Chapter 3- Line up Check

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A/N Im sorry if this chapter isn't the best, I just did five hours of homework so im kind of brain dead. 

Hinata's POV

Hinata's head hurt. He heard voices around him; loud voices. Hinata slowly opened his eyes, and

 was blinded by the lights, making him shut them almost immediately. Hinata tried to move into

 a sitting position, but was pushed back down by an unknown pair of hands. He heard a voice he 

recognized as Coach Ukai. "Lay back down Hinata." Hinata squinted at the room around him and

 saw Suga, Daichi, and Coach Ukai (Crow Parents) kneeling next to him, with the rest of the team

 standing in a semi- circle nearby. Coach Ukai spoke again. " Hinata whats your first name and 

how old are you." "Too loud..." Hinata murmured. Ukai turned to Suga and Daichi and whispered

 something Hinata couldn't make out. If possible, their eyes got even wider. Ukai turned back to 

Hinata who was still on the floor. "Hinata I'm pretty sure you have a concussion. We are going to 

pick you up and take you to the nurses office." That freaked Hinata out. If he had a concussion, 

then how would he carry out assassinations? How would he take care of Natsu? Volleyball too. 

Volleyball was pretty much the only thing keeping him sane, from the horrors of the rest of his 

life. Hinata had to get out of here. Hinata had to get home before people started digging into 

him. And the only way to do that was to get out of this gym. Hinata painfully pushed himself into

 a crouching position, and then to a standing one. The protests started again, but this time they 

were louder. Hinata's head felt like it was being split in half from all the yelling. He began to walk

 towards the doors, but a firm pair of hands on his shoulders pulled him back.  All the while the 

shouts and protests got louder.. louder... louder. And then it happened. Hinata snapped. "ALL OF 

YOU SHUT THE HELL UP" The gym went silent. Nobody had ever seen sunshiny, happy Hinata 

explode like that, much less curse. Hinata roughly pushed the hands off his shoulders. He 

walked forward a few steps and then stopped and spoke. "Im fine." He put so much venom into 

those two words that he could feel his entire teams fear coming off in waves. And with that, 

Hinata walked through the door and slammed it behind him.


As Hinata slammed the door, the volleyball team stood there in shock of what had just 

happened. They stood there in silence for a while. Finally, Daichi spoke. "Guys" he said in a 

scared voice. "I think theres something going on with Hinata"


Hello Peoples! Again, there was a reason for this scene to be so drawn out as you now have seen Hinata snap. This scene will probably be one of the most important in the entire story. I finished designing Hinata's Assassin outfit, so that will be posted soon. I quite like it actually. Still need an assassin alias for him though. So if you have any ideas pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeee comment them. I can't stress this enough through a computer. If nobody suggests anything I have to come up with something, and since it's me, it will probably be something really dumb. Btw I think this was the longest chapter so far. Next chapter things will really start moving as karasuno is suspicious. Till then, hope you have a great day :)           


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