Chapter 37- The Beginning of the End

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Congrats on making it this far. The POVs and times of this chapter are everywhere so be prepared. Its also long for me and I had a shit ton of homework, so thats why its so late please don't kill me. I spent about 12 hours writing and re-writing this.

Hinata POV

Hinata stared in horror down at Tetsu. "tetsu...Tetsu...TETSU, TETSU", his voice rising with every scream. Hinata could hear feet slapping the ground behind him, but he didn't turn around until someone pushed him back.


As Sho caught Tetsu all previous anger was pushed aside as Kai sprinted forwards. As he pushed Sho out of the way Kai ripped his own shirt off and began ripping it into strips, trying to make something to stop the seemingly never ending flow of blood, eventually yelling "KUNI GET DOWN HERE!" After a couple seconds the silver haired boy was next to him, fingers against Tetsu's neck feeling for a pulse. Sho came back up towards Tetsu along with more people, mostly agents and some people from Tetsu's team. Kai exchanged a glance with Kuni before shaking his head towards the agents. Almost immediately the other kids rushed past Kai, forming a ring around Tetsu. As Kai joined them he heard Tetsu croak "If I'm going to die, can I at least give a cool speech first?" he coughed up a small amount of blood onto his already bloody shirt. All around the circle people were crying for their dying older brother and friend. His voice came out as little more than a whisper. "As soon as... you try to leave this room, the entire building...will go on our room theres a box...under the has those papers in it...after that you need to get the fuck out of here...I tipped the police off earlier...they should be outside...someone needs to carry Kiri and Teru..." Tetsu let out another cough as his eyes began to glass over. "Aka...take care of those idiots for me okay?" 


Aka nodded immediately, tears running down his cheeks. "I'll protect them for you, don't worry about it" Tetsu gave him a little smile.  "Kenma, Yaku, Im trusting you with Nekoma...okay? I swear to god if you kill Lev though..." The libero squeezed his eyes shut further and whispered "Of course you stupid fucking idiot, though it would be better if you didn't die!" Aka watched as tears once more began to escape Tetsu's eyes. "I love you much...your my family..don't ever forget that." Aka's hand on Tetsu's wrist felt the pulse slowly decrease in speed. Tetsu began incoherently muttering for a few seconds until a few words could be made out. "Lily..Haru..what....would happen....if we....left?..."When the last word came out of his mouth Tetsu's hand went completely limp. For a second, all was silent, and then it wasn't. Because Tetsu was gone. Aka wanted so much to scream and cry over the loss of his brother as so many others were doing, but Aka had to stay strong for the others right now. He looked around the entirety of the room to find that the men who had shot Tetsu were now gone. They must have left while everyone was gathered on the floor. Aka inhaled deeply before beginning to give instructions to the players and agents. "Okay everyone" they all looked up (or down as some of them were quite tall) at him. "We're getting out of here okay? All of us. Alive."

 Most people looked down at the floor at that statement and Aka heard someone whisper "Tetsu isn't..." In an uncharacteristic moment of rage Aka slammed the side of his fist into the wall making everyone go quiet. "I don't give a flying fuck what you think right now, I'll be completely honest" most agents were looking at their feet, the players looking shocked at Aka, who continued talking, aware that he looked dangerous, but not caring. "I promised Tetsu that I would protect you. If one of us dies, its going to be me, because no fucking way in hell am I going to break my promise to my brother. No. Fucking. Way. So you can either help the rest of us fight our way out of here, or I knock you out and carry you there myself. Do I make myself clear?" He got nods from pretty much anyone, and satisfied with the result began issuing more instructions. "Teru, do you think you can walk?" Teru shook his hand in a symbol for maybe. "Okay Tsukishima and Asahi help him, Mizu protect them." The blue haired girl nodded and pulled out a knife. "We are banking on the fact that guns are banned in this building with very few exceptions. Agents I trust you on this, players how many of you are confident with those knives?" About 1/3 of them raised their hands. "Okay if you aren't attach yourself to someone who is, and just do the best you can. Sorry Sho and Line, I know you aren't in the best shape right now, but I still need you to go with them. Bokuto, carry Kiri as carefully as you can and get him to those paramedics" Sho raised his hand. "What about Natsu and Daichi?" Aka cursed. "Kai and Haru can you try to get them on your way out? If you can't get out from there don't risk it. Sorry to Karasuno and Sho, but right now getting out of here alive is our number one priority." Sad glances were thrown around but nobody questioned it. "I'm going to go get those papers from the big three room and I need someone else to come with me, any volunteers." Surprisingly Kenma's hand went up. Aka gave him a nod of confirmation. "This is it people!" he announced. 

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