Chapter 13- Arc

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OH MY GOD THIS STORY HIT 100 READS YESTERDAY AND I AM SO HAPPYYYY. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME.Also side note as of right now this is at 104 views soooo,,,,,,, THERES 104 DAYS OF SUMMER VACATION AND SCHOOL COMES ALONG JUST TO END ITTTT~ 2000's kids anyone? Okay Im just rambling at this point what am I doing with my life. I just finished a shit-load of engineering homework so I am currently malfunctioning. ONWARDS MY GOOD SIR/LADY/COMRADE

*Trigger Warning this chapter has descriptions of a panic attack so don't read it if that makes you uncomfortable*

Nishinoya POV

For the first time in a long time Nishinoya was actually scared. Volleyball tournaments were nothing compared to this. As they sped through the streets of Miyagi, Nishinoya tried to calm Hinata down, but it didn't sound like it was working. 20 minutes later Saeko let them out of the car and the two boys sprinted towards the front door. Ryu tested the door, and found it unlocked. They pushed the door open almost frantically, and ran through the hallway trying to find Hinata. They found him sitting on the floor leaning against a kitchen cabinet. Hinata was shaking, and it sounded like he was hyperventilating. Nishinoya grabbed Hinata's shoulders and looked into his eyes. They looked foggy and unfocused. Nishinoya spoke into Hinata's ear. "Shoyo I need you to breathe for me. In and out." At that moment a small girl with flaming orange hair came through the door smiling. (Fun fact I have a 6 year old sister with red hair so whenever I see Natsu I think of her.) "Shoyo! You got home so early tonight!!!!" When her eyes saw her brother (Nishinoya assumed it was her brother) the smile fell off her face and she muttered a curse no kid her age should ever say. She walked quickly over to where Nishinoya was and pushed his hands off of Shoyo's shoulders. When Nishinoya glared at her she glared right back at him and said "Stop touching him like that, cant you see your just scaring him more?" She turned back to her brother and muttered "Damn idiot..." Ryu grabbed Nishinoya's wrist to keep him from attacking the small girl, reminding him that it was NOT the time for this right now. Nishinoya turned back around when the girl started talking. "Shoyo, its Natsu, everything is okay we are both safe." She lifted one of his hands and put it in her fluffy orange hair. She kept repeating what she said before, and began to flick his other wrist in a rhythm that sounded scarily like the Date Tech fight cheer. (I actually did this it is possible to flick your wrist to that rhythm.) After a few moments of this it seemed like Shoyo could breathe again. After a few more minutes, Shoyo's eyes began to clear, and he pulled the girl into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a long time, and at some point the girl fell asleep. Shoyo finally looked up and saw Nishinoya and Ryu. He flinched so hard that he banged his head on the countertop. After cradling his head for a couple seconds he looked back to his teammates. Then Shoyo started asking questions really quickly. "Whats going on? Why are you guys here, I remember falling and not much else...? Why is Natsu sleeping on me? How did you guys even get into the house?" Ryu put both of his hands on Hinata's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Hinata we can answer your questions, but you need to calm down first." When Nishinoya judged that Hinata had adequately calmed down he started to answer questions. "About 45 minutes ago you called me and it sounded like you were having a panic attack, and I was at Ryu's house so Saeko drove us over here. When we got here the front door was already unlocked, was somebody here before us?" For a split second Hinata's expression turned to pure terror, but it quickly changed back and he quickly shook his head. Nishinoya could easily tell he was lying. "As for the reason Natsu was her name right?" Hinata nodded. "A little bit after we got here she came down the stairs. She was the one who calmed you down." Shoyo muttered something that sounded like "So the door really does wake her up..." Nishinoya shook off the statement and realized they were all still sitting on the floor. He extended hands to Shoyo and Ryu and they all pulled eachother up, Shoyo stumbling forwards a bit and hissing for some reason. Shoyo looked down and spoke in a low voice. "I know its late and its a Monday, but could you guys maybe stay the night?...I really don't want to be alone right now..." Nishinoya glanced to Ryu and they exchanged a look. Their faces split into ridiculous grins. They said somewhat quietly, "We will stay because..." Shoyo still looked worried. Nishinoya and Ryu struck ridiculous poses. "BECUSE WE ARE YOUR SENPAIS~"


So I actually thought this was the longest chapter but according to word count it isn't! I wrote it over the course of like three days and it finally caught up to my notebook. Time for more 1 AM writing! Rest in peace my sleep schedule.  Jk its already nonexistent, thanks high school! I just went and re-read the A/N and it sounds like Im high. I also want to apologize for not putting a panic attack trigger warning at the top of the last chapter, I just went back and fixed it, Ill try to be better about that in the future. Anyways... HAVE A GREAT DAY DONT GET THE CORONAS WEAR A MASK AND SPEAK OUT ON STUFF.

- Jilli-Bean

The Assassins GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora