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It's a week later and Regina is still in hospital, feeling weaker each day. Emma hasn't left the hospital, she refuses to go home or to work in case anything happens. The pair were watching big bang theory, Regina led in the hospital bed and Emma sat on the arm chair beside her.

"Do you think any of them are cute" Regina asked with a curious face, looking at the four male main characters.

"How many times do you need me to come out" Emma asked with a confused look, chuckling a little at the question.

"Shut up, you know what I mean. I think the best looking would be Raj maybe but if I was straight, none would be my type" Regina replied, rolling her eyes with a giggle to the woman.

"No, if I was to go that way it would be Leonard, he's alright when he doesn't have glasses on" Emma said with a chuckle, looking down at her phone in her hand.

"What about Penny or Bernade-"

"Penny" Emma cut off, not even needing to think about the question.

"Seriously, answer faster" Regina sarcastically said with an eyebrow raise, shaking her head a little at the woman.

"Oh come on, it's kind of obvious. Who would you pick" Emma asked with a laugh, looking up to her wife.

"I don't know, brunettes have usually been my type" Regina replied, looking at the characters on screen.

"Well it's lucky your blonde wife didn't hear that" Emma sarcastically said with an eyebrow raise, chuckling at the woman's response.

"Except you" Regina replied with a small smile at her wife beside her. Emma laughed and looked back at the TV high up on the wall. "I miss my bed"

"Hopefully we can go home soon, I love you but trying to share that single bed isn't comfortable" Emma chuckled, knowing she's sort in there twice with the brunette.

Regina giggled as she turned to look at the woman, smiling sweetly at her. She slowly moved her hand and held it out towards the blonde, awaiting her to take it. Emma held it with both of hers and kissed it softly, keeping hold of it. Rex the stood in then approached the doorway but was stood leaning on the door frame.

"Hey, I got a surprise for you" Rex said with an awkward smile, catching the couple's attention.

"Oh it's never good when you say that with that face" Regina sighed nervously, worried her brother has done something bad.

"It's not that bad, it's actually a good thing. So I hooked up with this girl"

"That's where all good stories start" Regina cut in with a laugh, trying to slowly move her body up a little more.

"Just listen, Regina. So I hooked up with this girl a few months ago and I bumped into her a few days ago when I came to see you" Rex said with another awkward smile, worrying the two inside. He stepped out into the doorway, revealing a small baby in his arms. "This is Amelia, she's my daughter"

Both women gasped in shock, neither expecting him to be holding a baby. Rex giggled a little as he came more into the room, glancing down at the baby. Regina lifted her head a little more forward to see just how adorable the little girl was.

"Oh my god, Rex, she's gorgeous" Regina said with a heart felt smile, admiring the cute little baby.

"She's only a week old, I bumped into the girl when she came in to give birth" Rex said with a chuckle, knowing he is happy to have a baby.

"So you are sharing the baby" Emma questioned, still confused on all the details.

"She doesn't want her, she was giving her up for adoption so I decided to take her" Rex replied, smiling at the little girl. As he looked up, he saw Regina looked and tearing up at the baby. "You want to hold her"

"Yes but you will have to help me" Regina replied with a small giggle, knowing she's not strong enough to hold a pillow at the moment.

"Here, I have an idea" Emma said, standing from the arm chair. She picked up the small pillows and placed them under each of Regina's arms, leaving them with her body. "Now you can rest her there and she won't drop her"

Regina smiled at the blondes help, thankful she done that. Rex stepped closer and rested the baby into his sisters arms, seeing her smile double in size. It was no secret that Regina loved babies and children, it broke her heart she can't have them.

"Hi, Amelia. Aren't you a precious little one" Regina said with a smile, using her thumb to brush the girls cheek.

"You can't see because she's asleep but she has yours and mums eyes, there's no debating she's my kid" Rex said with a smile, knowing those eyes run in all the mills women.

"She's so beautiful" Emma said with a smile, sitting on the edge of the bed to see better. She reached across and stroked the baby's cheek softly. "I knew this would happen. Gina, you owe me 20 bucks"

"Yeah, I should have seen that coming" Rex chuckled, watching his sister smiling at his daughter.

"I want to keep you and eat you up, yes I do" Regina said with a smile, using her baby talking voice. "So what made you want to keep her"

"Well I saw the mum coming in with a pregnant belly so went over to say hi because I knew there was a chance that was mine. She told me I was but had to go so I gave her my number and said call me when she's out of labor. When I got there, she said she was giving it up. I went to go see the baby in the incubators because she was a little early and when I saw her eyes, I knew I wanted to keep her. So I finalized the paper work today and she's mine" Rex explained, knowing the mills eyes made him fall for his daughter.

Regina leaned down and kissed the small girls head. She was just looking at her, unable to take her eyes off her. Emma looked at Regina and saw her smile, unable to remember the last time she saw the brunette this happy.

"I want a baby" Regina said, resting her head on the side of the blonde.

"Yeah, that's one thing I scientifically can't make with you" Emma said with a chuckle, looking down at the brunette. She moved her head to be next to Regina's ear. "But that doesn't stop us from giving it a dam good try" Emma whispered with a seductive voice, hinting at what she meant.

"I heard that" Rex said with a grossed out look, rolling his eyes at what was said.

"Well I obviously didn't want you to hear, you just have good hearing" Emma laughed, knowing she did try to be quiet.

Regina just bit her lip as she looked at the woman. She knew she wasn't going to survive to have a baby but it was always nice to picture herself having one with the blonde. After a few seconds or so, she felt her stomach turning and her head spinning. 

"Rex, baby. Emma, bowl" Regina quickly said, feeling as if someone was doing somersaults in her stomach.

Rex quickly took the baby as Emma replaced it with a bowl, seeing the brunette instantly puke into it. It was mostly blood than vomit. Regina threw up about 3 times before she was done, feeling weaker than before. She rested down and tried to catch her breath back, breathing slow and deeply. Emma wiped Regina's mouth clean from the blood and placed it into the bowl, clicking a button to get a nurse in.

"That's the third time this week, that's not good" Rex said with a worried face, knowing he is fearing the worse now.

Regina just led there with her eyes almost close, barely having enough energy to breath anymore. As a nurse took the bowl to be tested, Emma climbed into the bed and held the woman close, knowing the brunettes was scared.

"It's ok, just breath" Emma whispered soothingly, brushing her hands through her wife's hair.

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