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It's a few days later, Regina was in hospital recovering from surgery. She was feeling good today and almost ready to go home. She was sat in bed as she ate some Ben and Jerry's ice cream, talking to her brother beside her.

"This is so good" Regina said with a smile, licking her lips at the ice cream.

"Don't skip over the topic, answer me" Rex said with a sigh as he rolled his eyes, encouraging her to speak.

"What was your question again"

"Do you really see a future with Emma outside of this cancer stuff"

"I really do, she's the love of my life. If I survive this cancer, I want to be with her. I want to get married and have a baby and grow old with her" Regina replied with a smile across her face, imagining a future in a perfect world.

"She's the one, isn't she" Rex asked with a slight smile at the sight of his sister.

"I think so, yeah. I know you don't really like her but I love her more than I can even describe. I want to spend my life until I die with her, whether that's sooner or later" Regina replied, thinking about the woman she was so crazy about.

"Well I may not like her but I know she loves you" Rex said with a slight smile, taking a mouthful of his own ice cream.

"Talk of the devil, here she is" Regina said with a confused look, seeing her girlfriend approaching the room.

"Hey, how you feeling" Emma asked with a smile, walking around the bed to see the brunette.

"I'm doing good" Regina said with a smile, kissing the blonde softly against the lips. "What are you doing here, I thought you had work"

"I do, I'm on my break so I thought I'd come down and see if you're ok" Emma replied with a smile, pushing her hands through the blondes locks. Regina scooped up some ice cream and held it towards the blondes mouth, knowing it's her favourite flavour. Emma took it from the spoon and hummed with a smile at the taste. "Mhmm that is so good"

"Sit down, we can share" Regina said with a smile, moving across the bed to let the blonde on.

"So, how come you're not working, Rex" Emma asked, looking across at the man sat next to the bed.

"I had the day off anyway so decided being sat with Regina we better than a strip club with the boys" Rex replied sarcastically, knowing he could be sat with a woman dancing on his lap at that point.

"Aren't you a good brother" Regina laughed, cuddling up more to the blonde in her arms.

"I'm hungry, that's what I am" Rex said as he stood up with a stretch. He went to his bag and picked up a Chinese takeaway menu. "I'm ordering food. Emma, have you eaten today"

"I ate a little this morning" Emma said with a small smirk, quickly glancing down at the brunette.

"Ew I saw that look, don't do that" Rex cringed, knowing exactly what the blonde was intending. Both woman laughed as looked at the grossed out man. "Do you want Chinese"

"I'd love some but by the time it gets here I will have to leave" Emma replied with a sigh, really wanting the takeaway.

"Gina, do you want the usual"


Rex stepped outside to phone the Chinese shop, leaving the pair together. Emma quickly looked at Regina and kissed her, properly this time. They held each other close as they knew they couldn't do that with Rex in the room. Regina pulled away but kissed Emma's lips a few more times as she did.

"That little visit this morning was good" Emma said with a smirk, moving some brunette hair behind her ear.

"So good... I love you so much" Regina said as she smiled dreamingly at the blonde.

"I love you even more, forever and ever, baby" Emma said, chuckling as she rested her head against her girlfriends.

"If they tell me I'm definitely going to die from this, you can go" Regina softly said, looking down as she was scared to lock eyes.

"What do you mean go" Emma asked curiously, moving her head off the woman's to look at her.

"I'm saying that you don't have to stay just to watch me die, I won't be mad if you want to go and live your life" Regina replied in a soft but awkward tone, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, look at me" Emma said with a tone to show she wasn't asking, lifting the brunettes head up. The pair locked eyes. "A life without you isn't worth living. I will be with you until the very end and even after that" Emma softly added, holding a small smile of reassurance.

"You promise"

"I promise"

Regina smiled more as she bit her lip, knowing she won't be alone through this. Both of them leaned in to kiss softly, lingering a few seconds before hugging. Rex was about to walk in but saw them holding each other close. He smiled to know his sister is truly happy, deciding to go to the bathroom instead. Emma's phone then started ringing, causing her to sigh as she pulled away.

"It's ok, answer it" Regina said, knowing the blonde was debating it.

"Hello, Deputy Swan speaking" Emma answered, placing the phone beside her ear.

"Swan, I need you back here as soon as you can. We have a huge drug bust and need all hands on deck" the sheriff said quickly, strapping into a bullet proof vest.

"I've got a vest in the car, text me the address and I'll meet you there" Emma replied, hanging up the phone as she sat up more. Regina sat up and looked a little confused, unsure what was going on. "I have to get back to work but I will see you later, message me if they discharge you today"

"I will, be safe" Regina said with a smile, kissing the blonde softly against the lips.

"Bye, I love you" Emma said as she was walking to the door to leave.

"Love you too" Regina replied, smiling as she watched the blonde leave.

Regina looked down at her ice cream and scooped some onto her spoon, placing it into her mouth. Rex then walked in a little surprised to see no Emma. He looked around to make sure she definitely wasn't in there.

"Where's Emma" he asked with a confused look, knowing they were just cuddled up together.

"She had to get back to work" Regina replied, placing the half eaten tub of ice cream beside her.

"The doctor said he will be in to talk in a second" Rex said in a soft voice, sitting back in his seat.

"What did he tell you, you don't look happy" Regina asked with a fearful look, seeing her brother was putting a brave face on.

"He say anything but it didn't look like good news" Rex replied in a gently voice, knowing his sister is scared enough.

Regina just looked down, worried at what she was going to hear. She has always expected the worst but now she is with Emma, she has a bit of hope for the better. Soon enough, Dr Hart walked in with his file, standing at the end of the bed with a sad look.

"I don't like that face, what is it" Regina asked, growing worries by the look she was receiving.

"The cancer is spreading a lot faster than we thought. It's in your blood stream and, soon enough, it will effect your heart. You're very high on your donor list but I don't think we will have one here in time" Dr hart softly said, trying to keep his professional voice but feelings so sad for the woman.

"So. Just get to the so part" Regina quickly said with fear in her eyes, holding her brothers hand tightly.

"So... your cancer is terminal"

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