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It's 2 months later, Regina had been growing weaker by the day. She struggles to move some days, feeling heavy and fatigue all the time. She handles the important work stuff from home but only if no one else can. Today Regina was led in bed, not able to move much. Rex walked into the room with a bowl of soup.

"You have to eat" he said with a stern voice, placing the bowl on the bed side table.

"Whatever" Regina mumbled, looking at the TV with her almost closed eyes.

"Look, eat something and then take a nap" Rex informed, knowing she is in a bad mood today.

"If I wanted to, I would but I don't" Regina simply said, forcing her body to stay awake.



"What is wrong with you this week? Anyone tries to help or even just talk to you and you snap at them" Rex huffed in anger, annoyed by his sisters behaviour.

"Then take the hint and don't talk to me" Regina replied with an eye roll, trying to get herself more comfortable.

"I give up, you can figure out how to eat your soup alone" Rex said as he threw his arms in the air, walking out of the room in frustration.

Regina sighed as she didn't mean to me snappy. She struggled and tried so hard to sit herself up, failing miserably. Rex walked back in, didn't say anything, and helped his sister sit up. He put a pillow on her lap and placed the bowl of soup in front of her.

"Thank you" Regina quietly mumbled, not wanting to look at the man due to embarrassment.

Rex left the room to avoid anything else with the grumpy brunette he had for a sister. Regina struggled to move her arms to eat her soup but eventually managed. She was watching Big Bang Theory to keep her entertained all day, not being able to move or go out posed a problem to the woman. The front door unlocked and in walked Emma, seeing Rex coming down stairs.

"She's in a bad mood" he quickly said, walking towards the kitchen.

"She's been in a bad mood all week" Emma sighed, knowing she's already exhausted from work.

"Well today is a peak, good luck" Rex chuckled tiredly, walking into the kitchen and closing the door.

Emma sighed as she made herself upstairs, heading towards her room. As she walked in, she saw Regina struggling to lift her arm up. The brunette noticed her and sighed as if she wasn't happy to see her.

"Well nice to see you too" Emma sarcastically said, walking around to the other side of the bed.

"Sorry, I just really in a bad mood and this soup is annoying me" Regina sighed, dropping the spoon and letting her arm rest beside her.

"Then let me help, you keep pushing us away and then struggling" Emma said with a sighed, picking up the spoon with soup on.

"I'm not a child, I don't need to be fed" Regina replied, glaring at the blonde with annoyance. Emma ignored and lifted the spoon to the woman's mouth. Regina didn't open. "I'm not a child"

"No, you have cancer and you're struggling so let me help you" Emma huffed, hating having to see her struggle. Regina opened her mouth, just enough to fit the spoon. Emma fed the brunette her mouthful before placing it back in the bowl. "See, that wasn't so bad"

"I'm not a child, I don't want to be fed" Regina said with an angry tone, feeling immature by being fed.

"Regina, you aren't even capable of sitting up right now" Emma sighed in exhaustion, knowing this is frustrating but nothing is helping.

"Yes, I am"

"No, you're not"

"Just stop, Em" Regina growled, looking down in annoyance but mostly at herself.

"Fine, if you can sit up and kiss me then I will let you continue to try alone" Emma said with a laugh of disbelief, sitting up more in the bed.

"I don't want a kiss" Regina stubbornly said, glancing up at her before looking back down.

"Really" Emma questioned with a smirk, lifting the brunettes head up to look at her.

Regina just stayed still and didn't say anything. Emma moved in and rested her head against the brunettes. Regina leaned in and kissed her softly, smirking after.

"There you go, kiss you" Regina said, moving to look back in her soup bowl.

"That doesn't count, I said sit up and kiss me" Emma said with a laugh, looking shocked she was tricked.

"I did sit up a little" Regina said defensively, glaring at the woman before her.

Emma rolled her eyes and picked the spoon up, holding some of the soup. She lifted it to the brunettes lips whilst cupping her cheek. Regina looked at her and saw the begging in her eyes. She sighed and opened her mouth, allowing the blonde to feed her. Soon enough, the bowl was empty and placed on the bed side table.

"See, nothing wrong with that" Emma said with a smile, helping the brunette to lie down.

Regina just scoffed and slowly moved onto her side. Emma led beside her and looked into her eyes, cuddling close to her. She just smiled and looked into the woman's eyes.

"What are you smiling at" Regina curiously asked, her face in a frown at the woman.

"Your frowny face is cute" Emma replied, smiling sweetly as she patted the brunettes nose with her finger. Regina blushed and smiled, looking away in embarrassment. "There's my beautiful smile"

Regina blushed more as her smile increased. Emma lifted her head up and kissed her softly, moving closer to her. Regina kissed the blonde again, this time slowly deepening it. After a few seconds, Regina could feel her weak body falling asleep and pulled away.

"Thank you" Regina whispered as she rested her head on the pillow, drifting off to sleep instantly.

Emma smiled and kissed her forehead. She got out the bed and quietly walked around it, turning the TV off. Regina phone then started ringing, revealing it was the hospital. Emma answered it as she stepped outside the bedroom door.

"Hello, Regina's phone, Emma speaking" Emma answered, knowing it was one of the two doctors.

"Hi, Emma. It's Dr Hart, is Regina there" he asked, smiling as he knew who the blonde was.

"No, she's just fallen asleep. I can take a message though" Emma replied, closing the door to let the woman sleep peacefully.

"She told me yesterday that she has been really angry and grumpy recently, always snapping. I had a look at which medication she's on and it appears Dr Green put her on the one with an angry temper being a big side effect. That is why she is angry at the moment, it's her medication" Dr Hart informed, reading off the side effects list in front.

"So that's why she is so snappy at all of us, that makes more sense" Emma said with a sigh of relief, knowing it's only temporary.

"Yes, it does. We talked about not putting her on that one as she has a short enough temper without it but we were running out of ideas and this is a very good treatment" Dr Hart said, having been on the end of Regina's normal anger tantrum.

"I will let her and Rex know, now we know it's not personal. Thanks for your help, bye" Emma chuckled, soon hanging up the phone.

She placed it into the brunette room and quickly left, knowing she doesn't want to wake the angry woman.

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