Chapter 38- The End

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1 month later

Aka didn't remember exactly what happened after the explosion. Only bits and pieces. He remembered screaming, lots of it, fire everywhere, his body wrapped around that box. He vaguely remembered somebody grabbing his arm, pulling him out of a pile of steaming metal. There was a hazy memory of an ambulance, someone yelling at him to keep his eyes open, and a small white room which he later learned was a hospital room. His arms had ended up with second degree burns along them, but other than those and a few scratches, Aka had come out of the ordeal remarkably unharmed, physically anyways. He had then been questioned by police for hours on end, also learning about his siblings injuries. Most of them were relatively unharmed, Line had a concussion, Sho had some pretty bad gashes in his arms, but he would be fine, Teru's stab wounds were healing well, he would be okay too. Kiri's legs had been operated on in an attempt to piece the bones back together, it was unclear if he would be able to walk anytime soon. He was still unconscious. After the endless questioning ended, Aka remembered very little. Supposedly he and the other agents had stayed at the hospital for another three days, though he didn't remember anything until being released. The loss of Tetsu and Kai was weighing heavily on everyone. Very few smiles were seen in those three days. On the flip side (Can I use that phrase here?), they were finally free from the organization. They had all somehow ended up at Sho's house (Except Kiri), under house arrest orders. The next morning they had woken up to realize that the house was surrounded by undercover police, they probably weren't supposed to know they were there, but they couldn't sneak past a bunch of ex-assassins.

Now as Aka lay on the grass of Sho's backyard, deep into the hours of the night, he pulled out the crumpled piece of paper that he had put off reading for the last month. It and the photograph were the only pieces of evidence he could get from the police. Tetsu's letter. Hands shaking, Aka unfolded the paper and it fell apart into two pages. He held the paper up to the sky so it was readable, and began to read.

Dear Aka and Teru,

(Im going to assume that you two are the ones who will end up reading this)

If your reading this, then something probably happened to me, I probably died. At least tell me I didn't die from slipping on the shower floors? That would suck. Anyways. I have a few things I need to tell you in the event of my death. First of all, if I do have a funeral, can I have lilies and sunflowers? It would mean a lot. Second, I owe you an explanation.

My kill count? I've killed one person. He was someone very important to me. Every time I went out for a job? I sent the person to the police, and one by one, all 1362 of them changed their names and are living normal lives overseas. Its honestly a miracle that I got away with it for so many years. I suspect the organization knew about it, but they never told me off about it.

As I write this Teru you're off on a job somewhere, and Aka you're sleeping a few feet away. Let me make something else clear. My love for all of you wasn't an act. Watching you all grow up was the greatest joy in my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. And yet I will never be able to forgive myself for what I've done to you, I've hurt so many of you under the guise of the masked man, I'm unforgivable. Oh yeah you probably know this if your reading it but Im the masked man. Well technically one of the three of them, but I don't know who the other two are. Tell Shoyo that I was never the one to hurt him, but its fine if he blames me anyways. I deserve it. Hopefully if you successfully got this letter, you also got the papers that were on top of it, and you can find some kind of new normal away from the organization. Aka, I want you to be the new leader of our family. I know its a lot more responsibility if Im gone, but I think your the best person for the job. I know you'll do well. Just remember to not let Nagi eat chocolate after 3 in the afternoon, Don't let Kuni wrap people's wounds, we all know it never goes well. And the girl who got here this morning, Line, make sure to help her. I believe in you. I just realized something. If I die, the technically it isn't the big three its the big two. Guess I lied when I told you that huh. You were what. 15? Anyways.

Theres one more thing I need to tell all of you directly. Don't blame yourselves for my death. Unless you were the asshole that spilled soap all the floor, inevitably  leading to my slippery demise. Months will probably pass from the time I write this till the time you read it. Preferably years. Sadly though, months is more likely. Pretty soon I need to wrap this up, Teru you're going to get back soon. Overall, I just want to tell you that you were the the most important part of my life, and I'll love you for ever and ever. Till, then I guess stay safe, take care of the kids, kick some ass at nationals, and most importantly, live a good long life. Take the time to look at all of the trees on your way home everyday, especially that huge one.

Your brother,


(Tetsuroo Kuroo)

Akaashi lifted up the other piece of paper to see a photo of himself, Tetsu, and Teru smiling, recognizing it as one they had taken last new years when they had snuck out to see the fireworks. The world seemed to sigh as Akaashi closed his eyes that night. Almost as if it too, were mourning the loss of a friend.

1 week later
Hinata POV

Hinata sat a week later in the small room where a funeral was being held for Tetsu and Kai. Nobody talked, nobody cried, as lilys and sunflowers were placed on either side of the silver framed photographs. However the feeling of loss settled over the group like a heavy cloud. Kiri had woken up the day before and upon learning of Kai and Tetsu's deaths, hadn't spoken since. Line seemed to be holding it together, but Hinata had heard her cries when she thought everyone was sleeping. Aka had been sleeping less and less, devoting every waking hour to his siblings, likely using the work as a distraction. Hinata ran his fingers over the fresh scars that wrapped circles around his arms. An hour later they had all arrived back at Hinata's house. Hinata had been sitting on the front porch, chin on his knees as Kiri rolled towards him. "Kai told me once..." Kiri started, and Hinata looked up at him surprised. "That when someone died, they took their place in the night sky. He told me that we were Gemini, twin spirits." His lips curled upwards slightly. "At the time I thought it was ridiculous, one of his random superstitions. Line told me something similar about the stars, yet incredibly different. She spoke of the Gemini as siblings, our bond to one another. One that would last through anything. She said that we would find a new normal, no matter the situation." The door opened behind Hinata revealing a tired looking Akaashi and a small Line. "And we are going too." she said firmly. Aka put a hand on her head before saying "As a matter of fact I think we've already started". As Hinata looked around at his family, he knew something important. These were his Gemini. And they would hold through anything.

??? POV
The dark room was lit only by the glow of screens, and the Iphones of the guards sitting inside. The screens showed hallway, after hallway, most deserted. The brown haired guard took a long sip of his coffee and sighed. Nothing had ever happened in this facility before. The likely hood of a disturbance was slim to none. But after the incident over in Japan a month ago, the board had insisted that security be tighter than ever. But then it happened. A camera blacked out. Then another. Then another. The guard sat up straighter, scanning the cameras for a possible source. But one by one the screens turned to black until the room was plunged into complete darkness. Before he could even stand up, the brown haired guard felt something sharp press against his neck. And the last thing he ever saw?

A single scarred green eye.

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