Chapter 17- Kill

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Nishinoya POV

Nishinoya was incredibly confused. He was looking through more of the victim files for anything that could be important. So far, he had found a dollar store owner, a company CEO, and a random woman who seemed to be a stay at home mom. "Godamn Hinata..." he muttered. The dates stretched back three full years, meaning that the entire time Hinata had been at Karasuno, this had been going on in the background. Is this why Hinata was so fast and could jump so high? It was possible. Suddenly Daichi burst into the room looking panicked and somewhat out of breath. "Guys.... Hinata's......Gone......Window was open." Nishinoya shot to his feet and noticed Ryu did the same. They sprinted up the stairs and saw Hinata's room empty. After a second Nishinoya noticed a small piece of paper on Hinata's desk that hadn't been there before. He pointed it out and Ryu picked it up. As Ryu read his face paled. He read it out loud shakily. 

Dear Teammates, 

If you're reading this then Im probably long gone. For your own safety, don't go looking for me. I mean it. I do feel bad about leaving Natsu behind, and I miss her already. But the place I am is no place for a child. If you want to know more about whats going on, ask her. Also can one of you take care of her for now? Our Mom is kind of AFK, so she would be left on her own. Daichi can you take care of her for now? You already act like all of our dads so hopefully that wont be too much of a problem. She's allergic to peanuts btw so be careful with that. By the way you should probably check on her, because with the amount of noise you just made, there is no way you haven't woken her up yet. And this is where I leave you. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but it'll probably be a while. After all, I have a job to do.

                                                                - Hinata Shoyo

Ryu set the letter down on the desk and they stood there in silence for a moment. Before they could get sidetracked Nishinoya left the room to go get Natsu. When he entered her room she looked scared out of her mind. There were tear tracks on her cheeks, and her hands were over her mouth, keeping her from making any sound. Nishinoya walked towards her with his hands up. He spoke gently, saying, "Its okay Natsu... Nothing is going to hurt you..." She looked hesitant, but eventually tackled him in a hug. "The doors kept slamming, so many times..." Nishinoya had no idea what she was talking about but he just held her for a moment. He kneeled down so that they were eye level with each other. "Hey Natsu..." he asked " Did Shoyo ever tell you anything about why he was gone every night?" The girl visibly tensed up and shook her head. "Please Natsu..." he tried again. "Shoyo disappeared a few minutes ago, and told us to ask you." Natsu looked shocked. "Shoyo?" Nishinoya nodded carefully. Natsu started crying again. "No...Not again..." she croaked. Now Nishinoya was confused once more. Again? "Hey Natsu... Can you tell me and the others what you mean?" She looked at him with teary eyes. Reluctantly, she nodded. He took her hand and they walked back to Shoyo's room where the others were waiting. 

Natsu sat in a ball between Nishinoya and Daichi, still holding Nishinoya's hand. Noya gently squeezed her hand, and Natsu began to talk quietly. 

"About 2 years ago...Shoyo began acting differently. He tried to act like he wasn't, but he seemed kind of scared and distant. A couple months later, he started disappearing at night. After a while I started to wake up whenever the door opened. A few seconds later he would come into my room and make sure I was sleeping. Everything continued like that for about a year, and other than Shoyo's strange disappearances, nothing was strange. Then about 10 months ago, Mom disappeared." "Wait so you two have been living without any adults for TEN MONTHS." Daichi cut in. Natsu glared at Daichi and then continued her story. "AS I WAS SAYING. For a few weeks after that Shoyo and I struggled a lot. We never had enough food, and we were always on the verge of collapsing. Shoyo took it especially hard, because he always gave his food to me." This time it was Ryu who cut in. 

"Hey wasn't that around the time Hinata collapsed in practice that one time?" For such a young kid Natsu's glare was surprisingly scary. "If I get interrupted one more time, I'm stopping ya got that?" The teenagers nodded. "Okay. But then a few more weeks passed, and suddenly we could get groceries again. Shoyo started to grow into being responsible for the both of us and he became fiercely protective of me. He was still disappearing at night by the way. And its been that way since last week. Last week Shoyo came home from wherever he goes, but he was really loud which was strange. The next day he ended up staying home, and I stayed at my friends house for the entire weekend. Then earlier today when we were having dinner, I asked him what happened to Mom. He freaked out a little bit. When he calmed down he told me that bad guys had taken her, but hopefully she would be back someday. I was crying for a while, and then I fell asleep on him. The next thing I know you guys are here and Shoyo is having a panic attack. Usually when that happens I put his hands in my hair and talk to him until he calms down. But you guys were there this time and freaked out even more. I don't know what happened after that, but you guys know the rest. And now he's gone... just like Mom." Natsu started crying and Noya pulled her into a hug. When she finally calmed down Daichi said, "Hey Natsu you are going to stay with me for a while, is that okay?" Natsu seemed to like Daichi, maybe because he was so dad-like? So she agreed pretty quickly. "I think for tonight though, we should all just stay here, its really late." Daichi said. Nishinoya looked at Shoyo's alarm clock and saw that it was about 2 in the morning. God school was really going to suck tomorrow. And if they didn't go then the rest of the team would be suspicious, not to mention Suga would have to run practice. "Okay then." Daichi said. "Natsu you can sleep in Shoyo's bed and the rest of us can sleep on the floor. Tanaka you go grab pillows, and Nishinoya go get blankets." They all nodded and split up to complete their assigned tasks. God this had been such a long night... When everyone had gotten back they set up beds and one by one they began to fall asleep. Finally at about 2:30 Nishinoya fell asleep, surrounded by his teammates. 

Hinata POV

As Hinata walked down the stark white hallway he passed a lot of familiar faces, most of them politely greeting him, and him politely responding. At the moment Hinata was trying to get to the Agent Lounge. Maybe see some old friends, scare some newbies, the usual stuff. Plus the fridge was usually stocked with banana milk which was pretty great. He finally reached the door, thankfully they hadn't moved it. To be honest tho it wouldn't have been that hard to find it even if they had. The agents were all kids and it was the only door they were allowed to decorate as much as they wanted. This meant that it was usually very brightly colored and covered in stickers, standing out against the stark whiteness of the rest of headquarters. Taking a deep breath Hinata pushed the door in. The room hadn't changed a bit. There was 3 bright red couches in one corner with a giant tv, a kitchen area, stocked with snacks, and a cabinet full of board games that got busted out occasionally. The room was for the most part empty except for once person who was laying on the couch. Hinata smiled at the familiar face. "Whats up Snowy Owl? Its been a while." He received a small smile in return. "Hey Hinata." Akaashi responded. "Welcome home."


My fingers hurt so much from typing this chapter. I typed this without any kind of plan in about 30 minutes. Thanks to all of you who have stuck around this long, it means a lot. If you can, go check out my other story, if you can't then oh well. I need to wrap this up because I have Earth Science in like 10 minutes. Comment your thoughts on the chapter, I really appreciate it when you do. Hopefully some more familiar faces will start showing up soon :). Next update will probably be thursday or friday Im not really sure because I have nothing planned for the next part. I mean when do I ever but WHATEVER. I hope all of you have a fantastic day, and I'll see you guys in a few days!!!

- Jellybeans

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