Chapter 20- Wrong Call

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A/N Another punny title. I am proud. I literally have the most sarcastic and dark sense of humor ever let me destroy the chapter names. 

Also warning the language a bit stronger in this chapter. No slurs or anything though.

Yamaguchi POV

Yamaguchi was tired. Like really tired. It had been a week since his brother died, and Yamaguchi had gotten maybe 8 total hours of sleep. During practices Yamaguchi could barely keep moving, and the accuracy of his jump-float had gone down. He could tell the others were worried, especially Tsukki, but nobody said anything. Yamaguchi rolled over in his bed and checked the clock. 2:26 AM. Groaning, he rolled back over, trying to at least get a couple more minutes. However after about an hour of lying there Yamaguchi gave up and reached for his phone. Everyone except one person was offline. Hinata. Yamaguchi shifted so he could see the screen better. 

Yamaguchi: Hi

Yamaguchi waited for a few minutes. No reply. As bad of a state Yamaguchi was in he was still worried about Hinata. The ginger hadn't come to practice since Monday, and nobody had heard from him. But he was still on his phone? That was weird. Yamaguchi noticed that Hinata had his location shared. He had shared it once when he was lost in a museum. Apparently Hinata had forgotten to turn it off. It showed him as being near a warehouse at the edge of town. Why the hell was he there? Welp. Yamaguchi pulled on a black hoodie and flipped the hood up. He wasn't going to sleep anyways, so why not investigate. What could go wrong?

Hinata POV

Hinata had never been able to sleep at HQ. To be honest you could probably count the amount of times he had stayed here overnight on your hands. Hinata was somewhat comforted by the sounds of his family sleeping around him. He knew some of them were awake or out on jobs, but he couldn't talk to them. They had a general agreement that after 10pm in their barrack was silent time. Hinata guessed it was about 2 AM right now. He had gotten back from his job about 3 hours ago, and he was still pushing blood out from underneath his fingernails. Hinata sighed. The target had been a middle aged woman, and she had put up a fight. Hinata rubbed his eyes again before finally giving up on sleep. Deciding to head to the lounge, Hinata jumped down from his bunk and made his way down the hallway.

 He wasn't really looking where he was going, and something collided with his chest. Looking down Hinata saw that it was Line. She looked exhausted, but her hands held throwing knives, so Hinata figured she was about to leave for a job. He frowned. Usually the 11 year olds jobs happened earlier in the night so that they could get more sleep. At least the organization usually understood that they couldn't work if they weren't healthy. Yet here Line was looking like she could collapse at any second. Finally she seemed to register that Hinata was there. She jumped backwards and rapidly started apologizing. Hinata raised his arms in order to placate her. When she finally calmed down he asked her "Second job right?" She looked away and nodded. "Let me guess" Hinata started. "Your nervous. And you really don't want to do it. But your scared of what happens if you don't" Line looked up at him in shock. Hinata chuckled softly. "Ive been there so many times" he told her. Line looked unsure still. Hinata crouched down so they could be eye level then said "Hey Line. How about I come with you tonight." The girl looked surprised and then muttered "You don't have too... you probably need to sleep anyways..." Hinata shook his head and smiled at her. "Its really no trouble, me and Aka usually help out on jobs anyways. Plus I actually came down here because I couldn't sleep. We could grab Aka too." Line smiled a little bit. "I met Aka earlier" she whispered. "He was nice" Hinata took her hand and they walked back to the big threes room. They had there own room, and actual beds. Hinata left Line in the doorway and walked over to Aka's bed. He gently pushed the sleeping teens collar bone, the signal for "I need your help on a job". Aka's eyes slowly flickered open and he nodded to Hinata flashing a 4 with his fingers. Nodding in return, Hinata walked back to Line and shut the door. "Aka's coming with us" he told her. "He'll meet us at the entrance in 4 minutes." Line began walking towards said entrance and Hinata followed her.

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