Chapter 16- Freak quick

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A/N So I know I said I probably wouldn't update until next week probably but I am really bored and I don't want to do bridge documentations. So here we are! Also Im pretty sure none of you read my other story but its down right now so yeah. Also I have another story idea, it would be an original one. Thoughts and opinions? Also learned today that its legal to murder someone on the moon because its under no single country's jurisdiction. God Im sleep deprived.

Hinata POV

Hinata blinked again and all of his bloodlust disappeared, but so did his confidence. Why on earth did he tell them that?! They probably thought he was a monster now, and hated him, and would tell everyone else, and everyone else would turn him into the police. He had basically just signed his own arrest warrant! But if he went to prison for the rest of his life then who would take care of Natsu? They didn't have any other family members that Hinata was aware of. And she couldn't stay at a friends house forever! Hinata hadn't realized his breathing had sped up again, but he felt something warm wrap around him. Multiple somethings. Hinata's eyes widened and he realized that Daichi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka were hugging him. And all three of them had tears flowing down their faces. "Hinata, we're right here." Daichi whispered. Silent tears began to drip off of Hinata's face. He hugged them back, ignoring the pain. His silent tears turned into great heaving sobs. And the other three boys just hugged him back tightly. Once Hinata had stopped crying they sat that for a while longer. When Hinata finally pulled away, the other three sat up. Per usual, Daichi was the first to break the silence. "Hinata what happened to your stomach?" Immediately Hinata panicked again. But Nishinoya squeezed his hands and he felt himself calm down. "I got stabbed..." he whispered. "YOU WHA-" Tanaka yelled but was cut off my Nishinoya clapping a hand over his mouth. Tanaka tried again, this time whispering. "You what?!" "I told you. I got stabbed..." Hinata's voice shook. "What stabbed you?" Daichi asked gently. "Yamaguchi's brother..." Hinata squeezed his eyes shut and waited for them to start yelling. But they didn't. "You can tell us that story later, but for now we need to get that treated. It's infected. Like REALLY infected." Tanaka said. Daichi nodded and pulled out a box. It was labeled "Medical supplies." Hinata instinctively shrunk away from Daichi and the box. He hated doctors and needles. Tanaka gently pushed him back. "Hinata if you don't treat that soon then it could kill you. So its either Daichi or an actual hospital. Hinata was shaking but replied with "Daichi" Daichi nodded. At Daichi's instruction Hinata laid flat on his back.

Daichi POV

Daichi could see how scared Hinata was. He remembered Hinata's kneepad had once slid too far up giving him an enormous floor burn. He wouldn't let an antiseptic anywhere near it. Daichi opened up the box and pulled some stuff out. He moved over so he was sitting right next to Hinata. Gently, Daichi peeled away the bandages and realized that Tanaka had not exaggerated the infection at all. He mentally made a list of things he needed to do. Daichi pulled on some gloves and picked up an empty syringe and filled it with anesthetic. It was cheap so it wouldn't do much, but it was all he had. Hinata squeezed Nishinoya and Tanaka's hands so hard that Daichi might have to splint a broken finger later. Nishinoya passed Daichi Hinata's arm and told Hinata "Okay Hinata Im starting." Hinata looked absolutely terrified but he nodded. Daichi slid the needle into Hinata's arm and the boy winced. Daichi waited for a few minutes to hopefully let the pain killer kick in. Hinata then resumed holding Nishinoya's hand. Daichi looked at what he needed to do. He picked up some tweezers and gently broke the skin, allowing a lot of the pus and fluids to be released. Daichi gently wiped away the mess and squeezed the area around the wound to get the rest out. At this point Hinata's knuckles were bone white. Apparently that anesthetic wasn't good for much. Next he heavily sprayed an antiseptic all over the wound to hopefully sterilize it. Then Daichi carefully stitched up the hole to close it. At some point Hinata passed out. That was probably a good thing to be honest. Daichi then smeared an antibiotic over the area, and wrapped Hinata's entire torso with fresh bandages. He sighed and leaned back. That was way more intense than sleep away camp. Daichi looked back at the sleeping Hinata. Tear tracks were etched on his face and he looked somewhat peaceful. Tanaka gently tucked him into his bed and the three walked downstairs to the kitchen, but not before Noya grabbed a giant box. Daichi, Tanaka, and Nishinoya sat on stools as Nishinoya explained. "Earlier I found this box full of manilla folders hidden, and I thought we should probably go through them." Daichi picked up one of the files on top. Inside it there was a picture with information such as name, height, gender, weight, and address. Nishinoya and Tanaka had also taken folders, and were running through them. "Guys..." Tanaka said. "I recognize this guy. He was the owner of a restaurant near my house. He went missing about 7 months ago." "Me too." Nishinoya said. "This dude ran a bank in the middle of town. He also went missing about 3 weeks ago." Tanaka voiced what they were all thinking. "These are victim files." Daichi continued. "But that means..." Nishinoya finished. "That every one of these folders are someone that Hinata has killed." It was a shocking revelation. After a bit more looking they realized that there was no file for today, but there was one for pretty much every other day. Daichi stood up to go see if there was one in Hinata's room. The others nodded as if having the same thought. Daichi walked up the stairs as quietly as possible and pushed open Hinata's bedroom door. But the bed was empty. And the window was wide open.

Hinata POV

As Hinata once more walked down the streets of Miyagi he flipped his knives. He wasn't going to let anyone he loved get hurt. So this was his only option. His job was a relatively easy one and he did it without any trouble. However, the person was heavy and so Hinata had to leave the crime scene again. As he wiped his knives on his jacket, Hinata walked towards the place he both loved and hated. As he reached the seemingly abandoned warehouse, he yelled "patentibus" The door opened on its own and Hinata stepped inside. Waiting there was a man in all black. He said, "Welcome back Shoyo." Hinata nodded. He hadn't been here for a few months, yet it hadn't changed at all. As Hinata thought about his teammates who were probably hella confused, he smirked.

Sorry guys. But I have a job to do.


So that went somewhere. As usual it wasn't planned at all. I have a lot of other story ideas so if I wrote those, would you guys read them? Comment. It was purely coincidental that we learned first aid in health class today. Now I have to go because I have at least eight hours of homework. Im kind of curious who you guys think the man in the mask is. Hint it is somebody that we know. Comment your guesses. Election stuff is making my brain hurt today. HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAYYYYYY


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