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It's been another week, Regina is barely even able to speak now. She was asleep in the hospital bed, like usual, whilst Emma was sat on the chair beside her, holding her hand the whole time. Emma kept looking up at her and back at her book, unable to actually read it due to her fear and stress. Rex came back from the toilet and quietly sat the other side of the brunette, looking so see she was still alive. He then looked at his daughter in the crib beside him, checking she was asleep before his sister again. Regina was attached to machines in order to monitor her heart rate; it's slow but still beating. Soon enough, Dr Hart and Dr green walk in with there recent results.

"Hi, is this a bad time" Dr Hart asked, seeing the brunette in her usual sleeping state.

"It's fine, I'll get her up for this" Emma replied with a polite smile, standing up from her seat. Regina had been asleep almost 2 hours now and she'd want to listen to this. Emma brushed her hand through the brunette hair and softly stroked her cheek, being gentle not to hurt her. "Hey, baby, awake up. The doctors need to talk" Emma softly said, watching her wife's eyes slowly opening.

Regina could barely hold them open, they felt too heavy for her now. She looked around to see everyone there, realising what was going on now. She looked at Emma and opened her hand, gesturing she wants it to be held again. Emma took it into hers and stood beside the bed, giving her a small smile as she kissed it.

"Hi" Regina whispered, not even strong enough to say it louder.

"Hi, Regina. We have your results" Dr green said with a half smile, knowing she had always prayed for Regina.

"Just give them to us straight, we are use to this now" Rex said, knowing they always beat around the bush with it.

"Without a donor, your chances are 1% of surviving while staying on the medication and staying in the hospital with us. We will give you, at a maximum, 2 weeks survival and the chance of getting a donor in that time is very slim" Dr Hart softly explained, not even having to read off the board in his hand due to who his patient was.

"That settles it. Take me off and... send me home... Please" Regina said in a breathless voice, having to pause a lot in her words.

"We can't advice that, your best shot is here so, as doctors, we have to advice that you stay here. You can leave but legally we will not discharge you" Dr Green said in a gentle tone, trying to hint for the brunette to take the chance.

Regina just rest her head beside her, scared to die in a hospital. Dr Green and Dr Hart politely but silently excused themselves before leaving the room. Rex looked at his sister and saw the sadness in her face, knowing she just wants to go. He looked at Emma who gave him the same look back, both knowing what to do.

"I'll sort this out, Gina" Emma softly said, gently getting go of the brunettes hand. Regina gave her a small smile before letting it drop, unable to hold it. Emma walked out the room and saw Dr Green stood by the nurses desk, appearing stressed from her day. "Excuse me, Dr Green"

"Yes. Oh, Emma, hi. Is everything ok" Dr Green asked with a polite smile, turning to face the blonde properly.

"Can't I talk to you for a minute" Emma asked, showing in her face that it was to be private.

"Of course, we can go into this office over here" Dr Green suggested, gesturing to the room just beside them. They both walked in and over to the table, sitting opposite each other. "How can I help"

"I need you to discharge Regina, she can't die here" Emma softly said with a tone to show she was really begging.

"I'm sorry, I want nothing more for her but as a doctor, I have to do what her best chance is and that is her staying" Green explained, knowing it pains her to do this to Regina.

"You don't understand, I need to take her home. I made 4 big promises to her and 3 of them I failed at because of this. The last one was to make sure she didn't die in a hospital, she made me promise I'd take her home. That is the kindest woman in there; she never asked for much in this world but the few things she did ask for, I couldn't give her... Except this. Regina is a party girl without her party, a bride without her dress and a mother... Without her child. I promised her all these things and I never got to give her any" Emma explained, her eyes filled with tears and her voice cracked.

"Emma" Green softly said, unable to come up with words to say.

"The least I can do for my wife is to take her home, put her in our bed, cuddled her up and let her finally go in my arms. That's all she wants... That's her dying wish, to go home" Emma finished in her tear filled voice, trying to hard to keep it together.

"Ok, she can go" Dr Green finally said, knowing her heart tells her this is what is best for the brunette.

"Thank you, thank you so much" Emma said with a smile, standing up as she rubbed her watery eyes.

The blonde quickly shock the woman's hand and left the room, heading back to Regina's. As she arrived, she saw her wife throwing up blood and Amelia crying in the crib. Rex was trying to help Regina but needed to get to the baby. Emma went over and lifted the small child into her arms, holding her close and soothing her.

"Thank you" Rex sighed in relief, keeping his sisters hair held back whilst still holding her up.

"It's alright" Emma replied as she left the room, taking the baby from the sight. She bounced the small child in her arms and soothed her to stop the crying. "Come on, sweetie. It's ok" Emma whispered, swaying side to side in hope that would help. Amelia soon stopped crying and snuggled into the blonde, stretching her hand to reach her face. "Hi, beautiful little girl. Yes, you, you're beautiful"

As Regina dropped throwing up and finally led back down, she could see out the window at her wife with her niece. Rex gave the nurse beside him the sick bowl before looking back at her, helping to make her more comfortable. He then noticed she was just focused on watching Emma with the baby.

"She'd make a great mum" Rex softly said, looking out the window to see the pair.

"Yeah... It sucks I won't see that" Regina replied in a quiet voice, feeling herself starting to fall back to sleep. Emma walked into the room with a smile at Amelia, ticking her to make her giggle. "Hey... What did Green say"

"We're going home, baby" Emma replied with a big smile, walking to the bed to be closer to her.

Regina gave her as big of a smile as she could before falling asleep, happy she was going to die in her own bed.

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