Chapter 10- Attack

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Yamaguchi was strange. After Mom- I mean Suga left, the day had just kind of dragged on. Every few hours a member of the team would stop by and make sure he was okay. Even Kageyama had showed up bearing cookies. That had been pretty funny. Hinata hadn't come, but the dude was concussed. Tsukki had stayed the whole weekend. Now it was Monday and they were at morning practice. It had been 20 minutes and Yamaguchi had already set a new record for face balls in a single practice (13). Hinata had held the previous record at 11. Speaking of Hinata, the ginger had shown up brandishing a doctors note saying he could play. But for some reason it looked as though he was unfocused, and every move hurt-. Yamaguchi's train of thought was cut off by ANOTHER volleyball to the face. Tanaka burst out laughing. "Yamaguchi wasn't that like the 15th time?!"Tanaka said between laughs. "It was 14" Yamaguchi muttered. "You okay Yamaguchi?" Tsukki said. "Im fine" Yams replied. 

SUGAMAMA (So I realized after writing this that I accidentally wrote this in first person so near with me)

Two of my children are acting strange. Daichi and I agreed to watch them, in case anything happened. Im worried about them still. I hope their okay...


Hinata was kind of a mess. He loved playing volleyball more than anything in the world with the exception of Natsu. But right now, it hurt SO GODDAMN MUCH. Every time Hinata had to move his torso he was hit with another wave of agony. It was torture, but his teammates could not find out about his injury. That would lead to even MORE  questions he couldn't  answer. Besides. Even if it was torture, it was still fun. By the end of practice Hinata was almost crying. It was Narita and Kinoshita's turn to clean the gym, and everyone else headed back to the clubroom to change. Hinata had the forethought to wear a tank top under his practice shirt so that nobody would see anything. At this point Hinata decided to voice something that he had noticed. 
"Hey Yamaguchi did something happen?"

3rd Person POV

Everybody's jaws dropped. He really just asked that. Tsukishima wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi in a comforting gesture. Suga and Daichi put there hands on Hinata's shoulders and tried to steer him out of the club room (Just so we are clear here they all have clothes on). Hinata shrugged them off of him. "Guys whats going on your all being weird!" Hinata asked in a pleading voice. Tsukishima opened his mouth, most likely to yell at Hinata. Yamaguchi pulled away from Tsukishima's arms and said "It's okay guys. I'll tell him." Everybody looked kind of nervous. Yamaguchi took a deep breath and began to speak. "It's about my brother. Last thursday (Do you capitalize thursday?...), he went out late at night to get some cough medicine for my mom." Hinata began to shake as he realized where this was going. Yamaguchi continued. "At some point after he left the store he was murdered. I don't know why-"his voice cracked. "The only clue they have is this picture." Yamaguchi held up his phone. It showed a picture of someone in a dark jacket, hood up, wearing dark red gloves. Around the edge of the hood you could see the tips of orange hair. Hinata visibly paled. Nishinoya noticed this. "Hey Shoyo are you ok? Your shaking and you just got really pale." At that moment the bell rang saving Hinata from having to give an explanation. This was going to be a really long day...


So I know I made you wait a week for a shorter chapter than usual, and Im sorry about that. At some point yesterday the number of reads doubled, so welcome new people and thanks for reading this. You may have noticed I included details about Hinata's assassin outfit, I do have that drawn on paper. I'll try and put that in here later today maybe. I have a lot of ideas for where this could go, so this story will probably go on for a pretty long time. Also warning its going to take a turn to the dark side. Like really dark. Anyways. Have a good day at school if you have it (According to demographics 83% of you are adults. I find this interesting for some reason.) If not, then have a good day at work or whatever you do idk. Have a great day and stay safe!



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