Chapter 34- Line

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The titles are changing. This was only supposed to have 20 chapters what the hell- Update: Im sorry this chapter sucks I got 2 hours of broken up sleep. Next Day: I got 30 fucking minutes. Btw its a bad idea to read murder novels that dont end with the culprit getting caught in a dark room at 1 in the morning especially when you are really paranoid of being murdered. ONTO THE CHAPTER

Line POV

As the day passed Line got more and more nervous. After Killing Stalking she had spent the day with her fellow agents doing anything from knife throwing to anime watching. But she couldn't shake that feeling that everything was going to go wrong. A few months ago if you had told Line that she would be a wanted serial killer, she would have thought they were insane. Finally a few weeks ago she had thought she had found a somewhat new normal, with a new family, and even though she had been taking life from others, she had been....happy. Line pushed her hands through her hair, in an attempt to put it back into a ponytail. When that failed, she began to braid it in a long rope that fell halfway down her back. As she tied it off, a voice came through the PA system. "All occupants of the building, make your way to room 356" Line felt the hole in her stomach become a bottomless pit. There was no more waiting for what was going to happen. Line made her way across the room to her brothers who held out their hands to her. She held onto them tightly, maybe too tightly, but they didn't say anything. The three of them followed the rest of the group down to the battle room, walking in silence.

 As the door was pushed open, Line immediately noticed a group of people sitting in some kind of bleachers elevated high above the floor. The people were wearing pitch black suits and seemed to look into her very soul. The others seemed to have noticed the strange men as well, as people began to whisper. Someone had wheeled Tetsu's medical bed into the room and the teen narrowed his eyes. "Its them" he spat. Line looked at him in confusion. He began to explain. "Back when Haru and I were in training like 5 years ago or something they randomly showed up one day during knife practice." He shivered. "I still have nightmares about it." If possible Line was even more scared than before. At that moment a door in the back wall of the room opened and the man in the mask walked out. He seemed...shorter....than last night.  He spread his arms and announced in that deep voice of his,  "IT IS TIME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!" He offhandedly gestured at another raised box and said  "All of you can sit up there, fighters you've got the foldy chairs in that box over there, theres ladders on the walls." Players nervously began to climb the 15 ft tall ladders to the box, however the agents and Line's brothers stayed below. Atsumu and Osamu pulled her into a bone crushing hug. Actually though, Line was pretty sure something cracked in the middle of it. "'Sumu-Samu- You're crushing me!" she choked out. They held her at arms length and Line drew in a sharp breath as she realized that there were tears in her brothers eyes. "Line I swear to god if you get hurt in this we are never letting you out of the house again. She gave them a smile before nodding and pushing their hands off her shoulders. "Don't worry about it! I'll be fine. Its not exactly my first fight..." she tried to make it sound like a joke but her voice shook. 'Sumu and 'Samu crushed her one more time before turning to climb up the ladders leaving the agents alone with Line.

