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It's two days later, Emma was led in her bed asleep. Around the bed was small clear bags that once contained white substance, trash can full of needles, 3 empty bottles of whiskey and an empty bottle of vodka. The hungover woman was woken up by a knock on her door, confusing her as to who was there. Emma dragged her tired body out of the bed and walked to the door, not caring that she was in a white top and panties. As she opened the door, she saw Rex stood there.

"Well... Aren't you a sight for sore eyes" he said with slight shock, not expecting the blonde to look like that.

"What" Emma asked with confusion, unsure why the man had woken her up.

"You relapsed, didn't you" Rex asked, sighing at the sight of the blonde.

"You know what, Sherlock Holmes, you are fucking brilliant" Emma sarcastically said, walking back into the apartment to sit down. Rex followed in and closed the door, watching as the blonde pulled a pair of sweatpants on. "Why are you here, Rex"

"Two reasons. First one is that I wanted to check up on you, you almost relapsed before you spoke to Regina let alone after" Rex softly said, standing and watching from behind the sofa.

"I thought you didn't like me" Emma questioned with slight confusion, leaning against the sofa and looking at the man.

"I don't particularly like you but I still care and I know how much you and Regina need each other. So, are you ok" Rex replied with a slight smile, showing the woman he truly cared.

"Well I'm not okey, of course I'm not. I don't understand, they said she had a 40 something chance and then suddenly it's terminal" Emma stressed her words, holding her hands over her face due to stress.

"That's the other reason I'm here, I don't get it either. Regina, obviously, won't tell me anything so I was heading there now and thought you could use some fresh air and answers" Rex offered with a sight at the thought of his stubborn sister.

"I just woke up and I've got an awful hangover, can we wait an hour" Emma asked with a sigh, looking at the man to show she was tired. Rex just raised at eyebrow at the woman, questioning her question. "Fine, just let me shower and we can go" Emma sighed in exhaustion, dragging her aching body from the sofa.

Rex rolled his eyes at the sight of her, watching as she went into the bathroom. He stood there with his hands in his pocket, unsure whether to sit down. He noticed the blondes apartment was very clean, he pictured it messy judging by her druggy persona. He decided after a few minutes to sit down and wait, looking on his phone for work updates. Emma didn't take too long in the shower and getting dressed, soon coming out into the living room.

"You still look rough" Rex said as he stood up, walking towards the door.

"I feel rough" Emma replied, barely even able to keep her tired eyes open very wide. Rex laughed as he left the apartment, Emma following close behind. "How is Regina" Emma asked, knowing she has taken all this very hard.

"She went into work mode to keep her distracted. Regina's mind works in one way, if she is focus then she won't think about you and cry" Rex replied, having his whole past to back his point up.

"At least she's doing better than me" Emma said with a slight chuckle, using it to hide her pain. Rex looked over at her and she sighed, knowing she wasn't fooling him. "I can't believe I did this, I was doing so good"

"I know but you done it once, now do it again. I believe you can and I sure as hell know Regina does" Rex said with a small smile, trying to encourage the blonde. The pair left the building and went to his car, heading for the hospital. It wasn't a far ride from Emma's place. Upon arrival, they quickly made their way in and to the front desk. "Hi, I'm looking to talk to either Dr Green or Dr hart"

"Dr hart is currently in surgery but Dr Green is in her office, I will page her that you are on your way up" the assistant said with a smile, gesturing towards the doors.

"Thank you" Rex smiled before leading the way, a spaced out blonde following behind. As they walked, Rex noticed Emma's behaviour. "Hey, you need to act more normal. All these doctors around and maybe police, they are going to drug test you" Rex sternly whispered, looking at the blonde with a strict Mills face.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry" Emma sighed, straightening herself up a bit more.

The two went to the top floor of the hospital and headed towards the office they knew well enough now. Rex checked that Emma looked focused enough before knocking the door.

"Come in" Dr Green called out, knowing it was the two of them. They both walked in with a smile, waving to greet her. "Hi, both of you. Take a seat and we can talk"

"Hi, Dr Green. Me and Emma have a few questions that we need answers to about Regina" Rex said with a polite smile, sitting down beside the blonde.

"I'm happy to answer any with guarding the patient confidentiality" Dr Green said, knowing what she was told to keep Regina's secret just that.

"Well we are going to need answers anyway, we want to save Regina's life" Emma said in a snappy tone, not meaning to come off so harsh.

"I got this, Emma. Dr Green, we want to know how Regina's cancer went from a 41% chance to terminal within the same week" Rex asked, looking curiously at the doctor. Dr Green stayed quiet a little, trying to think of an answer while respecting Regina's wishes. "I'm here medical contact, you have to tell me"

"Sir, with all due respect, patient confidentiality says that I must keep what my patient has said a secret" Dr Green politely said, wanting to help the brunette but knowing her rules.

"We are trying to help her" Rex sighed, needing the answer from the woman.

"Please, Regina is the love of my life and I can't loose her yet, I'm not ready for it. If the person you cared most about in this world was dying, you'd want to make sure everything was done to try stop it" Emma said in a begging tone, showing in her eyes that she was desperate.

"I-" Dr Green went to say but stopped before she could. She sighed in annoyance and gave in to temptation. "Ok, fine. I will tell you because I care about Regina surviving. Regina told me and Dr Hart to stop treatment and class it as terminal in front of you two. She gave up and when she said stop, we had to"

"WHAT?! Are you taking THE FUCKING PISS" Emma snapped in anger, slamming her hands against the desk as she stood up.

"Emma, calm down" Rex said, just as annoyed but having to be the calm one.

"No! Regina is dying and you have the chance to save her, why the fuck would you stop" Emma asked in a growling tone, feeling so angry and scared all at the same time.

"Miss Swan, when a patient asks us to do something then we must" Dr Green explained, knowing the blonde had the right to be angry.

"Surely Regina isn't allowed to make decisions like that on her own, I'm the next of kin" Rex questioned with slight confusion, knowing his sister isn't in the best head space.

"You can only make decisions if she is unresponsive. I'm sorry but legally it was Regina's choice and we had to oblige" Dr Green replied, seeing the shock and pain in the pair.

"We need to get Regina down here, she has to fix this" Emma said with a huff, starting to pace due to her high level of stress.

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