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Regina woke up after a few hours, seeing gaggles of blonde hair belonging to the woman wrapped around her body. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Emma's head, taking in the vanilla scent from her shampoo. Emma's eyes fluttered open, noticing she was led on top of someone's chest. She looked up to see Regina just looking at her.

"Hey" the brunette said with a slight smile, brushing the woman's hair softly.

"Hi" Emma said with an awkward tone, not helping the smile she caught from the brunettes.

"Now we are both calm and all that sexual tension has eased off, can we try talking again" Regina softly suggested, starting to intertwine her fingers in the blonde locks. 

"Sure but I'm keeping my head on your tits" Emma said with a giggle, resting her head back on the brunettes naked chest. Regina chuckled as she squeezed the woman, resting her head against the pillow. "Go on, Mills, talk"

"Ok. I have always kicked people away and I can't help it. My nan always made me feel like I was hurting her by doing nothing. I'm so scared I will hurt you, I never want to hurt you" Regina said with a smile, resting the side of her head on the blondes.

"You did hurt me though, I asked you to marry me and you asked me to leave" Emma softly said, keeping her head down as she drew patterns on the brunettes stomach.

"I know I did and I'm truly sorry but I want you back so badly, I want you" Regina said with an almost begging voice, squeezing the woman's hand.

"I want you too but... Trusting you, I don't know" Emma mumbled, trying to express how she felt but unable to.

"I know, I know. I miss you too much though. The only reason I could find to do what I do best and make you leave was my cancer and that's gone" Regina said with a soft voice, trying to hide the fact she wanted to cry.

"I don't know, I don't know what to do. Let's not talk, let's just cuddle" Emma said, snuggling more into the woman's body.

Regina was going to protest but feeling Emma's arm snake around her stomach silenced her. She placed her hand under the blondes chin and lifted her pale face to lock eyes. They both saw the tears wanting to come out and the pain trying to be hid. They both leaned in and placed a small kiss upon the others lips, relocking eyes after. They went in again, this time they didn't pull away. It slowly deepened, filled with passion, as the pair moved closer and closer. Emma lifted the rest of her body onto the brunettes, both holding each other as close as they could. The door phone then buzzed, pulling them away.

"Ignore it" Regina said, pulling the blonde back into her arms.

As they began kissing again, holding each other close. The pair new this wasn't a good idea but didn't know what else to do, they missed each other. The door phone then buzzed again, this time a little longer. Neither bothered to move or pull away, just continuing to talk. The door phone began buzzing multiple times, one after the other until Emma pulled away in annoyance.

"I'm answering it, that's so annoying" Emma huffed, climbing out of bed and walking to the door. She didn't bother pulling anything on as she didn't plan on letting anyone in. "Hello" Emma snapped her answer, annoyed by the sound.

"Hey, it's Palmer. I thought I'd surprise you" the woman said with a smile, chuckling as she knew the blonde would answer the way she did.

"I'm kind of busy right now, any chance you could come back later" Emma asked, forgetting the woman existed due to Regina being there.

"Of course I can, I'll come by about 6 and we can get high and fuck" Palmer said with a smile, brushing her brunette hair out her face.

"Yeah, sounds great" Emma awkwardly replied, now feeling the cold breeze from under the door. "I have to go, I'm freezing"

"Ok, sure. Bye, baby, I'll see you later" Palmer said, smiling as she walked away from the main door down stairs.

Emma sighed at the fact she completely forgot this woman existed. Being with Regina, Emma forgot anyone existed. She just leaned against the wall in exhaustion, trying to plan what to do.

"Did she just call you baby" Regina asked from behind, with a small hurt voice, as she began tying a robe around her body.

"What" Emma asked, startled by the woman's sudden appearance.

"Did she just say that you are going to get high and fuck then call you baby" Regina asked, keeping her shielded position as she stood by the bedroom door.

"Maybe" Emma awkwardly replied, knowing this was about to go sideways.

"And, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't Palmer the girl you told me not to worry about" Regina asked, already knowing the answer she was dreading to hear.

"Maybe" Emma replied, awkwardly stood there as she knew something bad was going to happen. Regina just nodded and looked hurt, a few tears from earlier filling her eyes. She just turned away and went back into the bedroom to get her clothes. "Regina, wait. I'm sorry, ok"

"That didn't take your broken heart long, did it" Regina questioned with a slight laugh of shock, gathering her clothes from the ground.

"Stop that, you made me leave so I tried to move on" Emma sighed, knowing being with Palmer puts her in the wrong.

"Anyone else, I'd probably be able to get over but Palmer? You told me I didn't have to worry about her and then we break up and you go running to her" Regina said, her heart hurting as she pulled her jeans up. She tossed the robe over to Emma, allowing her to quickly put it on. Regina slipped into her top and one of Emma's hoodies, taking it by habit of always doing that. "I have to go, see you later"

"No, Gina, wait" Emma quickly said, grabbing the brunettes hand to stop her.


"Don't leave, let me talk"

"Let you talk, now you want to talk. All I have been doing is trying to talk with you but you didn't want to, you just want to screw me and Palmer" Regina huffed, pulling her hand out of the blondes grip.

"I don't want to screw Palmer, she was just there because you weren't. I love you more than anyone and I'm just hurting, I need time to heal" Emma softly said, stepping closer to the brunette woman.

"No, don't do that! Don't make me the bad guy still! You are sleeping with the person you told me not to worry about, the person who you said you'd never date in a million years. I'm not in the wrong for being scared and angry" Regina said in an angry voice, glaring at the woman stood before her.

"I know, I'm sorry. You kicked me out, I was hurt and I didn't think you'd come back" Emma replied with a sigh, slouching against the door frame.

"That doesn't mean just into bed with Palmer. I get it, she's young and beautiful and that body is gorgeous. You can have your fun with her, I'm gonna go" Regina said with a sigh, walking towards the front door.

"Gina" Emma called out, being cut off by the sound of the door slamming shut.

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