Chapter 25- Point Home

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Kiri POV

Kiri was kind of nervous for today. Last night he had gone out and hadn't come back. And in the rulebook that could qualify as either betrayal or desertion.The punishment for desertion was exposure, and Kiri had never seen someone betray the organization so he had no clue what happened then. Kiri was laying in a small bed, next to Sho. Sho was the last person Kiri thought would desert them. Other the big three, Sho was the guy everybody went too if they needed something. It was even a known fact of where he lived, because if an agent needed something, or was hurt nearby, they would just show up at his house and he would help them. He was like the ultimate big brother. Yet something had made him desert. Kiri had heard part of the groups story last night, and he was pretty sure Sho hadn't only deserted because of Tada. There had to be some other reason, and Kiri wanted answers. 

Tsukishima POV

Tsukishima felt kind of bad for drugging Line. But at the same time he knew that if he hadn't she wouldn't have slept at all. Through last nights conversation he had realized that she was way more than just a juvenile serial killer. She was a smart, kind, and frankly all around great 11 year old girl who didn't deserve anything that had happened to her. After she had finally fallen asleep, Tsukishima had picked her up and moved her to the living room couch, the only bed that was still empty. Plus Tsukishima was pretty sure she would be uncomfortable with sleeping with a boy who was older than her, even if they were basically siblings, so the couch was the best option. Tsukishima had gone back to the kitchen to think, and before he knew it, the sun was coming up. A few minutes later Akaashi walked into the room, seeming to be perfectly awake. Tsukishima leaned across the counter to push a cup of coffee towards Akaashi. Akaashi took the cup and walked over to the fridge before pulling out the milk. Tsukishima watched in confusion as Akaashi poured out half the coffee, replacing it almost entirely with milk. The liquid was such light brown that you could barely even tell it was coffee. Akaashi seemed to notice Tsukishima watching him and smirked while he took a long sip. "Why?..." Tsukishima questioned. Akaashi kept smirking before answering "When I was 9 and a brand new agent, I slept like a rock. Which when you have to wake up consistently in the middle of the night, is a problem. So the only solution anyone could think of was to not go to sleep at all. The problem was, I was 13 years old and really tired. So Tetsu recommended trying to drink coffee, so I could get energy from the caffeine. The problem was, not matter what Tetsu did to it, it was always too bitter for me. So one day Testu got frustrated and filled almost the entire cup up will milk before adding a small amount of coffee. I didn't mind it, and it was enough caffeine to get me through the night. Eventually it became routine." Tsukishima was surprised that Akaashi's strange cup of coffee had such an in depth story behind it. "The others with the exception of Line should be up soon" Akaashi continued. "Its weird for us to get more than 6 hours of sleep at one time. Im always the first up because Im the only big 3 that can actually cook. Speaking of which, you want eggs?" 

Tsukishima nodded. Sure enough, Kiri and Hinata were downstairs and drinking Akaashi's weird coffee. Still no Line. The others seemed to notice this and turned to Tsukishima (Except for Akaashi, because don't turn away from a lit stove you WILL burn yourself). "Jeez Saltyshima how much of that stuff did you give her? She never sleeps this long" Hinata questioned. "Wait what?" Tsukishima feigned confusion. "You drugged her didn't you?" Kiri inquired. "Well yeah" Tsukishima admitted. "If I didn't she wasn't going to sleep at all." The others shrugged. "We aren't mad about it" Hinata started. Kiri finished "But I pity you when she wakes up. You aren't going to be able to move for a week." Tsukishima was nervous now. But she had gotten sleep so it was worth it? Tsukishima sighed. Today had barely started and it was already crazy.

Terushima (Teru if you haven't figured that out yet) POV

Terushima was exhausted in pretty much every way possible. It was about 5 in the morning, but the organization had called an all agent meeting. He was jealous of Tetsu, who was on a travel job making him exempt from the meeting. Teru had been standing watch in the big three room all night. But the big three room had turned into the everyone room. After the first two nights of disappearances, Tetsu and Teru had moved the remaining 9 kids into their room. Then last night Tetsu had been pulled for this fucking travel job, leaving Teru in charge of everyone else and on his own. Last night Kiri had wanted to try and talk to Sho, Aka, and Line, and hadn't come back. Though Teru had a sneaking suspicion that he had joined forces with the other three. They had become forbidden to talk about, but when they were whispered about they were called "The Triangle". Teru sighed and kept walking down the hallway to the meeting room. He was aware of the others following him whispering, but he ignored it. Teru just wanted a goddamn nap. 

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