Chapter 19- Line

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A/N Am I proud of myself for that punny chapter name? Yes yes I am. I am not funny okay people.

Hinata POV

Hinata was excited to see everyone else. Sure he saw Akaashi at matches and camp and such, but this was where they could actually talk. That dude is scarily good at monopoly by the way. Hinata found that out the hard way. Akaashi stood up and hugged Hinata tightly. To anyone outside the organization this might have looked strange but it was normal here. All the agents were brought here between 6-14, and considering their jobs, they depended on each other a lot. Akaashi along with the others had become like a group of older brothers and sisters to Hinata pretty quickly. They separated and Hinata asked "Where's everyone else?" Akaashi's face sank. Uh oh. Hinata knew what that face meant. "Who was it?" Hinata whispered. "Kai. He accidentally left a fingerprint. By the time he realized, he had already been caught" Akaashi whispered back. The boys engaged in another tight hug. Whenever somebody was caught it was like losing a limb. And Kai was only 12. He had only been part of the organization for a month the last time Hinata had been here. From what he remembered, Kai had killed with needles. But outside of his jobs he was just a shy little kid who liked cats and hugs. "When was this? And hows Rei taking it?" Hinata asked. Akaashi responded quickly. "A little over a week ago. She's taking it pretty hard. She hasn't said a word since he got caught. At night she cries when she thinks everyones asleep, god Shoyo, they were like brother and sister..." Hinata made up his mind. "I'll go talk to her in a few minutes. Im going to stay here for a while, so hopefully I can help the littles." Akaashi frowned a little. He knew Hinata hated staying here for extended periods of time. Slowly this time, they broke apart from their second hug. "Hows everyone else? The rest of the big three?" Akaashi smiled a little bit. "Everyone else is doing fine. We got a new girl, Line, she's 11, yesterday, and she seems to be settling in well. The other 2 are doing good. Annoying management as much as possible." Hinata broke into a grin. "Anything interesting?" he asked mischievously. Akaashi actually laughed this time. "A couple days ago they replaced all the trainers shampoo with mayonaise. They got 2 days of solitary for that one. They should actually be getting out soon." Hinata laughed for a while at that. Sounded exactly like them. The big three were the top agents, and they made a point to drive the rest of the organization crazy as much as possible. For some reason though, nobody could ever prove that Akaashi had done anything. His nickname Snowy Owl had been given to him for his habit of suddenly disappearing, especially when he was in trouble. It was like he had suddenly sprouted wings and flown away. "Hey Akaashi Im going to go meet the new girl and talk to Rei okay? You said Tetsu and Teru are getting out of confinement soon right? If you see them can you tell them to come to barracks? I need to talk to them." Akaashi nodded and Hinata left the room.

When Hinata reached the door of the 11-14 agent barracks it was already open. There were several people laying on bunk beds, reading, talking, doing homework, all normal kid stuff. Smiling Hinata leaned on the wall and knocked against the door. Immediately everyone looked up. Almost everyone jumped up excitedly yelling "SHOYO" "YOU CAME BACK" "WE MISSED YOU" Hinata laughed and hugged them all. He looked at them and remembered why he loved these kids so much. He basically had a dozen little brothers and sisters. Someday he wanted them to meet Natsu, but at least until she was older that wasn't even a possibility. They may be serial killers in the eyes of the government, but they were just kids in an impossible situation. And they were a family. After they had calmed down a little bit Hinata was able to see to the back of the room where two girls were sitting. One of them was Rei, and the other one looked nervous and was twiddling with long black hair. She must be Line. Hinata was short but he was still taller than most of these kids. So he bent down a little bit and whispered "Hey guys, Testu and Teru are getting out today." Immediately they all rushed out of the room to go find them. Hinata laughed. Those two were like gods to most of the little kids. Plus Tetsu and Teru had a habit of carrying candy on them at all times. Once the room had quieted down Hinata walked over to Line who waved shyly at him. He sat on the bed across from hers. "Hi, your line right? Im Shoyo." She reached out and shook his hand. "How are you feeling?" Hinata asked her. "Im okay... Im kind of scared though...I don't want to kill people!" She burst into tears. Hinata pulled her into a hug and she clung to him for dear life. Hinata whispered in her ear "We're a family here. If you need to talk to someone, we are all there for each other. If you need somebody in the middle of the night, or need help on a job, come to me, Tetsu, Teru, or Aka. We can always help you." Line broke out of the hug and gave him a small questioning look. "Tetsu and Teru?..." Hinata chuckled. "Tetsu looks big and scary, but he's really nice, and his laugh is hilarious. Teru is tall too, and he's always energetic no matter what. And you've already met Aka. He seems like he doesn't care about anything, but he is literally one of the nicest people I have ever met. Plus he somehow manages to be like a mom to literally everybody here." By the end of this Line was laughing too. Her laugh was quiet yet it radiated joy. Hinata poked her in the cheek. "See if you can go find Aka, and ask him for the ice cream safe password." She giggled a little more before leaving the room as well. 

This entire time Rei had been sitting on her bed reading Harry Potter for the bazillionth time. She really loved those books. But that wasn't important right now. Her eyes seemed empty, like her mind was somewhere else. Hinata knew those eyes. For the first month of jobs his eyes had looked like that. Hinata took Rei's book out of her hands and set it onto the bed before enveloping her into a hug. Almost immediately the girl started to sob. Hinata sat there running his hands through her short brown hair. "Why?..." she asked. "Why do we have to do this? Why us? Why-why did Kai have to go?..." Hinata hugged her even tighter before saying "I don't know...I don't know why we do this. All I know is that there has to be a reason. As for Kai? Knowing him if he were here he would tell you to stop your crying, and then go jump on Tetsu in his sleep." She laughed sadly. "We did do that a lot didn't we..." "Yeah" Hinata replied. "It got so bad that he started attacking whoever touched him in his sleep. It didn't go so well that one time when Aka had to wake Tetsu to help a new kid." She laughed a little more at that. That had been an interesting night. It had ended with Tetsu covered in a lot of peoples clothes and everybody else scarred for life, and newly scared of Akaashi. "Do you feel any better?" Hinata asked Rei. She nodded before attacking Hinata. "ACK REI WHAT ARE YOU- OH NO YOU DON'T" Hinata yelled and Rei laughed as she tried to get her book back. Hinata jumped off the bed and sprinted out the door holding the book and running past some other agents plus some adults who looked fed up with this shit. Rei chased behind him, but Hinata was known as the Flash for a reason. As Hinata sprinted down the hallways he knew one thing for sure. 

He was going to protect these kids.


This is literally my favorite chapter so far. I love the kids SO FREAKING MUCH, they are literal random OCs but STILL. I got a ridiculous amount of joy from writing this for some reason. Im trying to post this quickly, because my teacher is updating grades and I have missing stuff. Y a y. So if I randomly disappear for a week its because I lost computer privileges. If I don't disappear then new chapter early next week. ALL OF YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!


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