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The end of the week came, it was Sunday and the couple had slept with each other for the first time. Regina opened her eyes and looked around, noticing her naked body cuddled into the arms of Emma's naked body. She smiled, knowing it's rare she ever wakes up with someone. Regina thought about how Emma held her so softly and kissed her with so much love. She wiggled out the blondes arms, grabbed one of her oversized baggy tops and pair of shorts to slip into. Regina quietly left the room and closed the door, making sure she didn't wake the blonde.

"Oh now you're quiet" Rex said with a smug laugh, rolling his eyes as he came out his bedroom door.

"oh god, you scared the life out of me... Wait! You heard? Oh my god, my brother heard me" Regina said with shock, looking at her brother in horror due to him being there.

"Heard? I felt the house move" Rex laughed, walking towards the set of stairs to go down them.

"Oh god, you are not meant to be here. Why are you here, I thought you were out all night" Regina sighed with a huff, following the light haired guy down the stairs.

"Plans were cancelled, I didn't think you were doing that" Rex replied, looking over his shoulder with a sigh.

"Neither did I but, oh god, I had such a good night" Regina happily said, smiling as she thought about their date.

"You really like this girl, don't you" Rex said with a smile as he looked at his sisters real smile, not remembering the last time he saw it.

"I really do" Regina replied, chuckling as she followed the man to the kitchen.

"Well really like her at her place, I need sleep too" Rex said with a tired smile, pulling the fridge open to get food.

"Shut up, I'm happy" Regina laughed, smiling so happy as she thought about the blonde.

"You want breakfast" Rex asked, searching the fridge for something to eat.

"No, just coffee thanks" Regina replied as she poured herself a cup, knowing she has barely slept. 

"Regina, have you seen my bra? I can't remember where you threw it" Emma asked as she walked in, rubbing her tired eyes. She was in a pair of panties and a white tank top. She looked up and froze at the sight of Rex, not expecting to see him. "Rex, hi. I didn't know you were here"

"Neither did I. There's a pair of shorts in the drier" Regina said with a chuckle, taking a mouthful from her coffee.

"Thank you" Emma replied, laughing as she went to grab clothing for her bottom half.

"Nice to see you again, Emma, I just didn't think I'd see so much of you" Rex said with a laugh, pouring the milk into his cereal.

"We didn't think we'd see you at all but here we are" Regina said with a chuckle, trying to hide how embarrassed she was by the situation. Emma slipped into a pair of shorts quickly, knowing she felt a little awkward in her underwear. She then went over to the brunette and kissed her cheek softly, causing Regina to smile at the feeling. "Good morning, baby"

"Morning, good looking. I had fun last night" Emma said with a smile, hugging the brunette from behind as she bent down to be her level.

"Me too" Regina replied, bitting her lip as she looked over her shoulder.

"That's my queue to leave" Rex said awkwardly, carrying his bowl of cereal out of the room quickly.

"I don't think your brother likes me" Emma said with a laugh, standing up straight to make herself a coffee.

"He does, he just isn't use to women he hasn't slept with walking around in their underwear" Regina replied, chuckling as she took a large gulp of her hot drink.

"I mean same" Emma said with a shrug, causing them both to laugh together.

Regina giggled as she took a sip of her coffee, standing up to her feet. She walked around the island and to the counter, grabbing a peach from the fruit bowl. She then felt a pair of hands on her waist, causing a smile across her lips.

"What are you doing" Regina asked with a chuckle, placing her hands over the blondes.

"Kissing you" Emma replied, placing a soft kiss against the brunettes neck.

Regina turned around in the blondes arms, looking up into her eyes. They both just smiled. Emma leaned in and kissed Regina softly, both moving closer as they did. Regina's hands slowly moved up to Emma's cheeks, moving into her hair. The kiss deepened as they somehow moved even closer together. Regina felt her body melting into the blondes touch, never knowing a touch like it. Emma held the brunette close to her body, enjoying the warmth she was receiving. Soon enough, the pair slowly pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.

"Whoa" Regina whispered with a smile, catching her breath from the kiss.

"You say that every time" Emma giggled, brushing a strand of hair behind the brunettes ear.

"And I mean it" Regina replied, smiling lovingly at the woman holding her close. Emma chuckled as she gave her a wink, stepping back to let the brunette move. "Do you want breakfast"

"My breakfast is usually a bottle of whiskey" Emma replied with a chuckle, knowing there was no point her being ashamed.

"Well I'm not giving you that, I can offer you cereal or toast or fruit but not whiskey" Regina said, giggling a little as she knew that was the answer expected.

"I'll just have fruit thanks. Shouldn't you be eating more though, you have cancer after all" Emma questioned, knowing she does worry about the brunette.

"I'll stick with coffee for now, I don't usually eat much in the mornings" Regina replied with a chuckle, knowing she can't live without her coffee. Emma wasn't too sure but just chuckled and let the brunette do what she wanted. Regina just looked at the blonde, smiling happily at her. "What did you want to be when you were younger"

"For years, I'd always wanted to be in the army but that didn't work out. What about you" Emma replied, remembering back to when she was a kid.

"I liked the idea of opening a small cafe, me and the love of my life growing old together while working together" Regina answered, trailing off into her own thoughts as she pictured her future.

"Seriously? I couldn't ever imagine being old and working with someone" Emma chuckled, knowing she never really planned to live to be old.

"I don't think I'd ever get that but it's a fantasy I love to think about" Regina replied with a giggle, not feeling offended as she knew the pair viewed life differently.

Emma chuckled as she took a bite of her peach. Regina drunk a mouthful of her coffee and held it close to her, trying to warm herself with it. Emma noticed. She walked around the island and stood behind her, wrapping her warm arms around her. Regina was use to being cold, it was a strange side effect she got from the treatment she was on. They both melted into each other's touch, smiling at the feeling.

"It's cold down here, you want to go back into your bed" Emma asked with a slight smirk, placing a soft kiss upon the brunettes neck.

"You don't even have to ask" Regina replied as she smiled brightly, standing up from her stool.

She placed her almost empty cup of coffee on the island and turned to grab Emma's hand, leading the pair out the room. They ran up the stairs as if they were little school girls, quickly going into Regina's room. Emma pressed Regina up against the door, biting her lip at the view.

"You're so beautiful" Emma whispered, not meaning to let the words slip out her mouth.

"No, that's you" Regina said as a large red blush took over her cheeks.

Emma chuckled and leaned in, kissing the woman deeply. Both held each other close as the kiss increased in passion. Emma lifted the brunette up and carried her to the bed, both laughing as they fell backwards onto the bed. The pair were caught in a fantasy of love but neither knew that it was simply that, a fantasy.

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