Chapter 15- Set

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Nishinoya POV

After Ryu went downstairs the upstairs seemed almost creepy. For the first 10 minutes Nishinoya didn't find anything out of the ordinary. However, as he ran his hand against the back of a bookshelf there was a small click. Nishinoya had to stand on the tips of his toes, but he saw a small hole in the wall that definitely hadn't been there before. Carefully, Nishinoya stuck his hand inside the wall and felt something soft. It kind of felt like clothes. As he pulled the object out Nishinoya realized he was right. In his hands he held a dark red shirt, a black hooded jacket, and black pants. The material felt strangely fluid, but didn't make and sound when it rubbed against itself. Strange. Nishinoya set the clothing on the floor and kept searching. Under the bed he found a large box filled to the brim with manilla folders. Nishinoya decided to look through those when Ryu came back upstairs. About two minutes later Ryu came back upstairs, looking pale and holding a small pouch. The two boys sat on the floor to share what they had found. Nishinoya showed him the clothes and the box of folders. The two agreed to sort through the folders after whatever Ryu had found. When it was Ryu's turn he opened the black pouch. Nishinoya's jaw dropped. Inside the pouch were about two dozen knives. But not like kitchen knives. These knives were thinner and looked like they could stab through wood no questions asked. Nishinoya picked one up and pressed it against his finger. A small line of red blood ran down his finger. "Damn these things are sharp..." he whispered. Ryu nodded in agreement. Ryu then pulled out a small roll of bandages, and moved towards Hinata, who was still bleeding apparently. Ryu gently wrapped the bandages around Hinata's hand. "Uh Ryu?" Nishinoya said. "We should probably change his shirt too, its kind of soaked in blood." Ryu agreed and he pushed Hinata up so that Noya could get the shirt over the gingers head. And somehow the entire situation became even WORSE. Almost Hinata's entire torso was covered in bandages. The smell hit the two a second later and they both gagged. Pinching his nose Ryu said "There's definitely something wrong with that, I think we should at least change those bandages." "Yeah" Nishinoya agreed. In the same position as before, Nishinoya gently unwrapped the bandages, and the smell progressively got worse. As the final bandage fell away, it revealed a mess of *gore warning* flaming red skin, yellowy pus, and watery blood that seemed to be coming from somewhere next to Hinata's belly button. "Noya, I don't have a degree in medicine or anything, put thats definitely infected. To be honest from how bad it is, I'd guess it's been there for at least a few days." Ryu said in a shaky voice. "Should we call a doctor or something?"Ryu asked. Noya shook his head. "It seems like Hinata has been hiding this from everyone, so he has to have a reason. We do have to call someone though." Ryu put his fingers on his chin and said, "Well who do we know that has some knowledge in medicine, and can keep a secret." Nishinoya snapped his fingers. "What about Daichi? He was a counselor at a sleep away camp over the summer, so he must know at least basic first aid, which already is more than us." Ryu looked anxiously at Hinata and then reached for Noya's phone. A couple seconds later Nishinoya's alien invasion ringtone could be heard. A few more seconds and Daichi's voice came through the receiver, sounding tired and confused. "Nishinoya?... Why are you calling me its like midnight and we have practice in the morning?..." Nishinoya grabbed the phone from Ryu's hand. "We need you at Hinata's house now." Daichi sounding confused but also concerned replied saying "Why? Whats going on?" *Nishinoya explained the situation* (Im not writing this again people). There was a loud thump from over the phone, and Nishinoya was pretty sure Daichi had fallen off his bed. "Im on my way I'll be there in 15 minutes. I'll bring medicine too." Daichi hung up and Nishinoya and Ryu sat on the floor for the next 15 minutes, the room silent except for Hinata's heavy breathing. Finally there was a knock on the door. Nishinoya got up, grabbed a blanket and shoved in between Natsu's door and the floor so that hopefully she wouldn't be woken up by the noise. A second later Ryu and a serious looking Daichi appeared at the top of the stairs. They walked to Hinata's room as fast as they could and Nishinoya and Ryu resumed their positions on the floor. Daichi turned to them so fast that it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash. "I'm going to wake him up." Daichi whispered. Nishinoya and Ryu both looked at him like he was crazy. Daichi started talking again. "I cant treat whatever this is without knowing anything. Besides if he wakes up in the middle it could be dangerous." Nishinoya sighed. Daichi was right. Daichi began to gently push on and shake Hinata's shoulders. 

Daichi's POV

Hinata's eyelids fluttered open and almost immediately filled with fear and panic. "W-what are y-you guys d-doing here?" Hinata seemed to notice the bandages that wrapped around almost his entire torso. Tears filled his brown eyes and they streamed down his face in torrents. Daichi reached out to touch Hinata's shoulders, but the ginger flinched away, quietly screaming from the sudden movement. Daichi spoke in a gentle but firm voice, "Hinata we aren't going to hurt you or tell anyone. We just need you to explain whats going on." Hinata tensed up, tears still flowing down his face. "I can't..." Hinata choked out. "Why not?" asked Nishinoya. "It could get all of you killed..." Hinata whispered, trailing off at the end. This time Tanaka spoke up. "Hinata your our teammate. If something is wrong with you then it automatically makes it our business. I mean what kind of Senpais would we be if we couldn't protect our sunshine!" Hinata laughed sarcastically a little at being called "our sunshine". Hinata looked like he was internally arguing with himself. Daichi spoke again saying, "Hinata. Nothing you could tell us three would change how we think of you in any way. We are here for you no matter what." Hinata laughed a little again. "I bet I could prove you wrong..." he whispered. "Try me." Daichi said sternly. That seemed to calm Hinata down a bit, and he let Nishinoya wipe the tears off of his face. "If I tell you, it puts you in danger, to be honest its already dangerous for you considering what you've seen. And there is no going back from here." Hinata warned. A shiver ran down Daichi's spine and he was dead sure Hinata was telling the truth. However, all three of them nodded. Hinata inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. When they opened Daichi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka flinched. Hinata's eyes were full of fire and determination, but also filled to the brim with sadness. Hinata took another deep breath and said, "When I was 13 I was forced to do something that no teenager should ever have to do. Up until now I have kept doing it... It gives me nightmares, and panic attacks, and endless amounts of guilt. I have single handedly destroyed hundreds of lives." All of a sudden it clicked in Daichi's brain. Hinata acting strange, his sudden outburst, his reaction to hearing about Yamaguchi's brother, his sudden panic attack, the weapons, it all made sense. Hinata looked them all dead in the eye and said.

"Hi. Im the orange demon."


So fun fact of the chapter you cant actually read this chapter in my notebook, because I wrote the entire thing after finishing Tower of Nero and I cried for about three hours. It was worth it the book was amazing. All my ships are sailing. I hope all of you had an amazing Halloween. I for one stole all my sisters candy. This chapter is really long but it is actually half of what I had written for it. Election day tomorrow go vote people. ALSO THIS STORY HIT 500 READS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS. New update either really late this week or early next week school and home stuff are driving me crazy and I need to focus on it. TBH I should be doing AP worlds test corrections but here we are. Please comment they are fun to read. Sorry for the false update on Saturday, I clicked the publish button accidentally. ALL OF YOU HAVE AN AMAZIN DAYYYYYY 


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