Chapter 14- Air Time

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Hinata POV

Hinata felt really bad about asking Nishinoya and Tanaka to stay over. Not only was it a school night, it meant dragging them into his dark world. Realizing he had zoned out, Hinata noticed Nishinoya picking up Natsu. The sight was almost comical, as the tiny girl was almost half the size of the libero. (This is like me and my sister -_-). "Her room is the first door on the left." he told Nishinoya. Nishinoya gave Hinata a small nod and disappeared up the stairs. Tanaka waved a hand in front of Hinata's face to get his attention. "Hinata, Im going to go call Saeko so she knows we are staying over and can drive us to school tomorrow."Hinata tilted his head in acknowledgment and Tanaka left the room as well. Hinata sighed and leaned against the countertop and picked up a kitchen knife that was laying there. He began to absent mindedly twirl the knife enjoying the familiar motion and throwing the knife up every three throws. Hinata's mind began to wander and he found himself thinking about his life. Up until 2 years ago he had been a happy energetic kid, who could make friends with pretty much everyone. The thought was almost laughable. Hinata Shoyo, the sunshine of Karasuno, killing people under the moonlight with a mysterious masked man working the role of puppet master, while still wearing fingerless gloves. Hinata froze and dropped the knife. The blade sunk into his hand but Hinata barely noticed. Oh fuck. Hinata hadn't been able to leave the room since he had his panic attack. What if he had a folder on his desk. There were a lot of things Hinata could explain but a victim file definitely wasn't one of them. And Nishinoya was up there. What if he found it. Hinata took a deep breath and silently but quickly walked up the stairs to his room. When he passed Natsu's room he saw Nishinoya struggling to figure out how to put the little girl down. Normally this would have made Hinata laugh but currently he was too scared. Hinata stopped in front of his door and saw a plain manilla folder sitting on his desk that thankfully, looked untouched. Hinata let out a quiet sigh of relief and started to walk towards his desk. When he got close enough he reached out his hand to grab the folder but before Hinata could touch it there was a heavy pressure on the sides of his neck. Before Hinata could even gasp, everything went black.

See normally I would end the chapter here but just for today, I wont end on a ridiculous blackout cliff hanger- Jellybeans

Tanaka POV

Tanaka couldn't believe that had actually worked. He thought it only worked in action movies and shit. Before Hinata could hit the floor Tanaka swept Hinata's legs up and picked him up bridal style (Idk I don't know about y'all I just really like being held this way). What had Tanaka just done?...

*Flashback to like three minutes ago*

Tanaka had just hung up from calling Saeko and he was walking back to the kitchen when he stopped suddenly. He saw Hinata throwing twirling something in his fingers. Was that a KNIFE?! Tanaka's heart skipped a beat when Hinata threw the knife, even though the boy caught it easily. Also of the sudden Hinata went rigid and all the blood drained from his face. Tanaka watched in terror as Hinata threw the knife again, but this time it sunk deep into his hand. Hinata though, didn't even flinch. The ginger walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs silently, and Tanaka, trying to be as quiet as possible followed him. Hinata paused in front of a room momentarily then kept walking. Hinata must have been pretty scared about something for him to not realize he was being followed. Tanaka felt really uneasy as Hinata walked toward his desk where there was a manilla folder sitting. Something weird was going on in this house. And Tanaka wanted answers. As Hinata reached for the folder Tanaka rushed forwards and hit the boy on both sides of his neck. Hinata went down like a bag of rocks. 

*Back to the present*

At that moment Noya walked in and yelled "WHAT THE F-"Tanaka shushed him loudly. Noya resorted to whisper yelling. "WHY IS HINATA UNCONCIOUS?! ALSO WHY IS HE COVERED IN BLOOD?!" Tanaka whispered back saying, "There is a perfectly logical not logical explanation for this." Tanaka explained what he had seen to Nishinoya. "Somethings going on here Noya...Why did Hinata have a panic attack? Why is there no trace of adults in the house? Why does Hinata know how to throw FUCKING KNIVES?!." Nishinoya gestured to Hinata. "I mean shouldn't we bandage his hand and change his shirt before we go all Inspector Gadget? He's kind of getting blood everywhere." Tanaka nodded and Nishinoya went to go try and find some bandages. A few seconds later there was a whisper yell from down the hall. "Ryu! You need to get over here." Tanaka sighed and laid Hinata down on the bed. He walked to the bathroom to see Nishinoya staring wide eyed at an open cabinet. " I opened the cabinet and I tripped and hit the bottom. I guess I hit some kind of false bottom, because a plank flipped up and look whats in it." Noya said sounding terrified. Tanaka looked into the cabinet and almost screamed. Sitting in it was a pair of dark red gloves covered in something that was a rust color and crusty. Tanaka could barely speak. "Is that?... Blood?!" Noya turned to him looking the most serious Tanaka had ever seen him. "Ryu you check the downstairs I'll take the upstairs, look for anything that looks like it has a false bottom or a trap door." "Meet me back here in 10 minutes." Tanaka nodded and walked down the stairs. What the hell is going on with you Hinata?...


When I tell you this chapter was a challenge it was a CHALLENGE. It kept deleting itself, and agh. In the end though it ended up being better than the original. Also just wanted to throw this out there. ACCORDING TO DEMOGRAPHICS 50% OF YALL ARE AMERICAN AND 83% OF YOU ARE 18 GO VOTE. EVEN IF YOU DONT THINK YOUR VOTE MATTERS PLEEAASSEE DO IT BECAUSE IT DOES MATTER. I am a teenager so I can't legally vote but most of you can. Please vote so that we can finally bring long needed change to this country. Also, this story has reached 300 reads and that is so amazing, thank you so much for taking the time to read my stuff. Also apparently my wife reads this so hi Taki. Pleeaaassee comment or something I love reading them. Anyways I have an essay to write after this, but new chapter is mostly written so it should be published soon. Have an amazing day!


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