Chapter 8- Receive

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A/N: I realized today that when you read this the formatting is weird and chunky. Im actively trying to fix that, so please bear with me. This is the formatting Im using right now until I can fix it. Sorry if it's difficult to read or anything. Also I kind of hate this chapter, I re-wrote it multiple times, just know that it's important.

Sugawara POV

* The next morning at about 5 AM*

Suga woke up to the buzzing of his alarm. Oh how he hated that sound. Still mostly asleep, Suga rolled out of bed and dragged himself to the bathroom, where he took a quick shower. After getting dressed Suga walked downstairs and began to make breakfast. While in the process of making pancakes, he got bored and turned on the news. What Suga saw made him drop the spatula. The new anchor was talking about a murder that had happened last night. While that was scary in itself, the picture of the victim showed a man that looked almost identical to Yamaguchi. Suga lunged for his phone and dialed Yamaguchi's number as fast as he possibly could. He anxiously paced back and forth as the phone rang. After 4 rings, Yamaguchi picked up. "Hello?" Yamaguchi's voice sounded raspy as if he had been crying. "Yamaguchi are you okay? There was someone on the news that looked like you?..." Suga tried to stay calm but he knew he sounded worried. "Yeah..." Yamaguchi trailed off for a moment but then continued. "That- that was my older brother." Suga suddenly made up his mind. "Yamaguchi whats your address I'm coming over" Yamaguchi replied sounding shocked. "But Suga what about school you can't just-" Suga cut him off. "Yams you are more important. I'll text Daichi and Asahi if I need to, but Im coming over so whats your address." Yamaguchi gave it to him, and before hanging up said "I'll be there in 20 see you then. And with that Suga grabbed his backpack and set off to Yamaguchi's house.

*Timeskip to Yamaguchi's house*

After knocking on Yamaguchi's door, it was opened to reveal an exhausted looking Tsukishima. The taller boy said "Come on in." As the two walked down the hallway to where Yamaguchi was Suga gently touched Tsukishima's shoulder. They stopped, and Suga asked him "How long have you been here?" "Unimportant" Tsukishima answered. Suga gave him the "mother look" as it had been dubbed by the rest of the team. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and said "Since 3 AM" The mother look. It worked every time. They continued walking until Suga saw Yamaguchi sitting on the couch. Suga walked over and lightly touched Yamaguchi's shoulder. The small boy jumped but when he realized it was Suga calmed down. Suga sat down next to Yamaguchi and asked him "How are you feeling." Yamaguchi laughed quietly. "To be honest? I don't really know. I don't think it's really set in yet that he's- that he's gone. Right now I just feel really tired." Suga nodded and rubbed small circles into Yamaguchi's back. "Theres something I want you to do." Suga told him. Yams looked confused while Suga kept talking. "I want you shut your eyes while I count to sixty. You know what Tsukishima I want you to come sit down and do it to." Tsukishima looked equally confused but sat close to Yamaguchi. The two did as Suga said and shut their eyes as he started counting. "1...2...3.....4.....5.....6...7...8" Suga looked down at the boys and smiled as he saw that they had fallen asleep. Just according to plan. Yamaguchi was leaning into Tsukishima, and Tsukishima cuddled into Yamaguchi with his head on the smaller boys shoulder. It was freaking adorable. Suga tracked down a blanket and threw it over the two sleeping boys. 

Satisfied, he walked into the dining room and checked his phone. 12 texts and 6 missed calls collectively from Daichi and Asahi. Suga remembered that Daichi kept his phone in the gym with him in case of emergency. Suga called him and waited for him to pick up. After a few moments, Daichi picked up. "Suga where are you? Also have you heard from Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, or Hinata?" Daichi inquired. Suga reminded him that Hinata was concussed and wasn't supposed to be looking at his phone. Suga explained the rest of the situation to him. "So I'm at Yamaguchi's with the two of them right now, they are both sleeping." Suga finished. "Poor Yamaguchi..." Daichi murmured. "Could you tell the rest of the team whats going on?" Suga asked. "Of course" Daichi replied. In the background someone yelled "DAICHI" (Suga was pretty sure it was Nishinoya) " Sorry Suga I've got to go, I'll tell everyone what you said." "Ok I'll talk to you later" Suga said, before hanging up. Suga set his phone down before heading back to the living room. Suga turned on the TV once more with the volume down, so as not to wake up Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. The murder story was still on. The reporter was talking about how one of the victims friend had been sent a picture of the murderer. The picture showed a person wearing all black wearing black clothes and dark red gloves holding a wicked looking knife. The person had a hood up, but you could see the tips of orange hair peeking out. The reporter continued saying, "This man is currently being called the Ginger Demon. If you see him, then call the police immediately, and do not approach him, as he is most likely armed. And with that, we have an interview from someone named (y,v) about the pros and cons of drinking only carrot juice.." Suga shut off the TV and relaxed. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi likely wouldn't be waking up for a few more hours. He was filled with rage for the man who had killed Yamaguchi's brother. 'Watch out Ginger Demon' Suga thought. 'When I figure out who you are I'm going to tear you limb from limb.'


I wrote this chapter over the span of an hour so apologies for any spelling mistakes. This chapter is also really long, because I planned the next chapter to be really important. I have a three day weekend for school, and Im going somewhere so not sure when that chapter will be out. Next chapter will also be back to Hinata's POV. I really like having Suga's mother perspective on things so thats why you get so much of him. Anyway, hope you have a great day! Stay safe!!!


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