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The next morning, Regina and Emma were cuddled up in bed. They were awake and just cuddling together. Emma twirled a strand of brunette hair between her fingers; Regina drew patterns on the blondes bare back.

"How are you feeling, I know you relapsed" Regina asked softly, glancing up at the woman curiously.

"Yeah, wasn't my finest moment. I'm feeling ok but the withdrawal symptoms will hit soon" Emma replied with a sigh, annoyed she let herself do that.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault" Regina said with a sad face, feeling bad for all the drama she caused.

"No, I shouldn't have relapsed. I'm going to start again and get clean again" Emma softly said, holding the brunettes face in her hands.

"I love you and I'm here every step of the way" Regina said with a smile, proud of her girlfriend.

"I love you too. I'm going for a cigarette downstairs" Emma said, sitting up to get out of bed. She grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top, quickly chucking it on. As she turned to the brunette, she saw her sitting up in the bed. "Don't get dressed, don't move, don't do anything... I'm not done yet" Emma said with a smirk, giving a serious face to the brunette.

"Ok" Regina giggled, lying back down as she smiled at the woman.

Emma chuckled, grabbed her coat from the floor and turned to leave the bedroom. She went downstairs and towards the kitchen, seeing Rex making a glass of water. He was in a pair of pajama bottoms, no top.

"Just the person I wanted to see, though maybe with more clothes on" Emma said with a laugh, walking to the back door.

"I could say the same for you" Rex replied, seeing the little clothes she had on.

"Funny. Anyway, come out with me because I need to talk with you" Emma said with a smile, leaving the house.

Rex followed in confusion, being hit by the ice weather November had to offer. He shivered a bit as he closed the door, turning to see Emma light her cigarette. As she placed the lighter in her pocket, she took out a small box. Emma opened it and held it towards the man, revealing a small piece of paper saying marry me? on it.

"I'm flattered but I didn't think I was your type" Rex said with a chuckle, confused why he was being shown this.

"Not you, it's for Regina" Emma sighed with an eye roll, shoving the box back into her pocket. Rex looked a little surprised, not expecting that. "I know you don't like me but I love her with all my heart and I've proved that to you enough times. I want to ask her to marry me and I want your blessing for it" Emma said with a smile, nervous of the man's answer. Rex was still just looking shocked. "I can't afford an actual ring at the moment so I have a cute idea instead but what do you think"

"You realise there is a very strong chance she is going to die, why would you want to propose before she is clear" Rex curiously asked, worried by what could happen in the future.

Rex was had a fear that if Regina's truly becomes terminal, Emma won't take it well and leave. A girlfriend leaving is bad enough but a fiancé or even wife is worst. Emma smiled at him a little, causing Rex to look confused.

"I want to marry her... If she dies, I want to be married to her. She deserves everything in this world, including marriage and kids. I can't give her a child yet but I can marry her and love her until death parts us. I love her too much to die without her surname beside mine" Emma said with a smile, showing in her eyes that she was passionate about it.

"That was real cheese, you know that right" Rex asked with a chuckle, taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah I know" Emma laughed, feeling stupid but loving it at the same time. "So, Rex, can I marry your sister"

"Yeah, you have my promotion. Thank you for asking for it" Rex said with a smile, knowing the blonde truly loves her.

"Thank you" Emma smiled back, so relieved she was able to do it.

"So, what's this cute idea you have instead of a ring" Rex asked with a smirk, leaning up against the back door.

"Can't tell you that, it's a surprise" Emma said with a smirk, chuckling as she inhaled her cigarette.

"Why, it's not me you're proposing to... Is it" Rex asked with a concerned look, laughing as he teased the blonde.

"Very funny" Emma said with an eye roll, trying not to laugh.

"Well if you do, I like roses and chocolates" Rex continued, chuckling as he turned to go inside.

Emma rolled her eyes as she laughed, finishing off her cigarette. Once done, she went into the house and straight upstairs. She walked into her room and smiled at the sleeping brunette with her phone. Emma chuckled, took her clothes back off and quietly climbed into the bed.

"Boo" Regina said, jumping up and grabbing the blonde to scare her. Emma practically leaped out of bed, her heart racing at full speed. Regina laughed allowed at the sight, holding her stomach and taking in more air due to it. "That was just... Oh my god, too funny"

Emma giggled a little as she watched the brunette laughing, admiring the beauty she held. After a few seconds, she climbed back on the bed and pinned Regina against it. The brunette simply laughed more, infecting her girlfriend.

"It wasn't that funny" Emma laugh, moving to lie beside the brunette.

"It truly was" Regina said, still giggling as she turned to look at the blonde.

Emma quickly kissed the brunette, silencing the room. The pair deepened the kiss as they pulled each other closer. Regina slid her hands into the blonde locks in order to keep them together. The kiss was electrical, filled with passion and love. As Emma pulled away, she just looked at the girl and smiled.

"You are so beautiful" the blonde whispered, moving some brown strands behind her ear.

"You're so beautiful with your little nose and perfect eyes and we can forget these delicious lips" Regina said with a smile, softly kissing the blonde at the end.

"Don't make me blush" Emma said as she chuckled, covering her face in embarrassment.

"It's too cute when you blush" Regina said with a smirk, pushing her hands through the blonde locks.

"Its so not" Emma laughed, moving to rest her head against the brunettes.

"It it. God, I love you" Regina said, smiling happily at the woman in front of her.

"I love you more" Emma said, moving as close to the woman's face as she could.

Regina smiled into a kiss, a soft and gentle kiss. As it deepened, the kiss filled with passion and lust for the other. Emma gripped the brunette body tighter, holding her against hers. Regina climbed on top of her, not daring to break their kiss. They held each other as close as they could, gripping and scratching at each other. Soon enough, Regina started kissing down Emma's neck and to her chest.

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