Chapter 7- Base Position

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A/N So goin back and looking at all these chapters I realized that the formatting is weird. Im going to try to fix it so please be patient.

*Warning the language is stronger in this chapter in case that bothers you*


    Of course Hinata's day got worse. Of course. When he reached his house, he flopped down onto the couch and tried to sleep. When that failed, he tried to watch TV, but that made his head hurt again. And Hinata hated reading so that wasn't even an option. Exhausted, he flopped onto the couch face first, and laid there until he finally fell asleep. Hinata was woken by the sound of a thump upstairs and he groaned. (A/N its about 1AM rn) He had really been hoping that he wouldn't have a job tonight but noooooo. That would have been too nice. It took a few minutes of convincing himself, but Hinata managed to get upstairs. As usual, a thin manilla folder lay on his desk containing the nights target. Today it was a average height man with longish green hair and freckles. Hmmm he looked familiar. Hinata racked his brain, but could not figure out why.According to the file the mans name was (y,x). Hinata read the rest of the file even though it made his head hurt. Better a headache than not having a head. Was that a saying? Hinata was pretty sure it was. Pulling on his suit, Hinata began to think about (y,x) like he had (x,y). "Shut up. You don't get to choose. You don't deserve to care" Hinata grabbed his knives stuck them in his holder, and headed out.

 Walking through the streets of Miyagi, Hinata twirled a knife in his fingers. He was deep in thought about volleyball. Hinata was pretty sure they were having a Tokyo training camp soon. Hopefully he could play by then. He was thinking about Kenma when he suddenly walked into something large and warm. Hinata looked up into a mans face. Holy shit. It was the face of (y,x). (y,x) was the first to come out of his shock and speak. " Hey kid you okay?" Hinata jumped backwards and held the knife behind him. "Kid?" (y,x) asked. Hinata pulled his hood up in an attempt to hide his face, and took the knife out from behind him. Realization dawned on (y,x)'s face and to Hinata's horror the man pulled out a phone and with a click took a picture. If there was any doubt in Hinata's brain about killing the man, it was now gone. He had evidence, and therefore he needed to die. Hinata rushed forwards in attempt to destroy the phone. He managed to knock (y,x)'s phone out his hands, however before he could celebrate that small victory, there was a searing pain in Hinata's stomach. 

 Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Apparently (y,x) was smart and carried a knife when traveling at night. Said knife was in (y,x)'s hands covered in Hinata's blood. Without giving (y,x) a chance to react, Hinata rushed forward with a knife and slit the mans throat. In almost perfect synch the body and Hinata sank to their knees, (y,x) dead, and Hinata clutching his stomach. Hinata knew he had to move. The longer he stayed the more he ran the risk of being caught. However, Hinata also knew that would die if he didn't do something about his wound. He wrapped his torso in his jacket in order to apply pressure to hopefully stop the bleeding. It still hurt like hell though. The body wasn't going anywhere. It was taking all of Hinata's energy just to stay standing and conscious. He had nowhere near the strength to get the body to the river. Hinata at least took (y,x)'s knife and phone to hopefully destroy all the evidence it had been him. Hinata miraculously was able to make it home where he did his best to treat the stab wound. Hinata reeeaaallly hoped that it wasn't going to get infected. Hinata finally fell asleep, hoping he hadn't just made the worst mistake of his life.


So this chapter was kind of long for me, but I couldn't figure out how to cut this apart and here we are. I think the relation of someone we know to (y,x) is pretty obvious, but trust me it's important. New chapter probably next Tuesday and Wednesday. My other story will resume updating soon as well. Anyone else getting crushed by school? Anyway, hope you have a great day :)


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