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I have to write this fast because it's almost 2 in the morning and my phone is going to die. First of all I would just like to say thank you so so much to those of you that have read this, left comments, or voted. There isn't a word that describes how much it means to me. This book idea was originally created after watching one of those Haikyuu text videos. It has come so far since then, that if you showed this to me back in September I wouldn't have believed you. I'm just going to throw this out there, for the first 13 chapters I wrote, I fully intended to make Ushijima the masked man. I kid you not I wanted to make the ultimate "you should've come to shiratorizawa" joke. However I couldn't figure out the logistics of that, and after a few discussions in my dreams I decided the best way to do it was to use Kuroo. The ending of this book wasn't planned until an hour ago. I'm doing in person learning for school this week, so the schedule will be kind of weird. I'm spending this week going back and fixing some things and re-writing a few of the early chapters, because let's be real here, they kind of suck. The sequel will begin in two weeks AT MOST. I am incredibly excited to write it. You will eventually get Kuroos origin story as well. I can't figure out how to end this author note. I just wanted to let you know that every single person that made it this far means the world to me, I guess that's weird coming from a random author on wattpad but seriously. Special thanks to Taki who listened to my endless rambling about this book, and helped me get through chapters that were difficult to write. Special thanks to j-zod, you have literally never seen an episode of Haikyuu, but your comments make me laugh so hard I can't breathe. Special thanks to all of my children, especially Claire, Lexicon, and Bee, for being there when I needed convincing to kill someone off. Special thanks to VIVID, for literally listening to me talk about the plot and characters for hours upon hours, and leaving wonderful comments on my google doc. I think that's all I needed to say. How ironic. I'm publishing this the same time I finished writing the first chapter just flipping them Am to pm. All y'all stay safe, fight for you believe in, and be amazing. See you on the flip side



The Assassins GameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon