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"She said no" Rex asked in shock, looking at the blonde by the front door.

"She said no and told me to leave" Emma replied, looking down with a few tears in her.

"What the hell? No, that's crazy. Why would she say no" Rex asked, his eyes showing just how shocked he was at this.

"I don't know... I genuinely thought she was going to say yes" Emma said with a small laugh of shock, opening the door to leave.

"Emma, wait" Rex quickly said, walking towards the blonde before she left. "Don't relapse"

"Doesn't count as relapse when, for the last month, I've injected heroine every morning... Keep me updated" Emma said with a sad smile, quickly leaving the house to avoid crying in front of someone.

Rex looked shocked at what he just heard, unsure which what to do at that moment. He quickly ran up the stairs and straight into his sisters room, seeing her stood by the bed in shock. She hadn't moved a single muscle since she told the blonde to leave. Rex slammed the door shut, in hope to catch the frozen brunettes attention.

"You said no?" Rex asked with a stern voice, looking shocked at his sister.

"I had to say no" Regina replied in a shaky voice, staring at the open box with the note.

"Well that's not true" Rex said with a laugh of shock, showing the disbelief across his face.

"Yes, it is. I'm dying, why the fuck would I say yes to making her a widow" Regina asked in a huff, thinking it should be obvious to her.

"Enough with this, Gina. Emma knows exactly what is going on and what she is getting herself into; she wouldn't do something if she thought it was stupid" Rex sighed, looking at his sister in exhaustion.

"Stop saying that! STOP IT! You don't get it, Rex, of course you don't. You don't realise how scary this is for me, how scared I am to leave you in this world let alone Emma. The longer I am with her, the more scared I am for her. I love her so much but I know I'm leaving her, I don't want to destroy her as I do" Regina snapped, finally letting out everything she has been feeling.

"No, Regina, you don't get it. Emma has done drug for the last month because she is scared but you aren't their for her because you're scared of death. I've been slaving away to help you and you don't care because you're scared of death. You are so worried about you dying that you're forgetting to live your life, Regina" Rex said with a sigh, turning to leave the bedroom annoyed.

Regina dropped onto her bed, feeling exhausted from everything. She had felt her body growing weaker over the day but pushed through it until now. Regina pushed herself up and began cleaning the room, scooping petals into the trash and blowing all the candles out. As Regina finished, she was weak and faint, needing to sit down instantly. She couldn't get to the bed quick enough so slowly dropped to the floor and led there with the inflatable engagement ring. One by one, tears come slipping out Regina's eyes as she cuddled the ring. Soon enough, she was asleep. Meanwhile Emma was sat on a her friends lounge with a few friends.

"I can't believe it, mate" Katya said with a  shake of her head, injecting the drug into her arm.

"Yeah, well, I should have expected it from her. This time I'm not going back, I can't deal with it all" Emma said, sterilising the needle in her hand with a flame.

"You guys were that epic love story, you have to go back" Ramona sighed, resting against the arm chair with half open eyes.

"No, don't go back. Why would you go back when you can do drugs with us" Palmer said with a laugh, wiping white powder from her nose.

"Exactly, this is more fun than having someone keep rejecting you and tell you to go" Emma huffed, finally injecting the drug into her arm.

"Are you sure you're ok though, we know you loved her" Kristen asked softly, resting her head on the blondes shoulder.

"I'm fine, I don't care anymore" Emma shrugged, obviously lying but wanting it hid.

The group done different drugs all night until they finally passed out, all but Emma. She was resting against the sofa with Kristen asleep on one shoulder and Katya on the other. Tears stained Emma's cheeks as she just thought about Regina, knowing she'd rather be at home with her than here. Her phone the lit up on her lap, causing her to lift it to her face. Rex messaged.

Rex: are you ok? Please don't over do it tonight x

Emma looked curiously at the message, knowing she never got texts from him. The pair both knew they didn't really like each other, Emma found him stuck up and Rex found her annoying. Nevertheless, she knew she could tell him anything when it came down to her relationship with Regina.

Emma: no, I'm not.

Rex: you know she's just scared, right? X

Emma: well I'm done with it all, I'm not trying anymore.

Rex: get some rest, I'll check on you in the morning when you sobered up a bit x

Emma tossed her phone onto the floor, not caring where it went. Emma let a final tear fall from her eye as she closed them, seeing Regina in her mind. She soon fell asleep with her true love vividly in her mind. As the night went on, Emma and Regina dream of each other and saw all the memories they shared. As Regina began to wake up the next morning, she found herself cuddled with the ring and using if as a pillow. She yawned but was too weak to try stand up or even move for the matter. She struggled to reach to her pocket and take out her phone, messaging her brother.

Regina: are you awake? I could really use some help x

After a few seconds, Rex opened the door and was taken back to see her on the floor. Regina couldn't even look at him, not from last night. Rex saw the sad look on her face and the way she held onto the ring, he knew she was hurting.

"Come here" he softly said, bending down to help pick the woman up. He carried her over to the bed and led her down, pulling the covers over her. He then got the ring from the floor and gave it to Regina, letting her cuddle back into it. "I'm sorry"

"Don't be, I should have never dated her in the first place" Regina replied, knowing she caused Emma pain by being with her.

"That's where you're wrong, Gina, you should have never broken up with her" Rex softly said, looking at the broken woman on the bed. Regina didn't say anything or move, leaving Rex to walk to the door. "I'll get you something to eat"

A tear left Regina's eye as she held the ring as close as her weak body allowed. Soon enough, more tears came until she was crying onto her balloon with a broken heart.

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