Chapter 26- Moving On

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*Still that morning*

Hinata POV

Hinata was leaning against the counter watching as Tsukishima dodged hits from a half asleep Line. If she had been fully alert then Tsukishima would have been dead by now. Hinata sipped his coffee milk (courtesy of Aka) and watched in amusement as Tsukishima caught Line under the arms, picked her up, and held her at arms length. She swung her legs around due to her being a foot off the ground because of the height difference. Line eventually managed to kick Tsukishima in the shins making him drop her. Hinata tuned to see Aka and Kiri watching with similar expressions of amusement. Yamaguchi was still sleeping, and Hinata was sure that Tsukishima was fine with that. Line swung around foot headed towards Tsukishima's chest (Her legs are too short to go higher) but Aka stepped in and caught her foot. "Okay Line I think thats enough." His voice sounded stern but his eyes were glittering with laughter. Sighing Line lowered her leg and Hinata laughed as Tsukishima looked alarmed. The only other time he looked like that was when Yamaguchi had told him "Shut up Tsukki". That had been a crazy day. Line collapsed into a kitchen chair and Aka passed her a cup of coffee. She was one of the only ones in the group who hadn't become addicted to Aka's coffee milk, so hers was black. She took a long sip of it, and when she opened her eyes, they were much clearer. Hinata felt like it was safe to start talking now. "So what now?" he asked the rest of the group. Everyone except Kiri was deep in thought. But Kiri was smirking. "So it just so happens" the blunette started, "That I set up a meeting with a certain someone today" Aka and Hinata gave him curious looks. Kiri didn't talk to a ton of people. Line just kept drinking her coffee. She had replace the big bandages with smaller ones so she could actually hear. "I set up a meeting with Kai" he said. Aka and Hinata looked at him confused. "Why Kai?" Aka asked. Kiri mumbled something that Hinata couldn't make out. "Couldn't hear you, speak up" Hinata told him. Kiri did something that was incredibly out of character for him. He blushed. "I SAID, he's my boyfriend..."

 Hinata, Aka, and Line spewed their coffee everywhere. "HEY DON'T MAKE A MESS IN MY KITCHEN!" Tsukishima yelled. He was ignored. Aka, Hinata, and Line kept choking. Yamaguchi chose that moment to walk in, probably awoken by all the yelling. He immediately started panicking but was pulled to the side by Tsukishima. "Since when!" Line managed to say. Kiri softly smiled, something that was also very out of character for him. "Since two weeks ago. We went to the cafe that has the cats" Yamaguchi raised his hand. "So hold on, we are going to meet your boyfriend?" Kiri nodded. "He's one of the 9 remaining agents that are still living in headquarters. That means he has information." Aka explained. "So where and when are we meeting him?" Hinata asked. "We are meeting him at 9 PM, at the dumping spot" Hinata shivered. He could have lived his life without going there again. Hinata looked at the stove to check the time. "So its 8 AM now, so everyone, spend the day how you want to, I'll be practicing knives, if anybody wants to come with me." Hinata grabbed his knife pouch and headed towards the back yard. 

*9 PM*

Kiri POV

Kiri was very excited but also nervous. It had been less than 24 hours since he had seen Kai, but so much had changed. They were on different sides now. But Kiri still wanted to be with Kai more than anything. The serials had been waiting at the dump spot for about 10 minutes. Sho was pacing, obviously incredibly uncomfortable at being back here. This was HIS dump spot after all. And people just happened to know where it was, making it a good meeting spot. Line was sitting next to a tree, while Aka brushed and braided her hair, probably so it would stop getting in the way. Kiri hugged himself in an attempt to get warmer. It couldn't have been above fucking 37 outside, and now that they had stopped moving, he could actually feel it. After another five minutes a black hood entered the clearing. When it fell, Kiri saw that it was Kai. Kai ran up to Kiri and hugged him tightly. Kiri laughed. "I fucking missed you too" Kai pulled back and Kiri grunted as he was punched in the stomach. Kai smiled at him, his scar scrunching up with his eyes. "Do you have any idea how much you scared me when you didn't come back last night? Kiri rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I couldn't risk telling you, in case they checked the security cams..." Kai sighed and hugged Kiri again. Kiri smelled the mint from Kai's shampoo and breathed it in, being the happiest he had been in a week. 

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