Chapter 30- Coin Flip

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*Trigger Warning: There is a LOT of gore in this chapter*

*About an hour earlier*

Daichi POV

Daichi opened his eyes to almost complete darkness. He felt something rub against his eyes as he moved his head from side to side. Wherever he was, it was completely silent, which probably meant he was alone in a room. "Hello?..." Daichi tried. He hadn't said it that loud, so he wasn't surprised when nothing happened. The last thing he remembered was standing in the kitchen washing dishes. Daichi really hoped that Natsu was okay. All of a sudden there was a creaking sound, like a door being opened. There was something warm on Daichi's forehead and all of a sudden the blind fold was pulled off. Daichi's eyes immediately shut tight, burning from the sudden change in light. As Daichi's eyes adjusted, he saw a blond boy who couldn't have been older than 14, with a long scar cutting through one of his eyes. The boy had a calm look on his face as he walked around Daichi. A second later whatever had been keeping Daichi's arms from moving fell away. As Daichi rotated his arms to stretch them out he heard the door bang shut, causing his head to fly up. The blond kid was leaning on the doorframe messing with his cuticles. "Um... Who are you?... And where am I?... Is Natsu okay?" The kid looked at him dead in the eye before his face softened a little. "Im Kai. I can't really tell you where you are for security reasons, sorry about that, but if Natsu is the little red haired girl, then yeah she's fine, a couple of other agents are watching her." Daichi sighed in relief. The other boy (Kai?) laughed. "Ironically, we aren't into tying little kids to chairs around here. So Im guessing you know who we are?" Daichi thought about it for a second. "Are you those assassin kids like Hinata, Line, and Akaashi?" Kai seemed slightly annoyed at being called a kid but he nodded. He pushed off the doorframe and started pacing around the room, running his fingers through his hair. Daichi noticed for the first time that there were circles under the kids eyes, and he was shaking slightly. "Um Kai?" The boy turned to look at him. "Are you okay?..." A shadow seemed to pass over Kai's eyes. The boy pulled a wicked looking knife out of his pocket and clenched it in his fist. Daichi leaned away and put his hands in front of his face. He heard a sigh from behind his hands. "Sorry" Kai apologized. "Im just...really scared right now. My boyfriend is in deep trouble..." Daichi lowered his hands but he must have made some kind of face, because Kai was glaring at him. "Are you going to judge me too? Because I have a fucking boyfriend?" Daichi shook his head. "The guard standing outside of the door is a homophobic piece of shit. My parents too. Thats why I live here full time." Daichi felt his heart tighten. Kai was just a kid. "I promise Im not homophobic." After a second of awkward silence Kai gave him a little smile. "If we get through tonight, maybe I'll introduce you to him and the other kids. They could use someone like you, a lot of them could. By the way, I have to tie you up again when I leave, you should probably move around now if you are going too." Daichi tried to stand up, but his legs collapsed. Kai sighed. "Chloroform. They kept you under it for almost a whole day, so that explains why your legs are so weak. Should wear off in a few minutes though, so for now I'll help you." Daichi tried again slowly to get to his feet before they gave out again. This time Kai caught him though, and after Daichi muttered a thank you Kai smirked mischievously. "Theoretically, I could take you to see the other kids now." 

Daichi gave him a confused look. "Are you even allowed to do that?" Kai gave him a sarcastic look. "At the moment I don't really care Dad, so we are doing it anyways. Give me a second to knock out the guards." Daichi gave him another strange look before hobbling back to the chair. Kai walked calmly out the door and Daichi heard a series of quiet thumps before Kai walked back in grinning. "That felt really good!" he announced. Daichi found that he could walk somewhat normally before Kai stopped him and held out a pair of handcuffs, one side already attached to his wrist. "Put the other one on, it'll at least give me some leverage if I get in trouble. Daichi clicked the other one onto his wrist hesitantly. It was very awkward considering the height difference, but never the less, Kai dragged Daichi down a long white hallway. 

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