Volleyball Technical Terms

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This chapter is for the sole purpose of me not having to constantly explain things.


- The court is split into six numbers, 

- there is one player at each number

- The player in 1 serves

- You rotate counterclockwise after you side out (You regain the ball from the other team.)

                     1                         6                   5

                     2                          3                     4


Middle Blocker: Base position in 3, responsible for coordinating blocks, by moving to either side to join with 1 or more players ( Hinata, Tsukishima)

 Libero: The teams best defensive player. The libero can not jump in front of the 10 ft line. Wear a different color jersey so they can be tracked. They also cannot serve. (Nishinoya)

Setter: The command tower of the defense. They receive the second touch usually, and set the ball to the spikers, or tip/dump the ball directly to the other side. ( Kageyama, Sugawara) This is what I do :)

Outside/Wing Spiker: They receive third touch, and also act as blockers. (Tanaka, Asahi)

Opposite/Right sides : Pretty much same as outsides just on the opposite side(IDK who)

D.S - Defensive specialist. A person who is primarily defense. (Daichi, Narita, Kinoshita, Ennoshita)

Pinch Server: A player that is brought in specifically for the purpose of serving. Usually when the team is losing and needs points, but not always. (Yamaguchi, and Im pretty sure Kinoshita does it too)


Set: First team to get to 25, must win by 2. You have to win 2 or 3 sets depending on the game

Set Point: When a team needs one more point to win the set

Match Point: Same as set point but with the game

Deuce: When score hits 24-24 and you still have to win by two, so you keep playing until someone wins by two. Most lower level games max at thirty but some keep going

Serve-Recieve: When your team is the one receiving the serve, generally has a different rotation

Side-out: When you gain the ball back after winning a point off the other team

Soft Block: When the blocker touches the ball to slow its momentum, but doesn't immediately send it back to the other side

Shut out / Kill block - When the blocker immediately shuts down the spike to gain a point

Kill- When a spike gains a point without anyone on the opposite side touching it.

Ace- When 1 or 0 people touch the ball from a serve and it gains a point


 Important Regulations 

- Each team gets 2 time outs per set

- If a ball hits the out line even a fraction, then its in

- Cant wear anything on arms, sometimes passing gloves are allowed, but it depends.


So these were all the important things I could remember off the top of my head, there are more, and if I find one I think is important I'll add it to this chapter. Anyways, thanks for putting up with a 0 actual story chapter, I just don't like putting constant A/Ns in things. New chapter tomorrow or day after probably. See ya!   -Jilli-Bean

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