" Andrea asked in anger, slapping the young blonde across the face. Emma stumbled back, falling into the wall once again. "Oh, my baby" Andrea softly said, holding her daughter's face in her hands.

"Get off me" Emma sternly order, feeling the pain from being strikes in the face.

Andrea chuckled a little, pushing her hand through her daughter's hair. She then gripped Emma's hair and yanked her down, throwing her to the floor. Emma crashed down hard enough to wind her, causing her to chock in her own breath.

"You have an attitude, young lady, one I raised you not to have on me" Andrea said in a calm but annoyed voice, taking a flask out her pocket.

"Raised? You honestly call that raising" Emma questioned with a laugh of disbelief, remembering her awful childhood.

"Yes, no one else was here to help" Andrea replied with a slight chuckle, taking a large gulps of her whiskey.

"I raised myself and you know what? I became a fucking drug addicted alcoholic so I could cope" Emma snapped in annoyance, glaring at the woman in front of her.

"Maybe you shouldn't have your own kids, you're not very good at raising them" Andrea laughed, looking at her daughter like she was crazy.

"There is a difference between raising yourself from the age of 5 and raising a child. You wouldn't know because you haven't done either" Emma sighed in annoyance, standing up from the floor as she rubbed her shoulder.

Andrea looked at her daughter, annoyed by the comment. She took a large gulps from her flask, roughly ripping it from her lips. As the woman did, she purposely threw the liquid all over Emma's white top, leaving a large brown stain in her shirt.

"Oh, my darling, you have whiskey over your shirt" Andrea said with a pouty face, looking at her sarcastically. The blonde mother looked the woman you and down, laughing in her face. "You have more whiskey on your shirt"

"Are you kidding me" Emma huffed, looking at her top in annoyance, knowing this wasn't coming out.

"Well that's what you get for be a pathetic, looser with a drinking and drug problem" Andrea sneered, looking down at her daughter like she fell off her shoe.

"And yet my problem isn't as bad as yours" Emma said with a sigh, shocked the drunken woman said that.

"You little bitch" Andrea huffed, looking angry at her daughter.

The blonde mother swung her arm to punch her daughter. Emma slapped the hand away abd held it behind her mother's back, tripping her to the floor. Emma held Andrea against the floor, holding her hands behind her back to keep her down.

"I've had enough of this shit, I'm done with you hitting me and controlling me" Emma angrily shouted, using her elbow to dig into her mother's back.

"Get off me, you little bitch" Andrea growled, trying to wiggle out the woman's grip but failing.

"Well it looks like your 'little girl' grew up, I'm bigger than you now and I'm not taking your shit anymore! You are never going to hit me again, you are never going to pin me to the floor again, you aren't ever going to touch me again! Do you understand" Emma warned in anger, putting more pressure to hold the woman down.

"Then get the fuck out of my house and don't ever come back" Andrea said in an annoyed tone, still trying to wiggle out her daughter's grip.

"I wasn't planning on it! As of 10 seconds ago, I turned 18. I'm going and don't ever expect to see me again" Emma warned, climbing off the back of her mother. Andrea sneered as she stood up, not liking that she was out down. "Don't try and find me, I don't want anything to do with you"

"I don't plan on finding you, darling, it's ok" Andrea said with a chuckle, brushing herself off.

It took everything inside of Emma not to lung at her or say anything back, she just ignored the comment. The blonde left the room and headed upstairs, packing everything she owned. She grabbed a bottle of vodka from her dresser and took three large gulps, gasping for air after.

"Happy 18th, another amazing birthday" Emma sarcastically said to herself, lifting the bottle back to her lips.

"Oh my god, Em, that was really what happened" Regina asked in shock, never hearing a story of the blondes past before.

"Yep, that's mum" Emma sighed her response, slouching against the sofa due to being mental drained.

"Baby, I'm so sorry" Regina softly said, cuddling into the blonde to help sooth her.

"It's fine, honestly. I left that night and I haven't seen or heard from her since, moved here for a fresh start" Emma replied, shrugging at the though to hide it bothered her.

"Well I'm proud of you, you stood up to her and put her on the floor. You're very brave, Swan" Regina said with a smile, placing a soft kiss upon the blondes cheek.

"Thanks, it was fun to do that" Emma chuckle, remembering the feeling she got from being brave. "Your turn, do you remember anything about your parents or when they died"

"I don't have any memory of them, they died when I was 4. Rex remembers them a little but I don't, I just remember feeling sad for a long time because they're ere gone" Regina replied, always trying to remember something about them.

"How did they die" Emma asked, knowing the pair haven't spoken about parents properly.

"Car crash. It was one of those situations where it was no one's fault, just wrong place and wrong time" Regina replied with a sigh, always missing them even though she didn't remember them.

"I'm sorry, that's so sad" Emma softly said, pulling the woman closer to her body.

"It's ok, I don't remember anyway. What about your dad, you've never mentioned him before" Regina asked, knowing she's always wanted to but never seen the right time.

"My mum had me at 13 years old, that kid was long gone by the time I was born"

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