Chapter 28- Sneaky Stars

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(The chapter is called this by request of @SaRaH_397) Just in future I might change up the names. Or it is entirely possible this is a one time thing idk. 

Line was scared. Like really scared. Tsukki had let her have Daichi's room to herself, probably noticing how scared she looked. As soon as she had shut the door she had broken down crying, the reality of what she had agreed to setting in. She was quite literally trading her entire life for two people, one of which she had never actually met. She was eleven for gods sake! She had never even been on a date before! But deep down Line knew it was the right thing to do. Besides, she was a serial killer! Maybe this was the universes way of making her pay for what she had done. But that still didn't make it any less scary. Line lay on the bed arm over her eyes that were still stubbornly leaking. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. It opened a crack and as she lifted her arm Line saw the tips of light blue hair. Kiri. She waved her arm and gestured for him to come in as she sat up. She looked into his eyes and saw that he too had been crying. Tada had been covering her eyes, but Line was 99% sure she had missed something between Kiri and Kai. Out of nowhere Kiri whispered "Grab your jacket. We're going out" Line looked at him shocked. "What?!" she whisper yelled. "From the look of your face, Im guessing its set in for you that we are probably going to die tomorrow" She glared at him the best she could, which to be honest wasn't that scary. "So we are going to have one last night together. We can do whatever we want. Personally I want ice cream and hot chocolate." Line wasn't sure. "If we get caught we could get all our friends plus the two hostages killed!" she said exasperated. Kiri looked at her with those electric blue eyes. Line sighed. "Fine. Let me grab my jacket" she told him. He stood there smiling as Line grabbed her jacket. Silently, the two slipped out of Tsukki's bedroom leaving all of their worries behind them.

Line loved the feeling of the wind rushing through her long dark hair. She and Kiri had stopped on a bench a while back and given each other makeovers. Now they looked like entirely different people. That probably wasn't even necessary, because it was about 3 in the morning. Never the less Line and Kiri were making the most of it. In the past 30 minutes Line and Kiri had gotten hot chocolate, drunk it, and were now racing up the mountain to see who could get to the top first. Panting Line saw the top come into view, and smiled when she reached it a millisecond before Kiri did. "GOD FUCKING DAMN" Kiri yelled in defeat. Line giggled in triumph. Before she could blink Kiri had judo flipped her onto her back so she was looking at the sky. He laid down next to her and they just looked up. Above them were millions upon millions of stars. 

"Woah..." Line breathed out. "I come up here a lot" Kiri said. "Whenever I see that many stars it makes me feel like I'm small and insignificant." Line looked at him quizzically. Noticing her face Kiri laughed a little bit. "But it also makes me feel like Im part of something bigger" He grinned at her. "Ya know?" Line kind of got it. "There are billions of stars in the sky. And all around the world people were looking at the same sky. Far apart from each other, but still in a way linked." Kiri stared at her in surprise. "Line thats philosophical as fuck." She giggled. Line remembered something her brothers had taught her a few years back. She nudged Kiri and pointed at a group of stars. "Kiri look. See those stars? If you connect them..." she drew the lines with her finger. "They make twins... Gemini." Line watched in amusement as Kiri tried to connect the dots. A look of satisfaction came over his face. "I see it. I see the potato" he announced. Line giggled. "They're supposed to be people idiot!" Kiri smirked. "Well I see the all mighty were potato. Scourge of the grocery stores, and stealer of bananas." Almost every word resulted in Line being poked in the stomach. By the end she was roaring with laughter. 

