Chapter 1- Warmups

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A/N  So something important in this story is that Hinata's mother isn't there, Hinata is the one who looks after Natsu. If you at all feel like something is mis-represented in some way, or is offensive, don't hesitate to shoot me a DM, and we can work together to make sure that I fix it correctly. 

Also Disclaimer: I don't own any characters in Haikyuu, I only own my OC's such as the man in the mask.

Hinata's POV

Hinata was having a relatively normal night. A few hours before, he had left volleyball practice, come home, gotten his mission from the man in the mask. From there he had gathered up his knives , changed into his suit, and sought out his target. Tonights target was a middle aged man named (x,y). Hinata didn't know why the man was being targeted, he never did. He just did what he was told. And Hinata had been told to kill him. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Line break brought to you by the power of youth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As Hinata caught sight of (x,y), he pulled his dark hood over his head to hide his fiery orange hair. He slowed down his breathing, cleared his mind, and walked silently as to conceal his presence. So far so good. The man turned onto his street, which luckily for Hinata had no street lamps. Hinata began to walk faster to catch up to (x,y). In a flash, Hinata slipped in front of the man, took out one of his knives, and slit the mans throat. Hinata caught the mans body before it hit the ground, and hoisted it onto his back, piggy back style. He  carried (x,y)'s corpse to one of the many mountain rivers and dumped it in the water. He used some more river water to rinse the blood off of his gloves, clothes, and body in an almost trance-like state. This morbid action of killing and rinsing had become am almost nightly routine. After Hinata had finished, he headed back home, and slipped silently into the front door. He quietly walked upstairs to Natsu's room, and cracked open the door. Little Natsu was sound asleep in her bed, exactly as she should be. Every night when Hinata came home, he was scared that he would come home to find her dead or missing. Exhausted, Hinata trudged to his room as collapsed on his bed, immediately falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Line break brought to you by Tsukki's Saltiness~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(The next morning)

As Hinata walked to school the next day, he thought about the man he had killed the night before. Was (x,y) married? Did he have kids? Friends? This train of thought surprised Hinata. He never really thought about his assassin work that way. Usually his thoughts turned to something volleyball related after about thirty seconds. As usual, Hinata ran into Kageyama and they raced the clubroom. Last nights assignment had been later then usual so Hinata, exhausted, lost to Kageyama. The two teammates reached the club room. Hinata changed quickly as usual to try and ensure that nobody saw his small scars. Having changed, the two picked up their volleyball shoes and walked down to the gym.


So theres Chapter 1! The upload schedule for this will probably be pretty irregular, because of my other story, and my insane amount of homework. Let me know if there is anything you want to see, no promises on any kind of shipping. There will be no lime or lemon in this story, Im in high school I can't really read that kind of stuff, much less write it. So long and see you next chapter!!!

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