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It was later that evening, Regina was upstairs as she wanted to be alone for a bit. Emma was sat in the lounge, watching TV with her nerves controlling her brain. Rex walked into the room with a small smile, knowing he's just as worried and paranoid as the blonde was.

"Hey" Rex said with a wave, slouching down beside the woman.

"Hi" Emma simply said, pausing the TV with the little energy she had.

"You doing ok" Rex asked, looking at the blondes worried face.

"No, I'm worried. I can't deal with her leaving me again, I don't want to" Emma sighed her response, rubbing her tired eyes as she sat up more.

"I don't think she will this time, I know she needs you" Rex softly said, rubbing he side of her shoulder to sooth her. Emma just gave a small smile. He could tell she was gagging for a glass of whiskey or some heroine. Rex stood up, went to the hidden cupboard he built into the cabinet and took out a bottle of whiskey out. He poured two glasses and walked over to the blonde, holding one towards her. "I know you're getting sober but I think this will be better for you now rather than stressing so much"

"Thank you" Emma replied with a small chuckle, taking the glass from the taller man. Rex sat beside the blonde and held his glass up, letting her clink their glasses together and chuck the whiskey down their throats. "Whoa, that hit the spot"

"They told us her cancer may come back but we'd have at least 2 years before we had to worry about it, not 2 months. Let her just process this and be gentle with her for a few weeks, she loves you and needs you to be patient" Rex softly said, seeing the fear on the blondes face.

"I know, I just can't promise I'll be sober during it" Emma replied with a small chuckle, looking into the empty glass with desire for more.

"Well I'm not encouraging you to start drinking again but if it keeps you calm and stops you from doing heroine, then so be it" Rex said with an exhausted laugh, knowing it's better she drinks then injects. Emma let a small chuckle escape, going back to looking at the ground. "Come here" Rex said, putting his arm around the blondes shoulder. Emma moved closer and rested her head on the man's shoulder, both holding each other in fear for Regina. "It's going ok"

"What if it's not, what if she does die? I can't talk to her about this because she's worried enough" Emma sighed, wanting to let all her emotions out but shielding them away.

"Then me and you will talk about it. I know this is hard to talk with her about so me and you can, we are both just as worried" Rex said with a small smile, holding the worried woman close to him.

"I thought you didn't like me" Emma asked with a smirk, chuckling as she looked up at him.

"I don't" Rex replied, giving a laugh as he rested the side of his head on top of the blondes.

"Well look at you two getting along" Regina said with a small smile, walking into the room. She had a cracked voice, snuffly nose and red puffy eyes, all from crying. "Never thought I'd see you hugging"

"You alright" Emma asked with a chuckle, sitting up to talk to her girlfriend.

"I'm ok, worried and upset but ok" Regina replied softly, walking over to the pair on the sofa.

"Here, sit down" Rex said, gesturing the spot between him and the blonde.

Regina sat down and cuddled into Emma, holding her body close to her. She placed a small kiss on her neck and closed her eyes, sniffling a little. Rex rubbed the side of her head to help sooth her.

"So, what are we watching" Regina asked, squeezing her girlfriends arm.

"Friends" Emma replied, playing the show she was previously watching.

"Is this the part where Ross cheats on Rachel" Regina asked with a small smile, knowing she loves the show a lot.

"They were on a break, he didn't cheat" Emma said with a laugh, glancing down at the woman on her shoulder.

"Don't start that argument" Rex sighed, knowing exactly what was to come.

"No, they were still together and he slept with someone else" Regina said with a stern look, sitting up from the woman's shoulder.

"But they were on a break" Emma laughed, seeing the funny look on her girlfriends face.

"No, they were still together and Ross went for the first girl he could get. If we had an argument and I slept with someone, would it be ok"

"Well no but that's dif-"

"Exactly, its not ok. He cheated" Regina cut in, proving her point once again to the blonde.

"Em, don't argue, you'll be there all day" Rex said with a chuckle, knowing he's had the same argument. Emma laughed as she pulled the brunette back into her arms, kissing her head softly. They looked back at the TV and continued to watch, distracting themselves from the bad news they received. Rex leaned over to the brunettes ear, knowing to be as quiet as he could when he spoke. "Do it now" he whispered, holding his left ring finger in his hand to show what he meant. 

Regina was confused what the man meant, not yet seeing his hand. As she looked down, she saw and smiled at what he was hinting. She looked back at her brother and nodded in agreement.

"I'll be back in a minute" Regina said with a smile, standing up from the sofa.

"Are you ok" Emma asked a little worried, knowing she usually said that before puking.

Regina smiled and nodded, reassuring the woman a little. She went out to her car and into the glove compartment, digging through to find the hidden ring. Once she did, she locked the car back up and slipped it into her pocket. Regina quickly went back into the house due to the cold weather outside. She walked into the lounge, seeing the pair the same way she left them. She nodded to Rex, hinting to turn the TV off. He smiled and did as he was told. Emma looked confused at him but was taken from that when Regina walked in.

"I have a surprise" Regina said with a smile, sitting back down beside the blonde.

"A surprise? What is it" Emma asked with a chuckle, a little confused why.

"If u tell you, it won't be a surprise" Regina laughed, rolling her eyes at the funny woman. She kissed Emma softly on the lips before looking into her eyes and holding her hands. "I love you more than anything in this world, you are my rock, my everything. I know me having cancer again is scary for all of us and I know you are probably scared about me leaving again. I'm never leaving, I love you too much to even try to leave again. Whether my life is short or we grow old, I want you by my side no matter what. I love every inch of you with my whole soul. Will you, Emma Swan, marry me" Regina asked as she moved onto one knee, holding the ring up to her.

Emma looked shocked, knowing she didn't expect that. Rex was smiling, a little teared up, at the sight of his sister finally doing this. Regina bit her lip in suspense, hoping the blonde said yes already. Emma was just looking at her, so surprised of all of this.

"No" Emma replied, her face showing how shocked she was from this.

"No?" Regina questioned, looking confused as she honestly didn't expect that.

"Another no" Rex said, unsure why the pair kept saying no to each other.

"I'm just kidding, I had to get you back for saying no to me" Emma chuckle, finally smiling brightly at the proposal. "Yes, of course I'll marry you, you idiot"

"That's not funny, you gave me a heart attack" Regina sighed as she laughed, slapping her own forehead gently.

Emma was laughing as she looked at the woman, her smile wider than anyone had ever seen. Regina moved up and kissed the blonde, deepening it instantly. Rex smiled as he clapped at the pair, finally happy they are engaged. Emma pulled away and looking into her, now, fiance's eyes.

"I love you" Emma whispered, resting her forehead on the brunettes with a huge smile.

"I love you too" Regina replied with a chuckle, her smile just as big as the blondes.

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