After she calmed down she said "Hey Kiri?..." She got a hm in reply. "If we do make it out of tomorrow alive, what are you going to do?" There was silence. "I don't know" Kiri confessed. Line sat up and cocked her head to the side. "I guess you wouldn't really understand, being so new and all," Line pouted. "But I've been an agent since I was ten years old. Thats three years of this hell. I guess what Im trying to say here is," Line finished the sentence. "You don't remember what 'normal' is..." Kiri sat up and nodded sadly. Line gave him a small smile. "Then we'll just have to make a new one. A normal where we can just be ourselves." Kiri smiled softly. "A normal where we can be with everyone else." Line nudged his shoulder playfully. "One where you can be with Kai ALL the time." Kiri grinned widely before his face turned to confusion. "Wait I thought Tada covered your eyes, and we were whispering?..." Line smirked at him. "I may be 11 but I'm not stupid enough to not figure that out!" Kiri laughed at her. "I swear Line you are the most annoying yet adorable sister I could ever have." Line smiled when he called her a sister. "And you are the most dirty mouthed yet so incredibly soft big brother ever" Kiri scowled at her description but smirked AGAIN. Someday his face was going to get stuck like that. "I am so telling the others you said that" Line froze. "You wouldn't dare" she said dangerously. Kiri responded tilting his head after every word. "Yes. I. Would" Seeming to sense her intentions he bolted to his feet right before Line tried to tackle him. She managed to grab Kiri's ankles causing them to tumble head over heels down part of the mountain. They finally rolled to a stop with Line laying on top of Kiri. She scrambled off of him, blushing madly. After they made sure that neither of them were physically harmed, they began to walk the remainder of the way down the mountain.

As they walked through the city Line tried to take in all the little details of the city. After all this might be the last time she saw it like this. It was almost completely silent with the exception of some random clangs coming from alleyways. Probably just cats. Line squeezed Kiri's hand and he stopped suddenly, causing them to collide. "Hey-" Kiri's hand clamped over her mouth. He pointed at something in the distance. Line squinted to try and make it out. Her eyes focused on a small group of people who were walking across the street, hoods up. Line saw a gray jacket, a blue one, and a purple one. Specifically Kuni, Mizu, and Nagi. Line knew these three worked together fairly often, and trusted each other without hesitation. Line was brought out of her thoughts when the three figures stopped and faced her and Kiri. Line and Kiri brought out knives instinctually. Kuni, Mizu, and Nagi did the same. "Hi?..." Line tried awkwardly. The trio relaxed a little bit when they heard her voice before pulling down their hoods. "Kiri pull your hood off" Line whispered. He gave her a hesitant look but after a second pulled his hood down revealing his blue hair. "It's really you guys..." Mizu said quietly. Line nodded and before she knew it she and Kiri were trapped in a hug from three directions. "We had no idea what happened to you guys, for all we knew you were dead!" Kuni exclaimed. Line chuckled. "It's not that easy to get rid of us" she teased. "Are the others okay too?" Mizu questioned. "They're fine at the moment, they are in a safe spot" Kiri answered. "But you guys are coming back soon...right?" Kiri and Line fell silent. "We can't come back, not like you are thinking..." she whispered. "Wait" Nagi cut in. "What do you mean 'not like we are thinking', how are you guys coming back?" Kiri explained the situation to them while Line looked at the ground. When the story was finished Line was hugged so hard that she was pretty sure she had a few broken ribs. "Cant...breathe" she got out. When Line was released she looked into teary eyes. But Line was done crying. "What's going to happen will happen, and there is absolutely NO point in crying over it." Everyone looked at her in surprise. "We need to go." Line told them before dragging Kiri with her. The other three agents were left crying in the middle of the street. 


So few things about this chapter. One I was super sleep deprived when I wrote it, so apologies if its written weirdly. Second of all, the were potato thing is actually a story that my sister and her friend made up. They say it in this weird voice and to be honest its amazing. Maybe I'll transcribe it someday for you guys. Third of all, we are nearing the end of the story, maybe 5 or so more chapters. However, I already have a prequel planned that will start as soon as this one ends. Plus theres my other story thats still ongoing. Fuck I just broke a nail- typing is so much harder now. Finally I just want to say thank you for all of you who support this book. Its my coping method for dealing with my crazy thoughts, and it means a lot to me that people like it. Im getting all sappy now- 


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