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It's been a week, Emma and Regina were cuddled up on the sofa together. They were watching how to get away with murder due to it being Regina's favourite. Emma was just brushing her hand through the brunette hair, twiddling it in her hair. Regina's phone then pinged, causing her to glance down and unlock it.

"Oh my god, my prom was exactly 6 years ago. Look, I was young" Regina said with a smile, seeing all her pictures on the her time hop.

"Awe look at you, so beautiful" Emma said, her smile growing as she looked at her wife's phone.

"You didn't go, did you" Regina questioned, almost sure she knows the answer.

"No, I got high in the park near by and egged the school as everyone was coming out" Emma replied with a laugh, remembering how much she loved school.

"Oh god, you must have been a nightmare. I'd ask how your mother put up with you but I'm fairly sure she didn't" Regina said with a chuckle, knowing the blonde wasn't sensitive with talking about her mother.

"She was an asshole... Did I ever tell you the story of her drug test" Emma questioned with a chuckle, remembering the awful times she had with her mum.

"No, oh god, what did she do" Regina asked as she looked up at the woman, curious at what she was going to say.

"When I was 14, she use to make me pee in a cup every week and tell me it was mandatory or I'd get seriously sick. Turns out she was doing it so she could pass her drug test. Once I figured this out, I started taking drugs so she'd get caught" Emma replied, smirking at her genius plan at such a young age.

"I know I should praise you for that but it was very smart thinking, stupid because you're addicted but very smart" Regina said with a laugh, snuggling more into the blonde. "When I was in school, my nan use to-" Regina started but suddenly stopped mid sentence.

Emma was confused, looking down at the brunette. She saw her with her eyes closed on her chest and felt her body was not even moving with a breath anymore. She quickly sat up and held the brunette up, placing her fingers on the pulse beside her neck. No pulse. Emma quickly led the brunette on the floor and straddled over her front, her hands on top of each other over her chest. She began giving the woman CPR. One push, two push, one breath, two breaths. Emma repeated this a few times until she finally felt the slow breaths returning back to the brunettes body.

"Oh thank fuck" Emma sighed in relief, feeling her own heart return to normal.

Regina was still unconscious and breathing very slowly, unhealthily slow. Emma knew to wake the brunette up to keep her breathing. She shook Regina's shoulders, nothing. Emma hesitated before slapping the woman across the face. Regina's eyes tiredly opened, appearing confused and unsure where she was.

"Did you just slap me" the brunette asked with a puzzled look, feeling the slight sting on her cheek.

"You scared the shit out of me" Emma sighed in relief, feeling the woman's breath returning to normal.

"What's happened"

"You stopped breathing and your heart wasn't beating"

"What... Shit" Regina sighed, knowing she was warned about this but never told the others.

"We need to get you to the hospital" Emma quickly said, unsure if the woman was stable or not.

"No, I'm not going" Regina sternly said, wanting to stand up but not having the energy.

"What, why" Emma asked with a confused look, grabbing her shoes from beside the sofa.

"It's not a big deal, let's just stay here" Regina shrugged, using all her strength and the side of the table to sit herself up.

"No, Gina, you practically died in my arms, we need to go" Emma said with a frown, helping to lift the woman to her feet.

"I'm not going"


"No! They will try keeping me there until I finally die" Regina snapped with fear, holding onto the woman so she didn't fall.

"What are you talking about" Emma asked in a confused but soft voice, not sure what was happening.

"They said if my heart or breathing stops, I will have to come in and be monitored. I don't want to, I don't die in a hospital" Regina replied, her eyes showing the terror she was feeling inside.

"I won't let that happen, you won't die there. We need to get you checked and monitored for at least a week. I'll bring you home the moment I can, ok" Emma reassured, seeing in the brunettes face it was a big fear.

"Ok, thank you" Regina softly replied, placing her head on the woman's shoulder.

Emma lifted Regina up bridal style, both knowing she was too weak to walk. As Emma carried her out, Regina looked at the empty sofa with a sad face. They were having such a nice and relaxed day together, now this. She just sighed and buried her head into Emma's chest. The blonde out her wife in the car and strapped her in, getting in the other side. They drove in silence to the hospital, neither knew what to say. Once they arrived, Emma went in and got a wheelchair for Regina, wheeling it to the passenger door. The brunette looked at it with a turned up nose, hating having to sit in one.

"I know you don't like it but you can't walk" Emma softly said, helping to lift the woman out the car.

"I look like an old lady" Regina sighed as she sat down, slouching in the uncomfortable chair.

"But a very cute old lady" Emma said with a smirk, bent down in front of her.

"That would be sweet if you hadn't just called me an old lady" Regina laughed, slowly lifting her arm to brush the woman's face.

Emma chuckled as she kissed her wife, giving her a sweet smile as she stood up. She wheeled Regina into the hospital and to the front desk, arranging to see Dr Hart or Dr Green. The nurse escorted them to a private room to wait.

"One of them will be here shortly" the nurse said, turning to leave the room.

"Thank you" Emma replied with a smile, closing the door behind her. She looked at Regina to see her sad face looking at the bed, fearing she'd never leave it. "Here, I'll help you up" Emma offered, walking over to the chair.

She scooped Regina into her arms and carried her to the bed, feeling her holding on tighter the closer they got. Emma knew she didn't want to be put into the bed, she knew her wife was scared. Emma sat on the edge and moved herself to the middle, lying down with the woman still in her arms like a bride. Regina's shaky breaths were heard and the sound of sniffles were made, hinting she was crying.

"I'm scared" Regina whispered ever so quietly, knowing she can feel her body getting worse.

"I know, I'm scared too but that's ok, we're allowed to be scared" Emma softly replied, brushing the brunette hair as she kissed her head softly.

"Promise me, you will take me home before I die" Regina asked, moving a little closer to the warm body.

"I promise"

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