Chapter 33- 8 point switch

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Rules of Killing Stalking (This may already exist but I'm just making this up. I do want to play this though) Fight scenes start this week~

No maiming

No killing

Teams are allowed but no more than 2

"Killing" counts as tagging your tag on one of your targets vital points

Game ends with the last agent standing

Referee is a big three member or someone elected by them

How its played:

Target sticky tags are handed out by the referee with each person getting a target and being someones target

Players are given three minutes to get into positions without being attacked

Once the three minutes are over the game begins

As people are "killed" they gather back in the infirmary to treat any potential injuries

Once you kill your target you must try and defeat your own "stalker"

The last five standing have a free for all and the last one standing is the winner

Okay the actual chapter now!

Kiri POV (I love this character thats why he has so much POV)

Kiri had played hundreds of games of Killing Stalking, but nothing like this. Before, all the players had been highly lethal assassins who could kill you from behind and you wouldn't even notice. But now they were playing the same game with a bunch of huge and unfamiliar teenage boys (The managers had opted to stay with Terushima) who didn't even know how to hold a knife correctly. But hopefully it would accomplish something. Who knows what, but something. "Okay everyone, eyes up front!" Aka called out. Kiri looked up to see Aka holding a large box full of the tags they used. Thankfully, the tags were dry erase for the constant changing of targets, so it had probably been pretty easy to make them for the players. Kiri zoned out as Aka explained the rules, due to the fact that he already knew them. But there was one rule he wasn't used too. "Agents, you only get three opportunities for sneak attacks. And only practice weapons." Kiri's jaw dropped as agents protested all around the room. The entire premise of Killing stalking was sneak attacks. The practice weapon part kind of made sense, but that didn't make it any less annoying. In contrast to the agents, the players looked relieved that they weren't in danger of ending up like Sho or Teru. Maybe they had missed the "No maiming" part of the rules? Aka continued explaining the game as he passed out tags declaring Kai referee and battlefield medic (accidents did happen occasionally. Okay maybe all the time, but thats irrelevant). Kiri looked down at his tag and saw that the name was "Atsumu Miya" He grinned before making eye contact with Line and nodding. They had agreed previously that they would team up if they could, 1. because they had been through some fights together before, 2. Line had only played this once before. After Aka released them to scatter Kiri and Line sprinted down a hallway before ducking into a random supply closet. On the count of three they flipped their target tags over. Kiri's smile dropped. Line's tag read "Atsumu Miya". "Aka you fucking asshole..." he muttered. Line fell backwards dramatically onto a pile of bags. Raising her arms she said exasperated "How did we end up with not one, but both of my monster sized older brothers!" Kiri walked over to Line and pulled her to her feet. She sighed before pulling out her knives and saying, "Well, I guess we should get down to business. Shall we?"  

The two sprinted down the hallway again and somehow managed to quite literally run face first into the Miya twins. How the fuck did that even happen. The two groups sat there in confusion for a moment before the assassins lept to their feet and the Miya twins started running. "JEEZ LINE" the grey haired one yelled. "SORRY SAMU, I DON'T REALLY WANT TO ATTACK YOU LIKE THIS, BUT WE TAKE KILLING STALKING PRETTY SERIOUSLY AROUND HERE!" Line yelled, pulling out a plastic knife. "YES WE CAN SEE THAT CLEAR AS DAY"  the yellow haired one yelled. The twins were pretty fast, but even so, they were pinned to the ground by the third hallway. Kiri pulled the tag off of the yellow haired twin and Line threw over his targets tag. Mission complete.

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