Chapter 29- Final Set

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This chapter is going to be ridiculously long-

Update: I was right-

Line POV

After Line had pulled them away from the other three agents, Line and Kiri had sprinted back to Daichi's house, getting lost a few times before they finally found it. As they climbed back in through the window, they realized that someone else was in the room. Tsukki. Line panicked for a second. He was definitely going to kill them for disappearing in the middle of the night like this. Thankfully though, when Line saw Tsukki's face it looked more relieved than angry. However that didn't stop him from whisper yelling at them. "WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING?! DISAPPEARING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE?! FOR ALL I KNEW YOU HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED, OR CAPTURED?!" Line looked at the floor. "Sorry Tsukki..." she muttered. Tsukki sighed. "Just don't do it again okay?" Line and Kiri nodded. For the first time Line noticed that Tsukki was swaying. Wait when was the last time he had slept? "Uhhh Tsukki are you okay?..." Line asked concerned. "Im fine just ti-" Before he could finish his sentence he collapsed. Thankfully Kiri caught him, but Line had to help him before he was crushed. After all, Tsukki was much bigger than both of them. Together they each grabbed a side of Tsukki and carried him to the empty bed, before throwing a blanket on him and exiting the room. After the door had closed Kiri whispered "We should probably get some sleep too...we have a long day tomorrow." Line nodded in agreement and went downstairs to go find wherever Aka was sleeping. She found him on the living room couch, hopelessly squished on the couch that was shorter than he was. Line grabbed an extra blanket from a pile and laid down on the floor next to Aka. Tonight she felt safest if she was close to him. In a brotherly way of course. Line was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the floor.


When Aka opened his eyes, it was still dark. Based on the amount of light, it was probably around 5 or 6 in the morning? Aka looked down as he tried to get off the couch, but stopped when he realized he was about to step on Line. Wait how had she gotten there? Hadn't Tsukishima given her his room? Oh well, no time for that. Making sure not to step on Line, Aka made his way to the kitchen. After a couple minor burns, he managed to make his coffee milk, as well as enough for everyone else. About when Aka finished this, Yamaguchi walked into the room looking dead on his feet. "Good morning " Aka whispered. "Hi..." Yamaguchi whispered back. "Coffee?" Yamaguchi nodded and accepted the cup. He took one sip and then spewed it everywhere. "W-why is that so milky?" he spluttered. Akaashi laughed. "Thats how we all drink it, so thats all I made." Yamaguchi frowned at the cup before drinking the entire thing in one gulp. "At least its liquid and it contains caffeine" Yamaguchi coughed. Akaashi kept laughing before Yamaguchi said something that caught him off guard. "Can you teach me?" Aka was confused. "Teach you what" he inquired. "How to do what you guys do, with the knives and stuff." Aka admired Yamaguchi's guts, especially after what had happened to the guy who had asked Line. "Why do you want to learn?..." Aka asked carefully. Yamaguchi's eyes were determined. "I don't want to have to be protected anymore. You guys have been protecting me this entire time, even though most of you didn't even know me, and I wasn't giving anything back. I want to be able to protect you guys too!" Aka was impressed. That speech had been enough to make up his mind. "I'll teach you" Yamaguchi's face split into a wide grin, and Aka kept talking. "I can't teach you everything, we only have one day when agents train for months. But I'll teach you what I can." Aka drained the rest of his cup of coffee before setting it on the sink. "Go grab Sho's knives, they're in a black pouch, and they should be sitting next to the couch" A couple seconds later Yamaguchi returned with the pouch, and Aka picked up his own. He gestured for the greenette to follow him to the backyard. 

Aka grabbed a piece of wood and set it against the (thankfully) tall fence, and used a red marker to draw a bullseye. "Thats your target" Aka explained. In a practiced motion Aka pulled two knives in his hands, drew his elbows back, and threw the knives at the target. Perfect bullseye. He turned back around to see Yamaguchi looking at him in awe before giving him a small smile. "Your turn" Aka announced. First he helped correct Yamaguchi's stance, making sure that he wasn't bending his wrist, and correcting his hold on the knife. "Your doing great I promise!" Aka said encouragingly. Yamaguchi replied with a nervous smile. "How much did this help you with setting?" Yamaguchi asked, sounding genuinely curious. Aka smiled, finding it funny that Yamaguchi managed to connect those two. "To be honest, when I learned how to set I was probably the worst in the entire organization at knives. With setting, its a precise action, where if even one finger is slightly out of place, the ball wont go where you want it too. So its actually the other way around; setting helped me with knives." Yamaguchi nodded in understanding. He may not have been a setter, but being a pinch server also required ultimate precision. Aka clapped his hands together "Okay! back to knives!" Aka went through the technique in slow motion as Yamaguchi mirrored him and made slight corrections. Overall, Akaashi was impressed at how quickly he was picking this up. Yamaguchi took a few practice throws at the target and after a few they started to stick. At this point the sun was coming up, making it easier to see. All of a sudden Sho burst out the door looking panicked. 

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