Chapter 31- Start Playing

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Hinata POV (Havent had this in a while~)

It had been previously agreed that running was the best way to get to headquarters, and thankfully, Daichi's house was fairly close. About 3/4 of the way there Tsukishima and Yamaguchi broke off to find a safe place nearby. As they neared the seemingly abandoned warehouse Hinata's danger sense flared. Something wasn't right here. He turned his head to see that the others had also noticed this. Never the less Aka's hand waved, signaling for them to keep going. Standing in front of the door were two guards, armed from head to toe, likely to apprehend the "triangle". Wait wouldn't it be a square now that Kiri was here?... They may have to revise their name later. If there was a later. The four agents froze as the guards suddenly turned to face them, guns up. "WE KNOW YOU ARE THERE" they yelled. "Fucking hell, this is off to a bad start..." Kiri muttered just loud enough for them to hear. The triangle stood up from behind the bush they were crouching behind. "ALL OF YOU. WHERES THE LITTLE GIRL" Hinata looked to the side to see that Line wasn't there anymore. All of a sudden, he spotted her. Within a second both guards were laying on the ground blood pooling around them. Standing behind them was Line, holding two bloody knives and breathing heavily from the exertion. The rest of the agents gaped. When had she gotten that fast? Line raised both of her arms as if saying "Get down here already what are you waiting for." Aka chuckled. Hinata, Aka, and Kiri silently made their way down the hill to Line. "Okay here's the plan" Aka whispered. Hinata perked up his ears. "We need to split up" Hinata looked at him like he was crazy. "Two of us need to get to the two hostages, Line and Kiri thats your job." Hinata was hesitant about sending the two youngest members on their own. But Aka's plans always worked, so he would just have to trust it. "Me and Sho need to get to the other kids in the lounge, so we can get them out. The easiest thing to do would to find Teru, but if we can't then its all on us" Aka finished. Hinata was really hoping they could find Teru. That would make their life a lot easier. 

Hinata and Aka braced their shoulders against the heavy door, preparing to shove it in. Grunting, the two slammed their shoulders against the door, Hinata thinking about how Kageyama was going to kill him if this affected his spiking. Thankfully it opened and the triangle rushed in, killing guards as they went. After the first crossroads they split into their groups, and Aka and Hinata sprinted through the labyrinth of hallways. They killed every guard they came across, and they eventually came to the lounge. The door slammed open, but Hinata's jaw dropped. The room was empty. The lounge, no matter the time of day, was never empty. Aka walked over to the kitchen island and picked up a piece of paper before reading it and handing it to Hinata. 

Dear Triangle,

Welcome back! You have probably noticed that all of your fellow agents are missing. Earlier tonight they tried to rebel against us. Operation head shot I believe it was called. Did you idiots seriously believe we hadn't put precautions in place in case you all rebelled. We had hoped we wouldn't ever have to use them, but you gave us no choice. If you ever want to see them, or your sister and captain again come to room 257. And remember. This is your fault.


Hinata was shaking. He didn't know the entire plan, but based off the face Aka was making, they were not in a good place right now. "So what now?" Hinata asked. Aka shook his head dejectedly. "We don't have a choice. We go to room 257." Hinata knew he was going to say that but hearing it out loud was worse somehow. The two began running down the hallways again, in the direction that 257 should have been in. Somewhere around 320 they quite literally ran into Line and Kiri. As Hinata was rubbing his head, Kiri asked "So I'm guessing they left you guys a note too?" Hinata nodded. Quickly enough, they continued to run down the hallways until they finally reached a door labeled 257. The door looked unassuming, however they all knew it was just an illusion. All of them holding knives, Aka used his elbow to push the door open. The room was so bright that Hinata was immediately forced to shield his eyes. When they finally focused, they widened. On one side of the room was the man in the mask, holding an agent knife covered in crimson blood. One the other side was Teru, covered in blood, and swaying on his feet. The masked man waved to them and said "So glad you could join us, I think Terushima here has reached his limit!" Then he laughed his creepy wild laugh. As Teru fell, Line ran forward to slow his fall (he was too heavy for her to catch). All of a sudden there was yelling from outside the door. Hinata hesitantly turned around and his jaw dropped for the second time today. Standing in the doorway were at least two dozen people. But not just any people. "Hey Shoyo" Kenma said quietly. "Yamaguchi said you might need some help" 

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