Chapter 32- Line Shot

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Kiri POV

Kiri was a whirlwind of emotions. He was happy that his siblings were safe (somewhat), his boyfriend was okay, and he was safe at least for tonight. On the other hand, he had to fight his childhood tormentor tomorrow, and even if he won, there was still a chance that he and everyone he cared about would die. Kai squeezed Kiri's hand as they took Bokuto (Kiri was pretty sure that was his name) and Kageyama (Sho had mentioned him before) to the infirmary. They were trying to move quickly, but Kiri was worried that the harsh movements might make Sho and Teru's injuries worse. After 5 seemingly endless minutes, they reached the infirmary and Sho and Teru were placed on beds. Kiri walked over to Sho and did his best to cut off his jacket, as Kai did the same to Teru's shirt. Underneath Sho's jacket was a mass of clotting blood. Kiri whirled around to Kageyama and Bokuto who looked horrified. Kiri pointed at them and said "Kageyama you find bandages, they should be in the cabinets, Bokuto you help Kai." The two teenage boys nodded and did what they were told. As he tried to wash Sho's wound the boy let out a low groan (Get your minds out of the gutter) and shifted before his eyelids fluttered open. Sho trembled for a second before slightly raising his back off the bed, like he was trying to sit up. However before he could get up any more, Kiri pushed him gently back onto the bed. Sho's eyes squeezed shut and he let out a breathy laugh. "Two stab wounds in the same place in the same month? Is that some kind of record or something? And Kageyama is that you? And Bokuto?" Kiri tensed. Sho was definitely delirious. Still, Kageyama came and loomed over Sho before flicking his forehead. "Don't you dare die on me Hinata boke. You still owe me ice cream." Kiri rolled his eyes at the guys childishness. "Sho isn't going to die" he clarified. Kageyama sighed in relief. As Kiri finished wrapping Hinata's torso in bandages he called over to Kai. "Hey Kai, hows Teru doing over there?" Kai shook his head. "Not good." Kiri's heart dropped into his stomach. He rushed over to the other bed and saw what Kai meant. Teru basically looked like a mummy. Almost the entirety of his legs and torso were wrapped in bandages, his face covered in an assortment of bandaids. The only thing that identified him as Teru was his bi-colored hair. His chest was slowly rising and falling, but other than that he wasn't moving. "Do you think he'll make it?..." Kiri asked, dreading the answer. Kai looked at him with tear filled eyes. "If he makes it through tonight, then his chances are pretty good" Kiri asked a follow up question, voice trembling, "And what are the chances he makes it through tonight?..." At this point they were both crying (On a different note so am I). "I don't know..." Kiri pulled Kai into a hug and they cried into each others hair and shoulders. "Out of all the agents, you are the best doctor, if anyone can save Teru, then its you..." Kiri murmured. As they pulled out of the hug they saw Kageyama and Bokuto standing awkwardly on the other side of the room. "You two can go sleep if you want too..." Kiri told them. Kageyama shook his head. "With the boke like this I doubt I would be able to sleep, so I may as well just stay with you guys." Bokuto tilted his head. "I want to go find Akaashi and keep him company. Something tells me he won't be sleeping either." Kai nodded and gave him a small smile. "Knowing Aka he'll pull one of his weird disappearing acts and just show up out of nowhere." Bokuto had a look of realization on his face. "Wait this is where he learned how to do that?" Kai looked over from where he was putting things away. "Actually we have no clue how he does that. If you do ever manage to figure it out, please let us know." Kiri yawned and Kai gave him a pointed look. "You need to sleep" Kai announced. Kiri groaned. "I can't just leave you alone awake with Kageyama!" he whined. "Hey!" Kageyama complained. Kai walked up to Kiri, a small amount of bloodlust radiating off him. "You either sleep, or I'll knock you out so you sleep anyways!" Kai said smiling. Kiri didn't doubt he would do it. Sighing, Kiri walked over to one of the beds and laid down on his side, facing away from everyone else in the room. He heard snickers from the other side of the room. Kiri curled up into his tiny ball and shut his eyes, desperately trying to sleep.

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