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Regina was sat at her work desk, typing away on her laptop like she always is. Her assistant knocked on the door and stepped in, catching her attention.

"Ma'am, I have the stats from yesterday's trading" Barbara said with a smile, placing the forms on the brunettes desk.

"Thanks" Regina said with a sigh, feeling tired and exhausted in her seat.

"Are you ok, you don't look so good" Barbara said with a curious look at the woman's state.

"I'm ok, just tired. I need these sent to Rex and these sent out to Washington DC" Regina asked, shaking her tiredness and focusing back to work.

"Certainly, ma'am" Barbara replied, smiling as she took the forms from the woman.

"Thank you" Regina smiled, looking back down at her laptop. The office door then opened, she already knew who it was because they are the only one to just walk in. "Swan, learn to knock"

"Why would I knock? Hi, Babs" Emma said with a chuckle, walking over to the brunettes desk.

"Hello, Miss Swan. I shall leave you girls to it" Barbara said with a smile and chuckle as she headed towards the door.

"Don't let anyone in, Barbara" Regina quickly said, smirking at the blonde walking towards her.

"Of course" Barbara replied, giving a nod and smirk as she closed the door.

Regina stood from her seat and stepped closer to the blonde, kissing her instantly. They held each others face as they pulled closer. Regina pulled away a little and smirked at the woman.

"Sit down" Regina whispered with a smirk, poking the tip of her tongue out to wet her lips.

"Yes, ma'am" Emma replied with a smirk, moving to sit in the brunettes chair.

Regina straddled over her lap, pushed her hands into the blonde locks and leaned in very close. She took Emma's bottom lip between her teeth and tugged a little, moving to kiss her. The pair deepened the kiss and allowed their hands to explore the others body. Emma found the bottom of Regina's shirt, starting to unbutton the buttons.

"Take off your top" Regina demands with a smirk, helping push her own shirt off her shoulders.

Emma lifted her top off her over her head, tossing it somewhere behind her. Regina began kissing her again, deep and passionate as always. Emma gripped the brunettes thighs and stood up, keeping her up as well.

"My turn" Emma smirked, knowing they always fought to take charge.

Regina smirked and looked over her shoulder at her desk, seeing it was covered in forms and her laptop in the middle. Emma went to push it all off but she realised her laptop was expensive.

"Wait, laptop!" Regina quickly said, holding the blondes hand to stop her.

"Alright, koala me while I move it" Emma chuckle, wrapping the woman more around her body. Regina held on as if she was actually a koala hugging a tree. Emma lifted the laptop off and placed it on the desk chair. She then moved the lamp knowing they have broke many of them. "Now can I"

"Yes but you are cleaning it when we are done" Regina warned with a chuckle, looking at all the paperwork on her desk.

"That's fine by me" Emma smirked, pushing anything on the desk to the floor.

Regina chuckled as she looked at the woman, giggling at the blonde. Emma sat her down on the desk and stood between her legs, holding her body close. The pair leaned in and kissed softly, slowly deepening it. As they moved in more, the office phone on the floor began ringing. Regina pulled away but Emma just kissed her again. Regina laughed again as she pulled away and moved her head, letting Emma kiss her neck.

"Em, I need to answer that" Regina said with a laugh, trying to pull away.

"Actually you don't" Emma smirked, moving back in to kiss the brunette.

"It's my work phone, I have to" Regina said with a laugh, pulling away from the blondes lips. Emma laughed and sighed, bending down to pick up the phone. She placed it beside her and Regina answered, putting it on loud speaker. "Hello, Regina Mills speaking" Regina answered whilst she felt the blonde kissing her neck.

"Hi, it's Dr Green from the hospital. I'm calling in regards of your test last week" the doctor said, sounding as if she was worried about something.

"You had a test?" Emma questioned with a curious look, unsure why she didn't know.

"About me throwing up lots the other day" Regina replied with a small giggle, knowing she told the blonde this already. "What are the results"

"Is there any way you can come in today" Dr Green asked, knowing the news isn't what she wants to say.

"I can't, I am working all day. Can you tell me now" Regina asked, seeing the piles of paperwork all across her floor.

"Umm... We ran lots of tests and made sure we covered everything. Regina, your cancer is back and it's strong" Dr Green informed in a soft voice, not even needing to look at her forms. Regina went silent, her whole face falling into shock. She wanted to speak but her voice was stuck in her throat. "Regina"

The brunette was just looking in shock, her watery eyes blocking her vision. Emma looked up with a shocked face, seeing she wasn't able to speak.

"Regina's in shock but carry on, I'm listening" Emma softly said, pulling the brunette into her secure arms.

"Where it is back so much, we can put her on treatment but her best, and maybe only option, is a donor" Dr Green said with a disappointed look, imagining how hard this is on the pair.

"Which organs"

"Liver, kidney, section of small intestine, lung and heart"

"Are there any more organs" Emma asked with slight shock, unsure of what was left. The sound of Regina starting to cry was heard, her body gripping onto Emma's even more. "Dr Green, we are going to have to go now but I will call back when Regina is ok"

"It's ok, I understand. Please call when you can so I can update you on everything" Dr Green softly said, soon hanging up the phone.

Emma held her close as she felt the tears wetting her shoulder. Regina was gripping her girlfriends body tight as she tried to contain herself as much as she could. She then started kissing Emma's neck, crying as she did.


"Sshh, just kiss me and make this thought go away" Regina cut in with a cracked voice, looking up to kiss the blonde again.

"Gina baby, this isn't going away" Emma softly said, brushing the hair and tears off the woman's face.

"It will for a few minutes as least, please just kiss me" Regina begged, pressing her face against the blondes to kiss her.

Emma didn't stop, she just kissed the brunette deeply. Regina held the blonde hair in her hands as she kept her face close, feeling herself wanting to cry more and more. As she began sobbing, she had to pull away, hiding her face in Emma's neck.

"It's ok, don't worry, it's going to be ok" Emma softly soothed, rocking the pair side to side to keep her calm.

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