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It's been about a week and a half, Emma and Regina have been on another date and met up a few times for coffee. They talk almost everyday, growing more and more feelings for each other. Emma was currently sat in her bed with her best friend, a needle with heroin in was hanging out her arm. Emma pushed the liquid into her arm as she took a deep breath, feeling the drug invade her body.

"Awe, that's good" Emma sighed in relaxation, pulling the needle from her arm.

"I told you this guy done good heroin" Katya said with a smirk, lying down on the bed.

"Next time I'll believe you, this is good" Emma replied, chuckling as she collapsed beside her friend.

"So, how are things with you and that girl? You've been going out and texting her none stop" Katya questioned, dropping her head beside her to see the blonde.

"Awe, K, I'm crazy about her, she's amazing. She is literally the perfect girl, there is just one small thing though" Emma replied, staring at the ceiling as she thought about Regina.

"What is it" Katya asked, sitting up in excitement due to the drugs kicking in.

"She's got cancer and doesn't think she'll survive. Kat, I don't want to loose her now, let alone if we fall in love" Emma sighed her response, rolling over to burry her head in the pillow.

"Don't think like that, you gotta enjoy the time now" Katya said with a smile, shoving the blondes leg to encourage her. Emma laughed as she scrunched her body up, keeping her head pushed in the pillow. "Besides, with the amount of drugs you inject and alcohol you chug, you'll die way before her"

Emma lifted her head to look up at her, beginning to laugh at what she said. Katya began laughing as well, soon falling off the bed. The pair laughed even more, feeling their bodies reacting to the drug even more. Meanwhile, Regina was sat on a hospital bed as a doctor takes her blood.

"Doc, can I ask you something and I want your honest answer" Regina asked, looking across at the woman who was taking her blood.

"Of course, I told you that you can ask me anything" Dr Green replied with a smile, glancing up a little before back to her patients arm.

"Do you think I'll survive, honestly do you" Regina asked, knowing this is the only doctor that will give her a real answer.

"I don't know, I believe it could go either way for you. If you give up in your mind, it can affect your chances. You have to stay positive and believe you can survive in order to" Dr green replied, taking the blood from the woman's arm.

"How can I have hope when each week they tell me the drugs aren't working" Regina questioned with a sigh, looking down in exhaustion.

"Those drugs aren't working but the next just might. Don't give up, Gina, I will do everything I can to keep you alive" Dr Green said with a smile, taking the needle out the brunettes arms.

"Thanks, Doc" Regina said, smiling at the small piece of hope she was given.

"So, how's everything else in your life, anyone special?" Dr Green asked with a slight smirk, turning to put the needle in the bin.

"Yeah, actually there is. First time since I was a teenager that I'm actually dating someone" Regina replied with a chuckle, hiding the blush she got when she thought of Emma.

"It's about time, Regina. You're such a pretty young girl, you should be out there living your life with someone special" Dr Green said as she giggled, knowing the brunettes attitude towards life.

"I don't exactly have much of a life to live. I can't do anything an ordinary 22 year old would" Regina sighed, knowing her life is planned out for her.

"There's more to life than drinking, just enjoy the time you have in case you don't have much" Dr Green informed, chuckling as she walked back to her desk. "You're all done for today, Regina. Is there anything else you want to ask me"

"What do you recommend I do to live my life" Regina asked, unsure how she would go about such things.

"Well first off, when was the last time you had sex" Dr Green asked, causing the brunette to look shocked at her. "Just answer"

"3 years now, maybe" Regina replied with a sigh, knowing it's an embarrassing amount of years.

"I'm saying this as a friend, ok? Honey, go get laid. I know you're holding back because of the cancer but trust me, you need it" Dr Green said with a chuckle, turning to face her computer.

"Thanks, I guess. I'll see you soon" Regina said, laughing a little as she got up to leave.

"See you Tuesday" Dr Green called out after her, glancing to watch the brunette leave.

Regina walked through the office with a sigh, not sure what to do. She took her phone out as she walked and texted Emma.

Regina: hey, I'm finished at the doctors. Are we meeting at yours or the cafe? Xx

Emma heard her phone go off, signalling she had a message. She sat up from the bed and rubbed her droopy eyes. Katya was still just staring at the ceiling, thinking about nothing and everything. Emma read the message a few times to let the question process in her brain, finally being able to message back.

Emma: cafe, I'll meet you there now xx

"Katya, I got to go" Emma said as she climbed out of bed, appearing as if she was sleeping.

"Have fun, dude. Just make sure you leave my heroine" Katya said with a chuckle, not moving her almost closed eyes from the ceiling.

Emma laughed as she grabbed her jacket, heading out of her best friends apartment. She went down the stairs and out the front door, just looking at the street. She began walking on auto pilot, letting her muscle memory take her to the cafe. Once she arrived, she went and found a booth to sit at, just looking at the menu but not reading.

"So this is what you look like when your high" Regina said with a slight chuckle of disbelief as she approached the table.

"Hey, beautiful" Emma said as a large smile formed on her mouth, patting the space next to her. Regina sat down next to her and hugged her, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. She hasn't seen Emma in this state before, she never really wanted to in all honesty. As she pulled away, she just looked at Emma with a slight sigh. "You don't like me anymore, do you"

"Of course I still like you, I just don't like this druggy look on you" Regina softly said, moving some hair behind the blondes ear.

"Then I will try to stop" Emma said with a slight smile, looking into the brown orbs dreamily.

"You'd do that for me? You barely know me" Regina questioned, looking a little surprised at the blondes comment.

"But I really like you and I don't want you to go because of something like this" Emma softly said, smiling tiredly at the woman.

"I think you're so high, you are talking crap" Regina chuckled as she rolled her eyes, feeling her cheeks heat up.

"Oh come one, you know I really like you whether I'm high or not" Emma said with a laugh, cupping the brunettes cheek.

"I really like you too" Regina added, giving a small smile as she bit her lip at the blonde.

The pair both leaned in, connecting in a soft but tender kiss. The kiss deepened as they held each other closer. Both of them realised they really like each other, neither sure why. Emma pulled away with a smile, giving a wink to Regina.

"You wanna be my girlfriend" Emma asked with a smirk, bitting her lip at the beauty in front of her.

"Yeah, yeah I do"

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