 Kiri and Kai moved forwards to hold her hands. She shot them a grateful look before saying, "Well I guess this is it. Can we do the thing?..." The agents faces split into evil grins. It was tradition that whenever they grouped up like this to do this crazy ritual the big three had come up with while sleep deprived out of their minds (I was also sleep deprived out of my mind while writing this). Hence it being ridiculous. (Aka is normal bold is everyone else). Aka started it off. "ALL HAIL THE COFFEE MILK GODS" (raises hands like offering something) "ALL HAIL THE COFFEE MILK GODS" Line smiled as she clapped her hands against her legs before clapping them together. They threw knives at each other before throwing them into the air and rotating to the right so they caught their neighbors knife. They jumped outwards into their individual fighting stances. "ASSASSINS OF THE NIGHT" "ASSASSINS OF DARKNESS" (Together) "ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE" Line turned and locked knives with Haru who was on her right. Sparks flew as knives clashed around the circle. Weapons were raised in the air as a resounding yell went around the room. Line's grin was replaced with determination as she was left alone on the floor. Mask came out from where he had been leaning on the walls. "So here are the rules!" he announced. "A defeat is classified as 1 of 3 things. A defeat is determined once a fighter surrenders, cannot fight anymore, or dies." Line felt a shiver go down her spine. She wasn't aware she was fighting a death match. "And those are the only rules! Anything goes." Line settled into her fighting stance, realizing how small she was compared to the towering Masked man. He began to count down from 10. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4....3...2..." On one they began to circle each other, twirling knives in their fingers. Line tried to think logically. Compared to her opponent her critical distance was positively miniscule. Plus from what she could see, the man in the mask was only holding standard agent throwing knives. Needles would be harder to dodge (Does anybody actually remember her weapons list? I didn't). But she also had less practice with needles and they were smaller so her accuracy rate was lower. In the end she decided that they were the best option. Drawing a needle from her pouch she drew her arm back in a whip like motion. However before Line could release it Mask sprinted forwards and before she could move he had crossed the 6 feet between them and implanted his fist in her gut. Line choked, the wind flying from her lungs before she flew backwards, slamming her head into the far wall. Her vision tinged with black, Line struggled to get to her feet, preparing for the next attack. This time a knife swung towards her ear, but thankfully in her attempt to dodge it just barely missed. However when she tried to pull herself from the wall she was yanked backwards. Confused, Line looked backwards to see that Mask's knife was stuck through her braid and behind that into the wall. Yells of protest and encouragement came from above, but quickly quieted down. Desperately, Line pulled at the knife, trying to free it from the wall, but it refused to come free. The Masked Man slowly stalked towards her as she tried to escape. The knife was too deep. "Come on Line....I thought you would at least put up more of a fight!" the masked man jeered. Line continued pulling at the knife as Kiri yelled "LINE! FUCK HIM! I KNOW YOU CAN KICK HIS ASS!". The masked man laughed and continued walking forwards, the laugh sounding like that of a wild animal. "Looks like your friends believe in you huh?... Thats cute." At this point he was less than 5 feet away from Line. A couple more feet and then she would be in his striking distance. "You know, I used to have a friend who believed in me like that. But do you know what happened to him?" Line was too busy trying to free herself to answer. "He died. And it was my fault" The man in the mask sounded almost...sad. Line was quickly realizing that their was only one way to get away from this wall. The Masked man however continued his monologue. "After he died I became this" he gestured to himself, almost like he hated himself. Finally he had gotten so close that he could reach out and touch her if he wanted too. "But this is my job-" He was cut off after something had hit the back of his knees. Line stood over the Masked Man, now short hair brushing the sides of her face, holding a knife at the masked mans throat. Line couldn't see his face because ya know, the mask, but he seemed genuinely surprised. She pushed the knife closer to his throat. "Checkmate" she whispered, as yells of triumph erupted from the viewing boxes. Reluctantly the masked man stood back up and crossed his arms. "Okay I surrender" More people cheered in the background. Line turned around to where most of her hair was now hanging limp pinned to the wall. Now it barely brushed her shoulders and was extremely uneven due to the fact she had cut it with a goddamn knife. She looked up and smiled at her family and the players who were for the most part grinning like idiots. "OKAY ENOUGH OF YOU IDIOTS YELLING" the masked man yelled. "KIRI GET DOWN HERE". 


So I know I said this would be out yesterday but Im fucking busy. Next week is finals week and I have my normal work on top of studying. Still trying to find time to write though I promise. The end is near my dear readers. (Chants Unnus Annus). Poll question

Comment 1 If you want the prequel to be written first (The subject will be revealed in a few chapters)

Comment 2 If you want the sequel written first

I don't have the time or ability too write both at the same time, so either you guys comment or I flip a coin. Both are pretty much fleshed out in my brain at least vaguely. The prequel will probably be about 20 chapters, and the sequel will probably be about 25-30. My goal is to have this story be completed by January 24. Fingers crossed. Love you!!!!


P.S I also drew art for this story let me know if I should post that!!!!!

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